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A lack of adequate guidance on menstrual management; water, disposal, and private changing facilities; and sanitary hygiene materials in low- and middle-income countries leaves schoolgirls with limited options for healthy personal hygiene during monthly menses. …
The objectives of this study were to: 1) foster an understanding of the current situation and context in regard to out-of-school teenage mothers and their potential support systems for school re-entry at the household and school levels in Homa Bay County, 2) clarify possible solutions for promoting school re-entry on the part of out-of-school girls, their families, and the education sector, and 3) provide a benchmark against which changes resulting from an intervention to promote school re-entry may be measured by the endline period.
MSM and transgender people requires addressing self-issues and the linkages with HIV vulnerability and risk behavior. Yet to date, many HIV-related programs in Asia have failed to address self-stigma. To better understand how self-stigma relates to HIV, YVC undertook an in-person consultation in October 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand, and commissioned in-country research in 10 countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. …
This paper is a response to the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals, an agreement by 193 countries at the United Nations to end poverty and inequality by 2030. The SDGs were agreed in September, on the basis that they would include everyone, without discrimination, and would ‘leave no one behind’. According to Stonewall, the SDGs could have gone further by explicitly calling for LGBT equality. This guide demonstrates some of the ways LGBT equality can be achieved. It looks at seven of the 17 goals and highlights the challenges LGBT people face. …
The report makes a number of recommendations for action by the government to guarantee girls’ right to health, including access to sexual and reproductive health information and services, and in particular post rape services. It also calls for further action to eradicate violence against girls, to protect girls at risk, and enforce laws against perpetrators of sexual violence.
The general objective of this study was to assess accessibility and availability of education and health care services to Women and Children infected and affected with HIV/AIDS in Sri Lanka. The specific objectives were: 1. To describe the socio-demographic and socio-economic information of women and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. 2. To assess the accessibility to education and to health care services including reproductive health and HIV care services among HIV infected and affected women. 3. …
Articles from this issue : Girls’ schooling, gender equity, and the global education and development agenda: conceptual disconnections, political struggles, and the difficulties of practice, Situating empowerment for millennial schoolgirls in Gujarat, India and Shaanxi, China, engendering agency: the differentiated impact of educational initiatives in Zambia and India, History transformed?: Gender in World War II narratives in U.S. …
Participatory mapping was undertaken with single-sex groups of grade 5 and grade 8–9 children in KwaZulu-Natal. Relative to grade 5 students, wide gender divergence in access to the public sphere was found at grade 8–9. With puberty, girls' worlds shrink, while boys' expand. At grade 5, female-defined community areas were equal or larger in size than those of males. Community area mapped by urban grade 8–9 girls, however, was only one-third that of male classmates and two-fifths that of grade 5 girls. Conversely, community area mapped by grade 8–9 boys was twice that of grade 5 boys. …
Education is a vital component of the preparation for adulthood, and is closely linked to transitions into marriage and parenting. Childbearing among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa remains high, while primary school completion is far from universal. This paper uses longitudinal data from five rounds of the Malawi Schooling and Adolescent Study to investigate how becoming pregnant while attending school influences medium-term educational outcomes of young women. …
The overall goal of the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) Programme is to realise the education rights of vulnerable children in the SADC region through schools becoming inclusive centres of learning, care and support. The National Support Pack has been developed to guide the Department of Basic Education to mainstream the CSTL Programme throughout all South African schools. It brings together information, best-practice examples, tools and case studies of effective care and support practice in schools. …
Background: Poverty, family stability, and social policies influence the ability of adolescents to attend school. Likewise, being enrolled in school may shape an adolescent’s risk for HIV and pregnancy. We identified trends in school enrollment, factors predicting school enrollment (antecedents), and health risks associated with staying in or leaving school (consequences). Methods: Data from the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) were examined for adolescents 15–19 years (n = 21,735 person-rounds) from 1994 to 2013. …
Background An estimated 2.1 million individuals are newly infected with HIV every year. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have reported conflicting evidence for the association between education and HIV risk, and no randomised trial has identified a causal effect for education on HIV incidence. We aimed to use a policy reform in secondary schooling in Botswana to identify the causal effect of length of schooling on new HIV infection. …
In this booklet you can learn more about the re-entry policy guidelines and what actions you can take to ensure that all children, including young mothers, get their right to education fulfilled.
In response to the recommendations from the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee’s Inquiry into Teenage Pregnancy in 2013, the Scottish Government committed to producing a Teenage Pregnancy and Young Parents Strategy. …
L’objectif principal de l’étude était defaire une analyse qualitative et quantitative du phénomène de grossesses en milieu scolaire et proposer des solutions réalistes et pertinentes pour la prévention. A l’école certains condisciples des élèves/écolières mères les discriminent, certains enseignants les stigmatisent, mais il y en a d’autres qui compatissent. Les grossesses scolaires ont des conséquences scolaires, sociales, économiques, physiques et psychologiques. Les contenus des programmes scolaires en matière de l’éducation sexuelle et la santé de la reproduction est à enrichir. …