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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Accessing the ‘right’ kinds of material and symbolic capital: the role of cash transfers in reducing adolescent school absence and risky behaviour in South Africa

    This article investigates how well South Africa’s Child Support Grant (CSG) responds to the material and psychosocial needs of adolescents, and the resultant effects on schooling and risky behaviour. One driver of schooling decisions is shame related to poverty and the ‘social cost’ of school, where a premium must often be paid for fashionable clothes or accessories. The other driver relates to symbolic and consumptive capital gained through engaging in sexual exchange relationships. The anticipated impacts from the CSG are partial because of these non-material drivers of adolescent choices. …

  2. Hear our voices

    Thousands of girls claim they are embarrassed and ashamed to express the everyday injustices and threats of sexual violence they face, in ‘Hear Our Voices’ - one of the largest studies of adolescent girls’ rights of its kind. Plan International spoke directly with more than 7,000 girls and boys aged 12 to 16 in 11 countries across the world, as part of its Because I am a Girl campaign for girls’ rights. The study’s results bring the daily realities of girls into vivid colour. …

  3. Inspiring Others To Change Their World

    This document is the annual report 2008 of AIDS Foundation East-West.

  4. Keeping the Promise: AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) Annual Report 2009

    This is the annual report 2009 of AFEW, the NGO working with some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to adress one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world.

  5. Facteurs de risque de l'infection à VIH/sida chez la femme

    Ce document étudie les raisons de la situation épidémiologique qui montre une augmentation des cas de sida dans la population hétérosexuelle, avec un pourcentage 3 à 8 fois plus important chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Les auteurs parlent de la plus grande vulnérabilité des femmes vis-à-vis du VIH est due à des facteurs physiologiques et biologiques mais également à des pressions sociales, culturelles et économiques qui ne leur permettent pas d'assurer leur prévention. …

  6. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Poverty, Inequality and Economic Growth

    This paper reviews the literature on the socio-economic consequences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, looking specifically at the interaction of HIV/AIDS with poverty and inequality at a household or micro level, and with economic growth at a macro level, highlighting findings from the most important studies, as well as recent original research. Its second part identifies important gaps in existing research and suggests how future research agendas may be developed. …

  7. Women and Men. Together for HIV/AIDS Prevention. Literacy, Gender and HIV/AIDS

    The stereotyping of men and women reinforces unequal sexual practice; a vision of women as weak, innocent, passive and submissive while men are strong, virile, possessive and authoritative is conducive to rape and violence. The role of superstitious beliefs is an important factor; these generally take from women in various ways their right of choice and power of decision over their bodies.The special problems of living with HIV occur in all societies; the responsibility for honesty in sexual relations and proper care of sufferers. …

  8. Estado de la Población Mundial: Población, Pobreza y Oportunidades

    Los pobres tienen escaso acceso a servicios de prevención, como la provisión de condones o cualquier forma de tratamiento. Sólo una de cada cinco personas que corren riesgo de contagio con el VIH tiene acceso a información preventiva y servicios. Las estrategias eficaces para frenar la epidemia abarcan una combinación de tratamiento, educación y prevención. Estas estrategias no deben limitarse a la medicina y la atención de la salud sino que deben alcanzar a la comunidad, exhortando a consultar directamente a las personas a quienes se trata de prestar asistencia (21). …

  9. Strategic directions for improving the health and development of children and adolescents

    The document summarizes priority areas for WHO action based on global evidence. Improving the health and development of children and adolescents means that WHO will need to shape its implementation of the strategy to the epidemiological needs of specific regions and countries. The strategy document proposes a flexible, country-specific approach that reflects and respects differences in epidemiology. In addition, it outlines a strategic framework that is based on equity, the life course, and a public health approach. It defines principles to guide the implementation. …

  10. Adolescent' girls' life aspirations and reproductive health in Nepal

    The study described in this paper takes a participatory and positive approach to improving adolescent reproductive health in a rural and urban community in Nepal. It shows that adolescent girls in these communities have dreams and aspirations for a better future and that adults acknowledge and support these ideals. However, social norms and institutions are restrictive, especially for girls, who are often unable to realise their hopes for continuing education, finding better-paid work or delaying marriage and childbearing, and this directly impacts reproductive outcomes. …

Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.