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Philosophical Dialogue

  Regional philosophical dialogue gains widespread interest   Regional philosophical dialogue gains widespread interest
15-05-2009 (UNESCO) - Philosophical dialogue was highlighted during May by the organization of regional meetings in Asia and the Arab region co-organized with UNESCO.  More...


    "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person" - Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
12-01-2009 (SHS e-News 34 / January 2009) - Committed to building peace through the implementation of activities that promote, inter alia, human rights and taking into account the results of research in social sciences for the benefit of public policies for economic, social and cultural development, the entire Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO hopes that the values held by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be reaffirmed everywhere throughout this new year.  More...


  Publication on UNESCO’s Inter-Regional Philosophical Dialogues: <i>“Democracy and Social Justice in Asia and the Arab World”</i>   Publication on UNESCO’s Inter-Regional Philosophical Dialogues: “Democracy and Social Justice in Asia and the Arab World”
27-03-2007 () - The publication, which came out in 2006, gathers selected texts presented at the eponymous conference that took place in November 2005 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in co-organization by UNESCO, the Global Academy for Neo-Renaissance at Kyung Hee University and the Korean National Commission for UNESCO.  More...


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UNESCO Chairs in Philosophy