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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Lutter contre l’homophobie : le combat de toutes et de tous : (re)connaître pour mieux agir

    Cette brochure à destination des professionnels a pour but de leur donner des informations, des éléments de réflexion et des possibilités d’orientation vers des professionnels ou des ressources quand ils souhaitent apporter une aide à une personne confrontée à l’homophobie, comprise selon une approche générique comme toute attitude ou tout acte qui va dans le sens d’un rejet ou d’une injustice envers une personne homosexuelle, bisexuelle ou trans’ ou identifiée comme telle. Aussi, lutter contre l’homophobie oeuvre au mieux-être physique, mental et social de toutes et de tous. …

  2. Can campus radio and social media mobilise students to rediscover their risk? HEAIDS Future Beats Pilot Project Research Report

    The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS) is a national programme to develop and support the HIV/TB/STI and General Health and Wellness mitigation initiatives at South Africa’s public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. HEAIDS has introduced an innovative youth development project known as ‘Future Beats’, funded by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the DHET. …

  3. Key Issues in Sex Education: reflecting on teaching, learning and assessment

    Drawing upon critical reflections of staff and student experiences of teaching, learning and assessment on an undergraduate module entitled Key Issues in Sex Education, we discuss the strategies used to engage students in debates around sex and relationships education (SRE). To date, there is little research which evaluates how formal assessments can be made relevant to students' exploration of this subject. …

  4. Seminário educação em sexualidade e relações de gênero na formação inicial docente no ensino superior, Fundação Carlos Chagas, São Paulo, 9 de outubro de 2013: relatório final

    Esse documento apresenta a narrativa do seminário intitulado Educaçăo em Sexualidade e Relaçőes de Gęnero na Formaçăo Inicial Docente no Ensino Superior, promovido pela UNESCO, realizado em 9 de outubro de 2013, nas dependęncias da Fundaçăo Carlos Chagas, na cidade de Săo Paulo. Esse evento contou com a participaçăo das cátedras da UNESCO e da Fundaçăo Carlos Chagas, bem como de pesquisadores acadęmicos de várias instituiçőes de ensino superior do país, membros da UNESCO, da ECOS – Comunicaçăo em Sexualidade e membros da Fundaçăo Carlos Chagas. …

  5. Good practices on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health from higher education institutions in Ethiopia

    Criteria for Evaluation of Good Practices Submitted from Member Higher Education Institutions; 1. Innovativeness (It could be something initiated by HEI as original or existing program with contextualized modification of key focus areas of interventions stipulated in the forum’s policy and strategy framework or education sector response policy against the epidemic); 2. Explicability or adaptability (have the potential to serve as a model for generating initiatives in the other HEIs); 3. …

  6. Planning, monitoring and evaluation training manual for higher education HIV/AIDS and SRH interventions in Ethiopia

    The Higher Education Institutions’ Partnership Sub-Forum against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia (HEI-PSFAHA) has prepared a strategic plan (SPM-I) to provide guidance for the planning and implementation of institution level HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) interventions. Realizing the goals and objectives of SPM-I and at the same time demonstrating achievements to relevant stakeholders require an appropriate technical design and strong implementation capacity for HEI level Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME). …

  7. Strategic plan for intensifying HIV and AIDS response at higher education institutions in Ethiopia (2013-2015) SPM I

    The strategic plan is intended to provide guidance to strengthen the capacity, systems and structures of all Ethiopian HEIs to address the causes, challenges and consequences of HIV/AIDS. HEIs have social responsibility to prevent, mitigate and manage the effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic through all aspects of their core operations of teaching, learning, research, and community engagement. …

  8. HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health (SRH) intervention package

    The main objective of developing the stated package is to provide guidance to interventions that addresses behavioral, structural and bio-medical issues and services and recommend minimum package of intervention. The HIV/AIDS and SRH Intervention Package is divided into seven parts. Part One briefly describes the current HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) situation at global, national and HEIs levels. It also examines the responses to the epidemic in HEIs and the rationale for developing the intervention package. …

  9. Communication strategy on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health for higher education institutions

    This strategy document has eight sections. Section one discusses about the overview of HIV/AIDS and SRH in Ethiopia and in the HEIs; together with the policy environment for education sector activities in the field of HIV/AIDS/STIs/SRH. Section two states the rationale for the communication strategy; while section three provides an overview of environmental scan carried out through SWOT analysis. Section four has details on the major HIV/AIDS and SRH problems, risk factors and underlying causes identified among students of HEIs in the country. …

  10. Investigating the use of social networking sites and their implications for HIV/Aids communication amongst Rhodes University students

    The rise and dominance of social networking sites has generated increasing interest amongst scholars, mainly to understand their nature and the activities supported by these social sites. Studies conducted on social networking sites have generated information on the potential of such sites in boosting revenue-generating businesses, with limited research on how online sites can be used to address the social challenges faced by societies today. This article maintains that online social sites, in particular HIV/Aids-related sites, can possibly be used for HIV/Aids communication. …

  11. HIV monitoring and evaluation framework for higher education

    With the national and global momentum to scale up responses to HIV and AIDS, it is becoming increasingly important for HEAIDS as the entity mandated with coordinating the higher education sector response to accurately and timeously report comparable data to national stakeholders, development partners, and communities. Such information is useful to understand the scale and outcome of implementation and may be used to enhance and scale up HIV programmes across all HEIs. …

  12. HIV/AIDS prevention good practice: strategies for public higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa: a report

    This study was undertaken to identify the HIV prevention programmes and practices that have been implemented at HEIs and the extent to which they cohere with good practice as described in the literature. The research team began by identifying “international and local good practice with regards to HIV/AIDS prevention”. …

  13. Universidad Saludable. Módulo educativo para la acción preventiva de las ITS, el VIH y el SIDA en instituciones de educación superior

    La prevención y el control del VIH y sida han constituido en los últimos 30 años uno de los desa s más importantes a la imaginación y a la inteligencia de nuestra especie. Tan pronto los modos de transmisión -sexual, sanguíneo y perinatal- de esta nueva infección fueron conocidos, y con ellos tuvimos la posibilidad de impactar a enfermedades de transmisión sexual que se habían mantenido ocultas por siglos, la Humanidad tomó conciencia de la necesidad de contener su diseminación. …

  14. The curricular response to HIV/AIDS at Rhodes University

    In 2008 Rhodes University was awarded a European Union grant through South Africa’s national Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS), to support the university’s HIV/AIDS interventions. The Rhodes project — entitled ‘A Comprehensive Institutional Response to HIV/AIDS’ — comprised several components, one of which was to research the institution’s curricular response. Regionally, the curricular response in higher education lags behind all others in the sector — despite having been identified as a priority area for intervention. …

  15. National student sexual health HIV knowledge, attitude and behaviour survey: focussing on student men who have sex with men at fourteen higher education institutions in South Africa

    The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS), in partnership with Networking HIV/AIDS Community of South Africa (NACOSA) and funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, undertook research among students at higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa to explore their knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in relation to sexual health and HIV. The sample comprised both male and female students, and specifically included male students who have sex with men. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.