About the ISSJ International, interdisciplinary and policy-relevant social science
Each issue addresses a theme. Articles specially commissioned by the Editorial Office are complemented by a selection of responses to an open call for papers. In commissioning, evaluation, and selection, the Editorial Office works closely with an external Editorial Adviser. Proposals for thematic issues from prospective Editorial Advisers are welcome.
Calls for papers may also occasionally be made for specific thematic sections or to encourage on-going debate.
The English language edition also carries the Newsletter of the International Social Science Council as a lift-out supplement.
Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome for the sections Open Forum (any topic within the domain of the journal), Continuing Debate (following earlier thematic discussions), or The Social Science Sphere (professional questions of the social sciences). Authors considering submission should bear in mind the profile of the journal and refer to the Guide for Authors. All submissions to the Open Forum and Continuing Debate sections are refereed.