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Creative Content: Radio, TV, New Media
Despite the fact that the media are the strongest tools of modern societies for cultural expression and transmission, powerful, commercial-oriented conglomerates that account for the majority of productions seen by audiences worldwide more and more dominate the audio-visual industry.


Creative Content: Radio, TV, New Media
Audiovisual equipment training

Despite the fact that the media are the strongest tools of modern societies for cultural expression and transmission, powerful, commercial-oriented conglomerates that account for the majority of productions seen by audiences worldwide more and more dominate the audio-visual industry.
UNESCO’s action in recent years has focused on improving the endogenous production and distribution of quality audio-visual programmes in developing countries and the promotion of concepts such as public service broadcasting and the educational and cultural dimensions of audio-visual media.

UNESCO aims at fostering international debate and reflection on the impact of globalisation on media products but also at exploring, in very practical ways, existing and new mechanisms to develop cultural diversity in the information society, proposing fresh ways of co-operation among governments, artists, industry leaders, broadcasters, decision makers and citizens.
  • 12-04-2010 (Quito) 
    Rescuing stories of indigenous peoples through audiovisual media
  • 13-08-2009 (Paris) 
    UNESCO supports Independent Producers Forum in East Africa
  • 12-08-2009 (Paris) 
    UNESCO Audiovisual E-Platform renewed
  • 29-12-2008 (Addis Ababa) 
    Ethiopian filmmakers address the development challenge
  • 24-11-2008 (Moscow) 
    Young journalists discussed culture of tolerance at media forum in Saint-Petersburg
  • 17-11-2008 (Paris) 
    Iranian film wins UNESCO APSA Award
  • 04-11-2008 (Paris) 
    Sudanese photography: A picture is worth a thousand words
  • Alton Grizzle
    Programme Specialist
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