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National Commissions for UNESCO

Report of the Open-ended Tripartite Working Group

In focus

In focus
  • Second meeting of the open-ended tripartite working group(21-22 February 2013 - UNESCO Headquarters, Paris)

In order to advance in its deliberation and finalize the Action Plan on the follow-up to the IOS review, the open-ended tripartite working group met for the second time on 21 and 22 February 2013 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The meeting was co-chaired by H.E. Mohamed Sameh Amr, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Arab Republic of Egypt to UNESCO and Neil Walter, Chairman of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO. Mr Juan Antonio Fernandez Palacios, President of the Cuban National Commission for UNESCO and Cuba’s Representative to the Executive Board, was nominated as the Rapporteur. 180 participants from 110 countries, including 45 National Commissions and 95 Permanent Delegations, as well as members of the Secretariat, reviewed and adopted 14 findings and recommendations with detailed responsibilities and clear time-lines for its implementation. These group’s findings and recommendations are included in the below Draft Action Plan for consideration by the Executive Board at its 191st session.

Ø   Report (including the Draft Action Plan) of the Open-ended Tripartite Working Group 

Ø  Document 190 EX/37 and Addendum as well as the 190 EX/Decision 37

Ø  2nd meeting of the open-ended tripartite working group for the follow-up of the review of the cooperation of UNESCO’s Secretariat with National Commissions for UNESCO

21-22 February 2013 - UNESCO Headquarters (Paris)

·        Invitation – 2nd meeting

·        Agenda of the Second Meeting

·        List of participants

·        Message from the co-Chairs of the open-ended Tripartite Working Group 

·        Draft Discussion Paper of the Open-ended Tripartite Working Group

Ø  Open-Ended Tripartite Working Group's e-Forum

Launched on 3rd December 2012

Ø  Initial meeting of the open-ended tripartite working group for the follow-up of the review of the cooperation of UNESCO’s Secretariat with National Commissions for UNESCO

19 October 2012 - UNESCO Headquarters (Paris)

·        Final Agenda

·        Summary

·        List of participants



  • 04-03-2013
Latest appointment of Presidents and Secretaries-General of National Commissions for UNESCO
Pages de 190 EX 37 small.jpg
  • 02-03-2013
Remit and terms of reference of the open-ended tripartite working group for the review of the cooperation of UNESCO's secretariat with national commissions for UNESCO
photo Publication Rapport IOS final.jpg
  • 30-01-2012
Final report on the review of the cooperation of the Secretariat with National Commissions

Session d’information pour les membres du Gouvernement du Honduras
  • 07-02-2013 to 
  • 07-02-2013
IMG-20120614-00073 small APA.jpg
DG's Consultation with ASPAC Member States and National Commissions on the preparation of the 37 C/4 and the 37 C/5 (16-18 June 2012 - Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam)
Lam Kinh Hotel in Thanh Hoa
  • 16-06-2012 to 
  • 19-06-2012
Meeting of National Commissions during the 189th session of the Executive Board
  • 01-03-2012 to 
  • 01-03-2012
Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific