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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Confronting the reality: drug policy, young people who use drugs and a need for evidence-based interventions in Nigeria

    Nigeria, situated in West Africa with a population of about 178 million people, is the most populous African Nation. Over 60 per cent of this population are young people, hence the country can be described as youthful which is a crucial resource for growth and development. Like many West African countries, the country has a long history in being a trafficking route for illicit drugs from the major producing countries such as Latin America and Asia to the thriving European and North American market. …

  2. Affective engagement with research evidence about young people’s sex education in Kenya

    Sex and relationships have a big impact on young people’s lives. For most young people in the world getting information about sexual pleasure, apart from pornography, can be difficult. And it’s even harder if you live in parts of the world where you often aren’t able to decide who to date or marry, or how many children you want to have. For this reason online information on sexuality is hugely popular. Research suggests that young people are arriving at sex education sites mostly through campaigns on social media. …

  3. ‘… a huge monster that should be feared and not done’: Lessons learned in sexuality education classes in South Africa

    Research has foregrounded the way in which heterosexual practices for many young people are not infrequently bound up with violence and unequal transactional power relations. The Life Orientation sexuality education curriculum in South African schools has been viewed as a potentially valuable space to work with young people on issues of reproductive health, gender and sexual norms and relations. …

  4. Respect my rights, respect my dignity: module three – sexual and reproductive rights are human rights

    This module on sexual and reproductive rights is the third in a series of human rights education resources for young people. It is designed to be used by and with young people and youth activists as they support their peers through individual and collective journeys of reflection, critical analysis and action. This includes having the knowledge and skills to engage in difficult conversations on a taboo subject and to stand up for sexual and reproductive rights.

  5. Rapport relatif à l’éducation à la sexualité : répondre aux attentes des jeunes, construire une société d’égalité femmes-hommes

    La sexualité et les relations intimes et affectives forment une découverte et un apprentissage qui, à tous les âges de la vie, mais plus particulièrement chez les jeunes, soulèvent de nombreuses questions et besoins. Compte-tenu des enjeux posés en matière de citoyenneté, d’égalité femmes-hommes et de santé, il est de la responsabilité des pouvoirs publics de répondre à tou.te.s les jeunes par des informations objectives, sans jugement ni stéréotype, et, lorsqu’elles ou ils en expriment le besoin, de leur apporter l’accompagnement nécessaire.

  6. Educación sexual para el desarrollo integral: ¿Qué opinamos los y las estudiantes?

    Refiere que la Educación Sexual Integral es un deber de la escuela y un derecho al que todos los y las estudiantes deben tener acceso. Los estudiantes tienen derecho a una Educación Sexual Integral pertinente,

  7. Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE). Final evaluation

    In Kenya, high poverty, insecurity, poor health outcomes, substance abuse and low levels of education make young people, especially girls, vulnerable to a variety of risks such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs), and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). …

  8. Empowering young people to strengthen sexuality education in Ethiopia

    This case study explores how the Talent Youth Association, supported by Link Up, promotes the integration of comprehensive sexuality education in school curricula in Ethiopia in order to enable young people to understand and claim their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

  9. A parent's guide to comprehensive sexuality education. 2016 calendar

    Eastern and Southern Africa have some of the highest rates of HIV prevalence among young people in the world. Now more than ever, they need accurate information and supports regarding their sexual and reproductive health. From television and radio programmes, the internet, movies and friends, young people, including your child, are being exposed to untrusted information everywhere - and it’s often inaccurate. Your child needs the right information about their sexuality so they can make informed and safe decisions about their life and future. …

  10. Сборник лучших практик профилактической работы по проблеме ВИЧ и СПИДа среди учащейся и студенческой молодежи

    Сборник лучших практик профилактической работы по проблеме ВИЧ и СПИДа среди учащейся и студенческой молодежи

  11. Understanding key terms and data related to HIV

    This handbook is a product of a collaborative effort of UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and members of the Asia-Pacific interagency task team on Young Key Populations who responded to the need for a tool to equip young people who are interested in understanding key terms and data related to HIV. It is designed as a “comic book” and can be translated and used widely in both Asia-Pacific and other regions.This handbook is for young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years old of age who are interested in HIV issues and have some basic math skills. …

  12. Included involved inspired. A framework for youth peer education programmes

    The Framework contains the following ten sections: 1. Planning a peer education programme. 2. Selecting programme managers/coordinators. 3. Getting young people involved as peer educators. 4. Training of peer educators. 5. Implementing peer education programmes. 6. Developing Content of peer education. 7. Providing Materials and condoms. 8. Supporting peer educators – how to keep them motivated. 9. Building linkages with services. 10. …

  13. Demystifying data: a guide to using evidence to improve young people's sexual health and rights

    This guide aims to help health care providers, educators and advocates in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights to better understand and use evidence on adolescents’ knowledge and behaviors. The guide provides demographic and socioeconomic information about adolescents, as well as measures of their access to, need for, and use of sexual and reproductive health information and services. …

  14. Respecting, protecting, and fulfilling our sexual and reproductive health and rights. A toolkit for young leaders

    The purpose of this toolkit is to provide you with information and guidance in order to become a impactful, expert young leader for SRHR. Whether you have been involved in the field of SRHR for years or are brand new, this toolkit highlights important aspects of SRHR and provides numerous additional resources to build your knowledge and capacity to take action. Divided into four major sections, each builds upon the previous: Section 1: Appreciating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. …

  15. Everyone's right to know: delivering comprehensive sexuality education for all young people

    This report is intended to inform advocates and decision makers about how to support the sexual reproductive rights of young people around the world. It argues that comprehensive sexuality education is critical for young people to realize their rights. This report recommends that high quality comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) should be delivered to all young people, both inside and outside schools. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.