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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Young People's Booklet. National HIV Prevention & Sexuality Education For Out Of School Young People

    The objective of this Young People's Booklet is to prevent HIV, other STIs and unplanned pregnancies and gender-based violence among 15-24 year old out of school young people by providing them with: - knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention, especially the main ways HIV is transmitted in Papu New Guinea; - chances to think about their values, attitudes, risks and intentions related to sexuality and hear about those of their peers; - opportunities to prevent HIV and access health services and have better relationships; - fun learning experiences. …

  2. Guide méthodologique du maître : introduction à l'école des compétences en santé pour lutter contre les IST/VIH/SIDA et le paludisme. Programme décennal de l'éducation et de la formation (PDEF)

    Le Guide méthodologique du maître : introduction à l'école des compétences en santé pour lutter contre les IST/VIH/SIDA et le paludisme a pour but de permettre aux enseignant(e)s de disposer d'outils leur permettant d'installer les compétences en matière de santé et nutrition pour changer les comportements des apprenant(e)s dans le sens souhaité. Ce guide sert de support pour la formation des enceignant(e)s et directeurs (trices) d'école. …

  3. Caribbean cooperation in health phase III (CCH III). Regional health framework 2010-2015

    The goal of the Caribbean Cooperation in Health is to improve health and wellbeing, develop the productive potential of the people, and the competitive advantage of the region. This framework is a response to the commitments made by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government in regional and international declarations and policy guidelines. This framework represents a comprehensive helath and development strategy for the region.

  4. Vivre Ensemble. Développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre VIH et sida

    Ce document est un support pédagogique quei fait partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés au aprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Il a été produit dans le cadre du volet Information, Education et Communication pour le Changement de Comportement de Santé de la reproduction.

  5. Vivre ensemble: développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre le VIH et sida: livret de l'élève SIL et CP

    Ce document est un support pédagogique quei fait partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés au aprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Il a été produit dan sle cadre du volet Information, Education et Communication pour le Changement de Comportement de Santé de la reproduction.

  6. Vivre ensemble: développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre le VIH et sida; livret de l'élève CM1 et CM2

    Ce livret de l'élève est un support pédagogique faisant partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés aux apprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Le manuel a été produit dan sle cadre du volet Information, Education et Comunication pour Changement de Comportement en Santé de la reproduction des adolescents. Il traite des questions liées à l'Education à la Vie Familiale, en Matière de Population et VIH et SIDA.

  7. The Girl Effect: What Do Boys Have to Do with It?

    This paper argues for a gender and developmental perspective to explore "what boys have to do with the 'girl effect'." This approach seeks to combine the lenses of gender and developmental psychology to better understand gendered behavior in adolescents over their life cycle, with a focus on adolescence (generally defined as ages 10 to 19) in order to develop programs and undertake policy efforts to promote equitable and healthy gender identities and norms with benefits for both girls and boys in a gender relational perspective.

  8. Girls Speak: A New Voice in Global Development

    Girls Speak: A New Voice in Global Development is part of a series of reports on investing in adolescent girls in the developing world. This report examines qualitative data on what girls say about their aspirations across different settings and contexts. From a girl's perspective, policies and programs need to address the harmful social norms that constrain her role and opportunities in society, and provide a greater vision for her life. In their own words, girls are saying that the context and environment that shapes their lives - how they live and what they aspire to - must be addressed. …

  9. Direitos Humanos e HIV/AIDS: Avanços e perspectivas para o enfrentamento da epidemia no Brasil

    Não é possível dissociar direitos humanos do enfrentamento das DST/HIV/aids. O processo de reconhecimento do direito ao acesso universal a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento constitui importante bandeira de direitos humanos desde o inicio da epidemia. Afirmar a dignidade do ser humano é o que traz sentido para, por exemplo, a discussão sobre a função social da propriedade intelectual frente o direito à saúde. Além da disponibilização de preservativos e medicamentos anti-retrovirais, trata-se de uma luta constante contra as desigualdades sociais. …

  10. Guidelines for comprehensive sexuality education in Nigeria

    These guidelines present a comprehensive approach to sexuality education, encompassing the key components of a broad definition of sexuality including: sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image and gender roles. The guidelines answer basic questions that educators, policymakers and others need to address when they design or evaluate a comprehensive approach to sexuality education. They provide a framework for developing sexuality education curricula, textbooks and programmes, as well as for evaluating existing programmes. …

Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.