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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Вич, СПИД как журналистика может противостоять мифу и стигматизации

    Перед вами второе издание рекомендаций для журналистов «ВИЧ и СПИД: корректное освещение в масс-медиа», переработанное, расширенное и дополненное.

  2. Being LGBT in China. A national survey on social attitudes towards sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression

    In China, due to the lack of reliable research and data on sexual and gender minorities and their interaction with broader society and the State- from laws and policies, to education, employment and general public acceptance - people find it difficult to have a comprehensive and objective understanding of the reality, and in turn are in a poor position to take rational action. …

  3. Being LGBT in Asia: Thailand country report. A participatory review and analysis of the legal and social environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons and civil society

    This report provides an overview of LGBT rights in Thailand as related broadly to laws and policies, social and cultural attitudes, and religion; and more specifically to employment and housing, education and young people, health and well-being, family and society, media and information communication technology (ICT), and the organizational capacity of LGBT organizations.

  4. Being LGBT in Asia: the Philippines country report. A participatory review and analysis of the legal and social environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons and civil society

    Being LGBT in Asia: the Philippines Country Report provides an overview of LGBT rights in the Philippines including the effects of laws, policies, culture and social attitudes, and religion, based on research, consultation and the National LGBT Community Dialogue. This overview is followed by an examination of the Philippines experience of protecting the rights of LGBT people under eight different areas: education, health, employment, family affairs, religion, community, media and politics, using the same methodology as described above. …

  5. Being LGBT in Asia: Mongolia country report. A participatory review and analysis of the legal and social environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons and civil society

    This report presents an overview of LGBT rights in Mongolia as well as background about the legal, institutional, cultural and social environment in which Mongolia’s LGBT community lives. The report also analyses the role of international human rights mechanisms in promoting the rights of LGBT persons in the country. With respect to day-to-day living, the report examines employment, education, health, family affairs and media. Finally, the report looks at the development of Mongolia’s LGBT community and the capacity of organizations working on LGBT issues.

  6. The hidden dimension: experience of self-stigma among young men who have sex with men and young transgender women and the linkages to HIV in Asia and the Pacific

    MSM and transgender people requires addressing self-issues and the linkages with HIV vulnerability and risk behavior. Yet to date, many HIV-related programs in Asia have failed to address self-stigma. To better understand how self-stigma relates to HIV, YVC undertook an in-person consultation in October 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand, and commissioned in-country research in 10 countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. …

  7. The Sustainable Development Goals and LGBT inclusion

    This paper is a response to the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals, an agreement by 193 countries at the United Nations to end poverty and inequality by 2030. The SDGs were agreed in September, on the basis that they would include everyone, without discrimination, and would ‘leave no one behind’. According to Stonewall, the SDGs could have gone further by explicitly calling for LGBT equality. This guide demonstrates some of the ways LGBT equality can be achieved. It looks at seven of the 17 goals and highlights the challenges LGBT people face. …

  8. License to be yourself: trans children and youth

    In 2014, the Open Society Foundations produced License to be Yourself, a report on progressive gender recognition laws and policies for trans people, and the activist strategies behind them. This brief is one of four complementary resources for activists. Each brief summarizes key arguments made by those opposing access to legal gender recognition. This resource focuses on minimum age restrictions that deny trans children and youth the right to legal gender recognition. It provides arguments that can be used by those advocating for rights-based gender recognition laws and policies. …

  9. The national HIV and AIDS stigma and discrimination index: summary report

    The National HIV and AIDS Stigma and Discrimination Study, was a cross-sectional survey which collected data from the 47 counties, grouped into 30 clusters selected based on observed regional variations in HIV prevalence, socio-cultural and economic characteristics. The stigma study, targeted the general population, key populations as well as PLHIV is a compilation of the thoughts and attitudes regarding HIV, and, far too frequently, painful experiences of people living with HIV.

  10. Nostalgia: AIDS review 2013

    This AIDS Review is concerned with representations with which we are confronted in our work in HIV and AIDS, in development studies, in the reports of donors and of those who have undertaken research, and by people who have responded to being the subjects of research. "Who is represented, and how, and by whom, and to what end? How do those who are represented respond? Do they accept these images, and how do they respond? …

  11. Taire ou exposer la diversité sexuelle ? Impacts des normes de genre et de l'hétéronormativité sur les pratiques enseignantes

    À partir de 22 entretiens et de 243 questionnaires d’enquête complétés par des enseignants du secondaire du Québec (Canada), cet article interroge l’existence de normes relatives au genre et à l’orientation sexuelle en milieu scolaire. Les résultats suggèrent que les pratiques professionnelles des enseignant(e)s, tant lesbiennes, gais et bisexuels (LGB) qu’hétérosexuel(le)s concernant l’homophobie et la diversité sexuelle sont influencées par ces normes. …

  12. SAVE toolkit: a practical guide to the SAVE prevention methodology

    There are many resources today for trainers and individuals on HIV responses. What then makes this toolkit different and why is the audience both leaders within faith communities and broader society as they engage together in responses to HIV? In answer to the first question, most materials on HIV prevention ignore or underplay the impact of stigma, shame, denial, discrimination, inaction and misaction (SSDDIM). There is an assumption that if people are given the appropriate scientific knowledge, these issues will diminish. …

  13. Leave no one behind: gender, sexuality and the sustainable development goals: evidence report

    In an unprecedented move to eradicate disease, poverty and hunger, world leaders joined together in 2000 to sign into life the hotly contested but broadly agreed upon Millennium Development Goal (MDG) framework. In 2015, as the MDGs come to an end, a new generation of world leaders – government officials, donors and civil society organisations – have joined forces to articulate their vision for a future where all people can contribute to, and benefit from, an inclusive development framework. …

  14. UNAIDS terminology guidelines

    Language shapes beliefs and may influence behaviours. Considered use of appropriate language has the power to strengthen the global response to the AIDS epidemic. That is why the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is pleased to make these guidelines to Preferred terminology freely available for use by staff members, colleagues in the Programme’s 11 Cosponsoring organizations and other partners working in the global response to HIV. These guidelines are a living, evolving document that is reviewed on a regular basis. …

  15. Revealing the full extent of households’ experiences of HIV and AIDS in rural South Africa

    Households experience HIV and AIDS in a complex and changing set of environments. These include health and welfare treatment and support services, HIV-related stigma and discrimination, and individual and household social and economic circumstances. This paper documents the experiences of 12 households directly affected by HIV and AIDS in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, between 2002 and 2004. The households were observed during repeated visits over a period of more than a year by ethnographically trained researchers. …


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Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.