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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Advocacy toolkit HIV/AIDS and Education [Kazakhstan]

    This kit includes the information on issues surrounding the relationship between HIV/AIDS and Education as well as human rights, stigma and discrimination.

  2. Advocacy toolkit HIV/AIDS and education [Tajikistan] (in Russian)

    This Toolkit has been developed for staff of Ministries of education and education departments to increase their awareness on HIV and AIDS and reinforce their commitments in preventive education. The Advocacy Toolkit provides the basic information on HIV and AIDS, identifies the role of Education in HIV prevention and gives recommendations on preventive education including monitoring and evaluation of education programmes.



  4. Comprehensive sexuality education in teacher training in Eastern and Southern Africa

    This report is a consolidated summary and analysis of the status of comprehensive sexuality education for teacher training in 21 countries in the East and Southern Africa region.

  5. Planning, monitoring and evaluation training manual for higher education HIV/AIDS and SRH interventions in Ethiopia

    The Higher Education Institutions’ Partnership Sub-Forum against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia (HEI-PSFAHA) has prepared a strategic plan (SPM-I) to provide guidance for the planning and implementation of institution level HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) interventions. Realizing the goals and objectives of SPM-I and at the same time demonstrating achievements to relevant stakeholders require an appropriate technical design and strong implementation capacity for HEI level Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME). …

  6. Strategic plan for intensifying HIV and AIDS response at higher education institutions in Ethiopia (2013-2015) SPM I

    The strategic plan is intended to provide guidance to strengthen the capacity, systems and structures of all Ethiopian HEIs to address the causes, challenges and consequences of HIV/AIDS. HEIs have social responsibility to prevent, mitigate and manage the effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic through all aspects of their core operations of teaching, learning, research, and community engagement. …

  7. Communication strategy on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health for higher education institutions

    This strategy document has eight sections. Section one discusses about the overview of HIV/AIDS and SRH in Ethiopia and in the HEIs; together with the policy environment for education sector activities in the field of HIV/AIDS/STIs/SRH. Section two states the rationale for the communication strategy; while section three provides an overview of environmental scan carried out through SWOT analysis. Section four has details on the major HIV/AIDS and SRH problems, risk factors and underlying causes identified among students of HEIs in the country. …

  8. Le VIH/SIDA et les organismes scolaires. Recueil d'informations en vue de soutenir les organismes scolaires désireux d'établir des lignes de conduite relatives au VIH/sida

    Le présent document est un outil de travail destiné aux responsables régionaux des services complémentaires du Ministère pour le soutien à apporter aux organismes scolaires au cours de l'établissement de lignes de conduite concernant le VIH/sida pouvant être ou non présentées sous la forme particulière d'une politique locale. Le plan de ce document s'inspire fortement du travail effectué par certains organismes scolaires qui ont déjà établi des directives à cet égard dans une politique. …

  9. Atelier régional sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l'Ouest

    Cet atelier sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l’Ouest a été organisé conjointement par le Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères, l’UNGEI et l’UNICEF à Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso, du 19 au 21 novembre 2013. Le but de cet atelier était de servir d’outil de plaidoyer et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs et actrices étatiques et non-étatiques qui travaillent sur les violences de genre en milieu scolaire, afin de permettre une meilleure prise en compte de cette problématique dans la planification et la programmation sectorielle. …

  10. School health matters beyond 2015: Focussing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH)

    A joint statement from the Coordinating Group of the professionals and organizations involved in promoting school health and development through the global framework FRESH.

  11. Experiências em educação preventiva ao uso de drogas: a experiência do Brasil

    Crianças e adolescentes frequentemente são vítimas da violência estrutural que caracteriza países como o Brasil – marcado por grande desigualdade – e passíveis de sofrer violação de seus direitos humanos mais elementares: à vida, à saúde, à alimentação, à educação, à segurança, ao lazer, entre outros. Apesar de vulneráveis, esses jovens são vistos por parte da população como ameaça. …

  12. Sex education in schools: Yes, but how? Guide for the implementation of a process for sex education in preschool, elementary and secondary school

    The aim of this guide is to support schools and school boards in implementing a process for sex education that is consistent with the policy framework outlined in 2003, Sex Education in the Context of Education Reform. In fact, many schools, although they are convinced of the need to establish such a process, are still searching for concrete ways to put it into practice. It is therefore to meet this need that this tool was created. Developed especially for schools, it concerns all the stakeholders in sex education in the education system, i.e. …

  13. FRESH: a comprehensive school health approach to achieve EFA

    At the dawn of the 21st century, the learning potential of children and young people in every country in the world is compromised b y conditions and behaviours that undermine the physical and emotional well-being that makes learning possible. Hunger, malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, malaria, polio and intestinal infections, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and injury, unplanned pregnancy and infection with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections threaten the health and lives of the children and youth in which Education for All efforts are most invested. …

  14. Guidelines for development and implementation of institutional HIV and AIDS policies

    These Guidelines aim to provide practical assistance to any higher education institution that wishes to embark on a process for the development/review and implementation of institutional policies and programmes on HIV and AIDS. It also provides guidance on how to establish an effective M&E; system to support implementation of institutional policies and programmes. There are 5 sections, each of which provide broad actions, steps and a checklist to guide the development/review and implementation of institutional HIV and AIDS policies and programmes.

  15. School‐related gender‐based violence. A global review of current issues and approaches in policy, programming and implementation responses to school‐related gender‐based violence (SRGBV) for the education sector

    This review of current issues and approaches in policy, programming and implementation responses to SRGBV has been commissioned by the HIV and Health Education section in the Education Sector at UNESCO to contribute to the development of comprehensive evidence‐informed policy guidelines for the prevention and elimination of SRGBV in and through education. Despite the call for action and the increasing awareness among governments, civil society and the international community of the scale of SRGBV, efforts to address it have been patchy and largely ineffective. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.