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UNESCO hosts Asia-Pacific and Europe Media Dialogue
Top broadcasters from Asia-Pacific and Europe will meet from 11 to 13 September at UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters in Paris, France, to discuss joint approaches to media issues such as cultural diversity and conflict resolution, digital opportunities for radio and television and mechanisms to improve media governance, credibility and accountability.

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UNESCO hosts Asia-Pacific and Europe Media Dialogue

28-08-2006 (Paris)
UNESCO hosts Asia-Pacific and Europe Media Dialogue
Top broadcasters from Asia-Pacific and Europe will meet from 11 to 13 September at UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters in Paris, France, to discuss joint approaches to media issues such as cultural diversity and conflict resolution, digital opportunities for radio and television and mechanisms to improve media governance, credibility and accountability.
The Asia-Pacific-Europe Media Dialogue, a first event of this kind, will explore the issues facing broadcasters in the third millennium, as satellites and the internet blur borders and pose new challenges in a globalizing world.

The conference is organized by the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development and European Broadcasting Union, hosted by UNESCO and supported by Canal France International, France Televisions, RFI and TV5 Monde. About 280 delegates from more than 45 countries are expected to participate in the three-day conference.

This media dialogue is more than a gathering of top broadcasters from Asia-Pacific and Europe and expected to achieve more than expanding the network across the two continents. The dialogue will also serve as an opportunity to identify creative approaches to further build bridges between Asia and Europe.

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          · Liberté d'expression : Archives des actualités de 2006
          · Développement des médias : Archives des actualités de 2006

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