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Three nominations pre-selected for UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize
Three out of 23 nominations received from Member States for the second UNESCO /Jikji Memory of the World Prize were preliminarily selected by the Bureau of the Memory of the World Programme during its meeting at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 19 to 20 March 2007.


Three nominations pre-selected for UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize

27-03-2007 (Paris)
Three nominations pre-selected for UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize
Digital Jikji
© Bibliothèque nationale de France
Three out of 23 nominations received from Member States for the second UNESCO /Jikji Memory of the World Prize were preliminarily selected by the Bureau of the Memory of the World Programme during its meeting at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 19 to 20 March 2007.

The list includes the following institutions:
  • Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the oldest sound archive of the world, which made substantial contribution to the advancement of audio and video preservation;

  • French Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA), which safeguards and digitizes programmes in danger of disappearing and participates in international projects on preservation of, and access to, audiovisual heritage; and

  • National Library of Malaysia, which preserved and made accessible valuable treasures.
In the preliminary screening, the Memory of the World Bureau considered the following factors: the significance of the work already performed in the area of preservation of, and access to, documentary heritage that is outside of the institution’s regular functions, long term preservation strategy and sustainability. The Bureau also noted that out of 23 nominations, 8 were incomplete and 18 were complete, and 5 were for individuals and 18 for organizations.

The short-listed candidates will be further considered in June this year in Pretoria, South Africa, by the members of the International Advisory Committee of the Memory of the World Programme, who sit as the Jury of the Prize. On the recommendation of the Committee, the Director-General of UNESCO shall designate the prize winner who receives a sum of $ 30,000.

The Bureau also congratulated the Czech National Library for their report on the way they had used the grant for 2005 UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize.

The UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize is given biennially to individuals or organizations who have made significant contribution to the preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage. Awarding of the prize shall be done at an official ceremony to be held either in Paris or in the Republic of Korea South Korea at the occasion of the Jikji Day.

The Prize was set-up to commemorate the inscription of the Buljo jikji simche yojeol, the oldest known book of movable metal print in the world, in the Memory of the World Register.

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