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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes y jóvenes en América latina: incorporando la perspectiva de derechos humanos en las inversiones de salud pública

    El gobierno de El Salvador ha priorizado el tema de Adolescentes y Jóvenes y especialmente la salud de los adolescentes dentro de sus políticas, planes y programas. El Banco Mundial, a través de su Departamento de Desarrollo Humano para América Latina y el Caribe y con el apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario Nórdico, está implementando el proyecto sobre Salud Reproductiva en los Jóvenes en Centroamérica: Incorporando una Perspectiva de Derechos Humanos y ha apoyado la realización de investigaciones sobre el tema en 3 países de la Región. …

  2. Fostering a global dialogue about LGBT youth and schools. Proceedings from a meeting of the Global Network Combating Homophobic and Transphobic Prejudice and Violence in Schools

    This report documents a GLSEN and UNESCO sponsored meeting p to strategize about how to coordinate our collective resources and knowledge to reduce homophobic and transphobic prejudice and violence in schools globally.

  3. Technical consultation on healthy-lifestyle education in eastern Europe and central Asia: meeting report

    The Technical Consultation meeting brought together experts from national ministries, national and international civil society organizations, inter-governmental organizations and UN agencies to review the progress made in providing adolescents and youth in the region with access to healthy lifestyle education, including comprehensive education on life-skills and sexual and reproductive health, and identify gaps and opportunities to better assist countries in delivering healthy-lifestyle education at a national scale and ensuring its quality and effectiveness. …

  4. Seminário educação em sexualidade e relações de gênero na formação inicial docente no ensino superior, Fundação Carlos Chagas, São Paulo, 9 de outubro de 2013: relatório final

    Esse documento apresenta a narrativa do seminário intitulado Educaçăo em Sexualidade e Relaçőes de Gęnero na Formaçăo Inicial Docente no Ensino Superior, promovido pela UNESCO, realizado em 9 de outubro de 2013, nas dependęncias da Fundaçăo Carlos Chagas, na cidade de Săo Paulo. Esse evento contou com a participaçăo das cátedras da UNESCO e da Fundaçăo Carlos Chagas, bem como de pesquisadores acadęmicos de várias instituiçőes de ensino superior do país, membros da UNESCO, da ECOS – Comunicaçăo em Sexualidade e membros da Fundaçăo Carlos Chagas. …

  5. Повышение эффективности профилактических программ для подростков и молодежи в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. Материалы региональной конференции по профилактике ВИЧ и формированию здорового образа жизни в образовательной среде. Алматы 2011

    В сборник вошли материалы региональной конференции по профилактике ВИЧ и формированию здорового образа жизни в образовательной среде, прошедшей в апреле 2011 года в столице Республики Казахстан – Алматы при поддержке Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО), Фонда ООН в области народонаселения (ЮНФПА), Детского фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ), Объединенной программы ООН по ВИЧ/СПИДу (ЮНЭЙДС), Международной организации труда (МОТ) и Немецкого общества по международному сотрудничеству (GIZ). …

  6. International interagency meeting: current evidence, lessons learned and best practices in adolescent pregnancy prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean. Final report

    The objectives of this meeting were: to present the current situation of adolescent pregnancy and its major risk factors in the LAC region; to discuss current evidence, lessons learned and best practices regarding adolescent pregnancy prevention and the access and utilization of SRH services by adolescents in the LAC region; to agree on key evidence-based interventions to be implemented at the local, national, and regional level in order to prevent adolescent pregnancy in the LAC region; to disseminate and share current evidence, lessons learned, best practices, tools and instruments develope …

  7. Towards an AIDS-free generation. Children and AIDS sixth stocktaking report, 2013

    Focusing on the first and second decades of life, the Children and AIDS: Sixth Stocktaking Report, 2013: reviews the HIV burden among children and adolescents and the progress being made; identifies key strategies to accelerate access to HIV prevention, treatment, protection, care and support for children and adolescents; summarizes opportunities arising from recent scientific advances, new technology and emerging practice innovations; seeks to mobilize national and international efforts to keep children HIV-free and ensure that children living with HIV remain AIDS-free.

  8. A Cultural approach to HIV/AIDS prevention and care: UNESCO/UNAIDS research project. Uganda’s experience: country report

    This document provides the findings of a country assessment carried out in Uganda in the first phase of the UNESCO/UNAIDS joint project "A Cultural Approach to HIV/AIDS: Prevention and Care". The purpose of this exercise was threefold: (i) to assess the evolution of the epidemic (HIV infection and PWA) and its cultural and societal impact in the context and perspective of sustainable development. (ii) to determine how and to which extent culture, features and resources of the population are being taken into consideration in the design, implementation and evaluation of HIV/AIDS interventions. …

  9. E-discussion - Young people and HIV

    E-discussion questions included: 1.What do you see as the challenges for young people in accessing services such as HIV testing and how can we overcome this? 2.Given that CAFOD’s HIV prevention approach is to give ‘full and accurate information on all forms on the effectiveness and limitations of all means of reducing the risks of HIV infection’ – what challenges does this lead to when working with young people? What HIV prevention work have you or partners done with young people? 3.Where is the best place for young people to access information on HIV and AIDS? …

  10. Imagined futures III: positive futures. Conference report

    This document is a report of the third in the series of Imagined Futures conferences. The debates and discussions concerned coping with stigma and disclosure on campus, and treatment options at universities.

  11. Imagined futures VI: checks and balances. Conference report

    This document is a report of a two days conference, "Checks and balances", aimed to explore mechanisms ensuring the balancing of power and the accountability by the stakeholders – the institutions and students. The sessions included: changing dynamics of HIV/AIDS in a university setting, teenage pregnancy at institutions of higher learning, and service provider accountability. The conference closed with a partnership statement on sexual and reproductive rights and health.

  12. Imagined futures I: student leadership in a time of AIDS. Conference report

    This document is a report of a two days conference on student leadership in a time of AIDS. The debates focused on youth taking leadership and embracing the opportunities to address HIV and AIDS. The sessions included: methodologies in working with students, monitoring and evaluation and peer education, and institutionalising HIV and AIDS programmes.

  13. Applying the Research / Researching the Applied

    The conference programme was driven by the presentation of applied case experiences on the following topics: 1. Evaluating HIV/TB/STI prevention projects (e.g. Peer Education, HIV and TB testing, treatment), 2. Approaching HIV as an issue of transformation, diversity and inclusivity (including stigma, sexual orientation and gender), 3. Integrating HIV and AIDS into socially responsive core curricula: Lessons from innovative collaborations in Higher Education, 4. …

  14. The impact of HIV/ AIDS on the education system in Namibia

    This Country paper on HIV/AIDS and Education in Namibia was presented at IIEP workshop organized in September 2000 in Paris. It describes the current status and recent trends in the Namibian education sector and provides an overview of future directions and requirements, presenting programmes on HIV/AIDS in the country and their objectives. The role of education in addressing issues of HIV/AIDS is outlined, with a particular mission of the HIV/AIDS Committee and its five years plan (2001-2006). Finally, the training needs of the Ministry of Basic Education, Sports and Culture are identified.

  15. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the organization of education systems

    The IIEP HIV/AIDS Forum was conceived with two themes in mind - of information sharing and of community building. It aimed to create a virtual network of education professionals working against HIV/AIDS, while promoting the exchange of successful interventions, and establishing consistency within programme development. The participants represented more than 50 countries from all over the world, with more than half from Africa. Fourteen percent worked in ministries and International agencies with the NGOs, Universities, and UN agencies equally represented in the discussion. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.