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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. HIV and AIDS: a deep human concern. A compilation of lectures and presentations from the annual Irish Aid professor Father Michael Kelly lecture series 2006-2015

    Originally hailing from Tullamore, Ireland, Professor Father Michael Kelly has spent more than 50 years living and working in Zambia, where he is now a citizen. Since 2006, the Irish Aid Professor Fr. Michael Kelly Lecture on HIV and AIDS has been held annually to honour his lifetime contributions to tackling HIV and AIDS, and to reducing their associated stigma, discrimination, and impacts on human rights. …

  2. Report of the regional dialogue on LGBTI human rights and health in Asia-Pacific

    The report documents the presentations and discussions made during the Regional Dialogue on LGBTI Human Rights and Health in Asia-Pacific held from 25–27 February 2015 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. The Regional Dialogue, which brought together more than 200 representatives from over 30 countries, was an important step in building consensus and strengthening the movement for legal and social change to advance the human rights of LGBTI people in Asia and the Pacific. It aimed to identify opportunities, build trust, and promote innovation and action. …

  3. Documenting and learning from experiences of comprehensive sexuality education: report on a convening

    New evidence demonstrates an important step in the pursuit of transformational change with regards to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), worldwide. A Population Council study revealed that the inclusion of gender and power in a CSE curriculum are the two most important factors in predicting its success for improving health outcomes. Innovative, feminist-friendly approaches to monitoring and evaluating CSE programs are important tools for organizations as we continue building on established research and achieving future success with regards to CSE. …

  4. The evaluation of comprehensive sexuality education programmes: A focus on the gender and empowerment outcomes

    This report is the outcome of The Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Evaluation Expert Meeting that brought together partners, practitioners, researchers and advocates from around the world to discuss the state of the art of monitoring and evaluation for CSE programmes. …

  5. UNAIDS IATT on Education symposium report 2015: Good quality education for adolescent girls for an AIDS-free future

    In June 2015, the UNAIDS IATT on Education, convened by UNESCO, presented evidence and explored promising approaches to support girls’ participation in quality education at a symposium entitled Good Quality Education For Adolescent Girls For An Aids-Free Future. …

  6. Atelier régional sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l'Ouest

    Cet atelier sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l’Ouest a été organisé conjointement par le Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères, l’UNGEI et l’UNICEF à Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso, du 19 au 21 novembre 2013. Le but de cet atelier était de servir d’outil de plaidoyer et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs et actrices étatiques et non-étatiques qui travaillent sur les violences de genre en milieu scolaire, afin de permettre une meilleure prise en compte de cette problématique dans la planification et la programmation sectorielle. …

  7. Les violences de genre en milieu scolaire comme facteur de déscolarisation des filles en Afrique subsaharienne francophone

    Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux menés par le groupe de travail sur les « violences de genre en milieu scolaire comme facteur de déscolarisation des filles » lancé par le ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes et l’Association Genre en Action. Ce dossier se focalise sur les violences de genre exercées au sein de l’école et autour de l’école dans vingt pays d’Afrique francophone.

  8. Shaping norms when they form: Investing in primary prevention of gender-based violence through working with children in schools

    This paper focuses on the Gender Equity Movement in Schools (GEMS) initiative, a school-based program that aims to promotes gender equality by encouraging equal relationships between girls and boys, examining the social norms that define men's and women's roles, value attached these roles and questioning the use of violence. It uses gender transformative approach to engage students in self-reflection and critical thinking through Group Education Activities in classrooms and campaigns.

  9. Les violences de genre en milieu scolaire comme facteur de déscolarisation en Afrique subsaharienne francophone

    Ce rapport s’intéresse à une problématique qu’il est urgent de considérer si l’on souhaite faire respecter l’intégrité des filles et atteindre les objectifs d’Education pour Tous. …

  10. Leadership and joint action to eliminate school-related gender-based violence: International partners meeting report

    Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global problem that knows no geographical, cultural, social, economic, ethnic, or other boundaries. It occurs across all societies, represents a violation of human rights, and is a major obstacle to the achievement of gender equality.School-related GBV (SRGBV) continues to be a serious barrier to fulfilling the right to education, especially for girls, and undermines their experience of school as a safe space for learning. Prevalence of SRGBV is one of the key factors for low quality of school education for girls and boys. …

  11. Effective responses for gender based violence: gender based violence in schools

    This Learning Brief is based on experience which emerged at a Gender Based Violence Learning Day: Effective Responses to GBV organised by the Irish Joint Consortium on Gender Based Violence, June 2009, and in particular on inputs provided by Mairead Dunne, Centre for International Education, University of Sussex. The paper specifically refers to schools in developing country contexts.

  12. Integrating strategies to address gender-based violence and engage men and boys to advance gender equality through National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS: Meeting Summary

    National strategies and plans – focusing on HIV and beyond – are key platforms for articulating an HIV response that advances gender equality, champions women’s rights, engages men and boys, and ends GBV as a cause and consequence of HIV. As such, the Johannesburg December 2012 meeting supported delegations from six countries to review their current national policies, strategies, and plans, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of these plans with regard to addressing GBV and engaging men and boys for gender equality. …

  13. Strengthening gender based violence and HIV response in sub-Saharan Africa. Report of workshop organised by Liverpool VCT, Care and treatment (LVCT), World Health Organization (WHO) and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI)

    The Regional Workshop on Strengthening Gender Based Violence and HIV Response and Services in Sub-Saharan Africa was organized jointly by Liverpool VCT, Care and Treatment (LVCT), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI). It was supported by Comic Relief through Trocaire, the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, the Elton John AIDS Foundation, and Population Council. …

  14. Regional consultation on sexuality education and gender with a focus on reaching adolescent girls. Meeting report

    In July 2011, UNFPA, UNESCO and UNICEF jointly organised the Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Sexuality Education and Gender, with a Special Focus on Adolescent Girls. The meeting offered a platform for countries to share their evidence and experience and gain information and tools on how to effectively invest resources in sexuality education programs and policies. There was a special focus on how to reach adolescent girls – both in terms of sexuality education but also in wider development priorities. …

  15. Imagined futures VI: checks and balances. Conference report

    This document is a report of a two days conference, "Checks and balances", aimed to explore mechanisms ensuring the balancing of power and the accountability by the stakeholders – the institutions and students. The sessions included: changing dynamics of HIV/AIDS in a university setting, teenage pregnancy at institutions of higher learning, and service provider accountability. The conference closed with a partnership statement on sexual and reproductive rights and health.


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.