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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Empowering young people to strengthen sexuality education in Ethiopia

    This case study explores how the Talent Youth Association, supported by Link Up, promotes the integration of comprehensive sexuality education in school curricula in Ethiopia in order to enable young people to understand and claim their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

  2. Included involved inspired. A framework for youth peer education programmes

    The Framework contains the following ten sections: 1. Planning a peer education programme. 2. Selecting programme managers/coordinators. 3. Getting young people involved as peer educators. 4. Training of peer educators. 5. Implementing peer education programmes. 6. Developing Content of peer education. 7. Providing Materials and condoms. 8. Supporting peer educators – how to keep them motivated. 9. Building linkages with services. 10. …

  3. Respecting, protecting, and fulfilling our sexual and reproductive health and rights. A toolkit for young leaders

    The purpose of this toolkit is to provide you with information and guidance in order to become a impactful, expert young leader for SRHR. Whether you have been involved in the field of SRHR for years or are brand new, this toolkit highlights important aspects of SRHR and provides numerous additional resources to build your knowledge and capacity to take action. Divided into four major sections, each builds upon the previous: Section 1: Appreciating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. …

  4. Adolescent and youth situation analysis Lao People’s Democratic Republic: "Investing in young people is investing in the future"

    This AYSA report focuses on young people aged 10-24 years. It was carried out in order to better understand the lives of young people in Lao PDR and the factors that are affecting them, both positively and negatively, with the aim of identifying priority areas for action that would improve their lives and contribute to the social and economic development of the country, now and in the future.

  5. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para padres, madres y representantes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 3

    El Ministerio de Educación, rector de la política educativa, consciente de la importancia que se debe ofrecer a la Educación Preventiva Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Alcohol, Tabaco y otras Drogas, propone material pedagógico para abordar el fenómeno social de las drogas en el Sistema Nacional de Educación. …

  6. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para estudiantes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 2

    El Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC) entrega a ustedes estudiantes de 1ero y 2do de bachillerato este material, el cual tiene como objetivo invitarles a conocer, analizar y reflexionar sobre el el fenómeno social de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. Con este material se propende llegar al desarrollo de sus habilidades sociales y capacidades para llegar a la toma de decisiones conscientes e informadas. En el mundo se analizan nuevas formas de enfrentar fenómenos sociales como el de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. …

  7. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para docentes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 1

    El Acuerdo Ministerial N° 0444-12 describe los lineamientos y pautas para la implementación del Programa de Participación Estudiantil en las instituciones educativas del país. En el artículo 3, se plantean las opciones del programa y una de estas es Prevención Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Drogas. Esta opción considera la prevención como un proceso integral que se centra en el ser humano. …

  8. Existing strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention in Bulgaria, Latvia, Sierra Leone, Slovenia and Uganda: report

    The ultimate aim of this report is to research the situation in the partner countries in the frame of “Youth e-collaboration in HIV/AIDS prevention”, namely Bulgaria, Latvia, Sierra Leone, Slovenia and Uganda, as regards the topic of HIV/AIDS prevention. The report’s main focus is the existing strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention in the above mentioned countries. The report combines: 1. Findings from implemented survey within youth workers, youth leaders and young trainers working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people. 2. …

  9. Our time to be heard: stories giving voice to young people and their experience of HIV

    This publication is a collection of stories about young people living with HIV written by citizen journalists from the Key Correspondents network. The authors hope that they bring the experiences, thoughts and reflections of young people to the growing global debates on adolescent health and HIV. Key Correspondents is a network of citizen journalists around the world writing on HIV, health and human rights, helping get the voices of those most affected into global debates.

  10. Emerging evidence, lessons and practice in comprehensive sexuality education: a global review

    This publication provides a global review of the current status of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) implementation and coverage.

  11. The evaluation of comprehensive sexuality education programmes: A focus on the gender and empowerment outcomes

    This report is the outcome of The Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Evaluation Expert Meeting that brought together partners, practitioners, researchers and advocates from around the world to discuss the state of the art of monitoring and evaluation for CSE programmes. …

  12. HIV/AIDS prevention good practice: strategies for public higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa: a report

    This study was undertaken to identify the HIV prevention programmes and practices that have been implemented at HEIs and the extent to which they cohere with good practice as described in the literature. The research team began by identifying “international and local good practice with regards to HIV/AIDS prevention”. …

  13. Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parent strategy

    In response to the recommendations from the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee’s Inquiry into Teenage Pregnancy in 2013, the Scottish Government committed to producing a Teenage Pregnancy and Young Parents Strategy. …

  14. Twenty years after International Conference on Population and Development: Where are we with adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights?

    The International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994 laid out a bold, clear, and comprehensive definition of reproductive health and called for nations to meet the educational and service needs of adolescents to enable them to deal in a positive and responsible way with their sexuality. …

  15. Youth data collection in DHS surveys: An overview

    International development assistance programs are placing an increasing emphasis on youth. As a result, there is growing demand for information about youth for planning, monitoring, and assessing youth initiatives. This paper reviews the contribution that The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is currently making to address the data needs of youth programs. The paper then considers constraints and challenges as well as potential opportunities within The DHS Program for responding to the expanding demand for data on youth.


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.