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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Policy analysis and advocacy decision model for services for key populations in Kenya

    From 2010–2012, the global Health Policy Project (funded by the United States Agency for International Development), in partnership with African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR), developed Policy Analysis and Advocacy Decision Model for HIV-Related Services: Males Who Have Sex with Males, Transgender People, and Sex Workers (Beardsley K., 2013), hereafter referred to as the Decision Model. …

  2. National HIV legal review report: Review of Myanmar’s legal framework and its effect on access to health and HIV services for people living with HIV and key affected populations

    This report presents the key findings and recommendations of the review of Myanmar's legal framework and its effect on access to health and HIV prevention and treatment services for people living with HIV and key affected populations.The review was conducted through a partnership of UNAIDS, UNDP and Pyoe Pin in the period August - December 2013, in consultation with the National AIDS Programme. …

  3. Lessons learned from a review of interventions for adolescent and young key populations in Asia Pacific and opportunities for programming

    BACKGROUND: Over a third of new HIV infections globally are among 15-24 year-olds and over 20% among adolescents aged 10-19 years in Asia Pacific. The review was initiated to identify interventions in the region with demonstrated or potential impact for adolescent and young key populations (YKP) looking at the role of individual and structural factors in accessibility and delivery. The review is a component of a more comprehensive review undertaken by UNICEF and partners in the region. METHODS:This was a desk review of over 1000 articles, and 37 were selected. …

  4. The Nepal HIV Investment Plan 2014-2016

    The investment plan for Nepal 2014-2016 emphasises the importance of focusing on Key Affected Populations (KAP), then goes one step further to disaggregate relevant KAP into sub-populations, guided by infection risk dynamics and context. The first priorities identified for prevention are: female sex workers who inject drugs on a regular basis (FSW WID); other people who inject drugs; street-based female sex workers ( FSW); transgender sex workers (TG SW) and male sex workers (MSW). …

  5. NewGen Asia: Building capacity in emerging young leaders in the HIV response

    In the Asia-Pacific Region, young people bear a large proportion of new HIV infections, and there is a need to consult them about how best to tailor prevention initiatives to meet their needs. In 2010, Youth LEAD, an organization representing young HIV advocates from across the Asia-Pacific region highlighted the need to engage young people more effectively in advocacy and programming initiatives. …

  6. Silenced and forgotten: HIV and AIDS agenda setting paper for women living with HIV, sex workers and LGBT individuals in southern African and Indian Ocean states

    The impact of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is felt hardest by the individuals who are infected or affected by the disease, and in particular by individuals who are especially vulnerable to HIV infection due to stigma and discrimination, poverty, a lack of access to education, health and other services that promote HIV awareness. However, the impact of HIV and AIDS goes beyond the individual or household level – it affects nations as a whole. …

  7. Youth and the Global HIV Pandemic: Reaching Key Affected Populations and Empowering a Generation

    This article provides statistics which show how and why HIV prevalence among young people is falling. The article shows statistics in different regions and countries of the world where young people are living with HIV. Then, the article gives statistics about what kind of young people are at higher risk of HIV: sex workers, homosexuals, and injecting drug users. The article explains, through statistics, what is fueling the epidemic and what programs can work. …

  8. Talk about AIDS

    This booklet provides statements on specific topics to facilitate discussion among stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific on issues affecting key populations vulnerable to HIV infection. These are: 1. Injecting drug users; 2. Sex workers and their clients; 3. Men who have sex with men; 4. Young people and children; 5. Mobile populations; 6. People living with HIV; 7. Children orphaned and affected by AIDS; 8. Women.

  9. Understanding the focus on young people from key affected populations in concentrated and low prevalence HIV epidemics

    This course has been developed to provide guidance around youth-specific HIV programming and support staff working across the Asia Pacific region to meet the specific needs and rights of young people from key affected populations. …

  10. Keeping the Promise: AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) Annual Report 2009

    This is the annual report 2009 of AFEW, the NGO working with some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to adress one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world.

  11. Determinación de Seroincidencia y resistencia del VIH en Poblaciones de Hombres que tienen Sexo con Hombres, Trabajadoras Sexuales, Usuarios de Drogas y Embarazadas

    Estudio de prevalencia de VIH en grupos vulnerables (hombres que tienen sexo con hombres, trabajadores sexuales y usuarios de drogas) y embarazadas en Argentina. Determinación de incidencia y resistencia al VIH. Descripción detallada por provincias, estadísticas de prevalencia, prácticas de riesgo y prevención.

  12. Nota de orientación del ONUSIDA sobre el VIH y el trabajo sexual

    Orientaciones de ONUSIDA respecto a como abordar la prevención y tratamiento del sida en trabajadores sexuales. El enfoque se centra en el trabajo conjunto con esta población clave respecto a prevención y respeto de sus derechos.

  13. VIH-SIDA en América Latina desde la perspectiva social

    Estudio sobre la respuesta al VIH en diez países de América Latina: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Perú y República Dominicana. Se analiza la situación desde el punto de vista de políticas públicas, de salud y respeto a los derechos de las personas afectadas y/o grupos vulnerables. Se destacan avances y problemas, además de la actuación de la sociedad civil. El texto aporta los resultados del análisis de estudios realizados entre abril y agosto del 2008. Los ámbitos de la respuesta analizados corresponden a: 1. …

  14. VIH-SIDA en Uruguay: epidemia concentrada en sectores de mayor vulnerabilidad

    Nota publicada en el sitio web del Programa Prioritario de ITS y SIDA sobre la situación del VIH/SIDA en Uruguay. En un estudio realizado y publicado en diciembre de 2008, se reveló una baja prevalencia nacional, concentrada en los grupos más vulnerables. Se alcanzó una "meseta", es decir un control de la epidemia en la población general. Dos uruguayos por día eran notificados de la enfermedad, actualmente, la cifra descendió a uno, lo que demuestra que las acciones preventivas están dando sus frutos.

  15. Toolkit for targeted HIV/AIDS prevention and care in sex work settings

    This toolkit was published in 2005 by the WHO. This toolkit is intended for use by anyone involved in HIV prevention initiatives in sex work settings. The purpose of this toolkit is to make both published and unpublished information more accessible to a wider audience, and so to contribute to global efforts to develop and scale up effective HIV interventions in sex work settings. Most of the items in this toolkit focus on HIV prevention in such settings. Less information is available on treatment, care and support for sex workers living with HIV. …

Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.