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In Kenya, high poverty, insecurity, poor health outcomes, substance abuse and low levels of education make young people, especially girls, vulnerable to a variety of risks such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs), and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). …
The goal of the national strategic plan is to halt the spread of HIV, reverse the epidemic of STIs, and improve the quality of life of people living with and affected by HIV. …
This Caribbean adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) situational analysis is informed and structured by two conceptual frameworks: the Mapping Adolescent Programming and Measurement (MAPM) framework and the Ecological Framework for Health. The MAPM framework complements the logical framework and other tools for designing, monitoring and evaluating programs. It begins by defining the outcomes that are subject to change. For the purposes of this analysis the ASRH outcomes analyzed are HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), adolescent pregnancies and abortions. …
L’établissement des priorités du PSN de la riposte au VIH/sida et aux IST 2015-2018 est fondé sur une réflexion articulée autour des dimensions suivantes : - L’analyse de la situation épidémiologique et de la réponse qui a mis en exergue les évidences de la dynamique de l’épidémie en Tunisie (analyse des nouvelles infections, hétérogénéité géographique et populationnelle de l’épidémie, etc.). - L’engagement des autorités nationales et des acteurs nationaux, afin de maintenir et d’augmenter les efforts dans le cadre du principe de la « volonté de payer » 35 . …
Este Plan Nacional de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva 2014 – 2018 responde a las necesidades básicas de la población y se basa en un enfoque de derechos, especialmente de derechos sexuales y reproductivos. El Plan agrupa sus líneas de acción en siete áreas estratégicas prioritarias, las que serán implementadas en el marco de la actual política de salud orientada hacia una salud más accesible, más equitativa y de mejor calidad. Las líneas de acción de este plan son técnicamente factibles, basadas en evidencia científi ca, políticamente viables y económicamente sustentables. …
El Ministerio de Salud, como instancia rectora del sector salud, formula la Estrategia Nacional de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (ENSSR), instrumento normativo y orientador que permite reducir las brechas existente de atención en SSR, sobre todo en los grupos más excluidos socialmente, y pone a la disposición un abanico de opciones para mejorar el nivel y calidad de la vida sexual y reproductiva de la población en todo su ciclo de vida. …
The NSPEA was developed through a comprehensive consultation process, it builds on the successes of the previous strategies and addresses the challenges identified in the surveys and surveillance, in the Mid Term Review of the 2011-2015 NSP and in the consequent consultation process. It places strong emphasis on strengthening the multi-sectoral and civil society collaboration practiced under the previous strategic plans. …
Este Manual surge como parte de la respuesta ante las demandas de la Red Guatemalteca Mujeres Positivas en Acción, referente para Guatemala de la Comunidad Internacional de Mujeres que viven con VIH/SIDA (ICW), instancia que ha documentado la falta de cumplimiento del marco legal y de derecho en la atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres que viven con VIH. Este proceso contó con el acompañamiento técnico y financiero del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas. …
This document is the revised National HIV and AIDS, STI Policy for Ghana. It has been revised by the Ghana AIDS Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, National AIDS and STI Control Programme (NACP) of the Ghana Health Service and key stakeholders, taking into account recent developments in the national and global response. …
The Policy document is in four parts. The first outlines the background information and epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in The Gambia. The second part focuses on the policy framework, including the guiding principles, national response, policy revision rationale, goals and objectives. The third section highlights the overall implementation strategies which include four strategic areas; prevention of new infections; reduction of morbidity and mortality; impact mitigation and efficiency and effectiveness of the national response. …
The purpose of this Policy and Strategy document is to outline policy statements of the Ministry of Health in support of Reproductive Health including maternal and neonatal health, demonstrating its contribution to the achievement of improved health and well-being in Fiji. It maps out a framework of key strategic areas and activities to be implemented and identifies mechanisms for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of programmes and services. …
El Ministerio de Salud, en adelante MINSAL, impulsa la Reforma de Salud con enfoque de la promoción del Derecho Humano a la Salud, por lo anterior es importante re dimensionar la estrategia nacional de información, educación y comunicación para el cambio de comportamiento (IEC/CC), con el objetivo de que el personal de salud disponga de procesos sistemáticos para la promoción de la salud con enfoque de las determinantes sociales de la salud y comportamientos saludables que pudieran ser adaptados y adoptados según el perfil epidemiológico local, las prioridades de salud y los recursos humanos, …
Que o leitor encontre nas histórias aqui relatadas um testemunho vivo dos primeiros 20 anos da epidemia no Brasil e que esse testemunho possa servir de matéria de reflexão para os historiadores do tema no futuro.
The strategic priorities outlined in this strategy are: - establishing an enabling environment through a coalition for gender equality, sexual and reproductive health; - access to a basic service package including HIV and STI knowledge, clinical services and availability of condoms for the general population; - targeted prevention programs targeted for individuals with multiple partners outside of MARPs; - strengthening intensive prevention programs targeted at MARPs (sex workers, clients of sex workers, MSM, Uniformed Services); - scaling up services in border districts; - ensuring universal …
The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to be a framework for: identifying medium-term, coherent and cohesive, cost-effective plans for shaping the response to HIV/AIDS and STIs; the preparation of annual operational plans for implementation; identification of resource needs, and gaps in available resources, both human and financial; formulating requests for assistance, that match donors' priorities and mandates, but also fit with the needs and priorities of the Government of Cambodia; coordination of activities, plans, strategies and resources of all kinds from all sources. …