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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. The national HIV and AIDS stigma and discrimination index: summary report

    The National HIV and AIDS Stigma and Discrimination Study, was a cross-sectional survey which collected data from the 47 counties, grouped into 30 clusters selected based on observed regional variations in HIV prevalence, socio-cultural and economic characteristics. The stigma study, targeted the general population, key populations as well as PLHIV is a compilation of the thoughts and attitudes regarding HIV, and, far too frequently, painful experiences of people living with HIV.

  2. National HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2015 2020

    The key elements of the NSP 2015-2020 are detailed in the following sections: Section 1 - Impact Results of the NSP; Section 2 - Preventing new HIV infections (Non-Clinical); Section 3: Preventing new HIV infections (Clinical); Section 4 - Preventing HIV in Key Populations (KPs); Section 5 - Condom Promotion and Distribution; Section 6 - Treatment, Care, and Support for PLHIV; Section 7 - Critical Social and Programmatic Enablers; Section 8 - Synergies with Development Sectors; Section 9 - Costing of the NSP 2015-2020.

  3. Guide relatif au cadre juridique sur la lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA et la protection des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH)

    Dans l'objectif de poursuivre la lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA dont les effets bénéfiques ont été déjà constatés dans tout le pays, le présent Guide a été élaboré sur l'initiative du Secrétariat Exécutif du Comité National de Lutte contre le Sida pour permettre à chaque citoyen de connaître ses droits concernant la prévention, le dépistage, les soins concernant le VIH et le SIDA ainsi que la protection des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH et le SIDA.

  4. Policy for HIV/AIDS at the workplace

    The employer is concerned about HIV and AIDS situation and this policy in line with the main objectives of the health, safety and environment policy aims to ensure that employees have sufficient awareness of the causes, prevention and consequences of the disease in order to adequately protect themselves, their family members and others.

  5. Draft Department of Basic Education national policy on HIV, STIs and TB

    The Department of Basic Education HIV, STIs and TB Policy applies to all learners, educators, school support staff and officials in the Basic Education Sector at all public and independent primary and secondary schools in the Republic of South Africa. …

  6. Network of teachers and educational workers in HIV and AIDS, Ghana (NETEWAG) strategic plan 2015-2020

    NETEWAG (Network of Teachers and Educational workers in HIV and AIDS, Ghana) envisions a stigma and discrimination free and equal opportunity environment for Teachers and Educational workers living with HIV in Ghana. Teachers play a key custodian role within the education system and are also central to efforts to achieve the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However like their counterparts in other sub Saharan African countries, teachers in Ghana have not been spared the threat of HIV and AIDS. …

  7. An investigation of graduate competency for managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace

    The purpose of the study summarised in this document was to understand the needs and expectations of employers with respect to graduate competencies, particularly in relation to addressing the demands of HIV/AIDS within the workplace, and the responsiveness of the higher education subsector with regard to meeting these needs and expectations.

  8. Namibia public service sector report on HIV and AIDS impact assessment

    The Namibian Government is committed to provide services to the citizens of Namibia. Apart from the sector’s responsibility to deliver services by maintaining a healthy and productive workforce, the Government needs to sustain current practices, develop innovative approaches to future challenges, and maintain an institutional memory that sustains the employees and the services rendered to the population of Namibia. HIV and AIDS is one of the factors that impact on the ability of the Public Sector to deliver services. …

  9. Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in youth employment

    This publication aims to support governments, employers’, and workers’ organizations as well as other stakeholder in addressing HIV and AIDS among young people and combatting discrimination and stigmatization of young workers affected by the HIV epidemic. It includes guidelines and concrete examples that can be used by actors working on HIV and AIDS as well as youth employment initiatives.

  10. HIV and AIDS policy

    The Institute of Adult Education recognizes and acknowledges that the HIV and AIDS epidemic in Tanzania is on the threshold of an exponential increase in the country. Therefore, various efforts have been made by the Institute for the purpose of developing a working and learning environment, become free of discrimination stigmatization of HIV, and where people living with HIV and AIDS are assured that their rights are upheld and protected and finally to become a HIV and AIDS free zone. …

  11. The impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment: Advocacy recommendations

    In 2013, IGLYO commissioned research that examined the experiences of homophobic and transphobic bullying within the educational context and its impact on employment and future career. An online survey targeted respondents in Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Poland. The final results were drawn out of 187 survey responses, as well as a substantial number of complementary research reports.

  12. Adolescent health, global guidelines versus local realities: the Sub-Saharan Africa experience

    As the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) evolves, further discussion and documentation of national policy and aspects of its implementation is needed to ensure effectiveness of interventions. Further research is required to foster beneficial shifts in policy advocacy, including resource allocation, and in the prioritization of adolescent programs in health and education systems, in communities and in workplaces. Adolescents are exposed to diverse interventions across all the countries under discussion; however there exist obstacles to realization of ASRH goals. …

  13. Employment policies for the young people infected with HIV/AIDS

    The purpose of this article is to analyse the topic of the young people infected with HIV/AIDS (the social group most affected by this virus both in Romania, and worldwide), stressing on the forms of including these people on the labour market. The first part of the article is a brief introduction into the matter of HIV/AIDS and it provides several statistics and estimates on the infection with HIV/AIDS worldwide and in Romania. …

  14. Code of good practice on key aspects of HIV/AIDS and employment. Department of Labour, Employment Equity Act, Act No. 55 of 1998

    The Code’s primary objective is to set out guidelines for employers and trade unions to implement so as to ensure individuals with HIV infection are not unfairly discriminated against in the workplace. This includes provisions regarding: creating a non-discriminatory work environment; dealing with HIV testing, confidentiality and disclosure; providing equitable employee benefits; dealing with dismissals; and managing grievance procedures.

  15. The impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment

    In February 2013, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO) commissioned Eleanor Formby from Sheffield Hallam University (in the UK) to carry out research on the impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment in Europe. An online survey used, specifically targeted at a range of countries: Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Poland. The research extends existing literature that often focuses on impacts on mental health and emotional wellbeing. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.