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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. The role of partners’ educational attainment in the association between HIV and education amongst women in seven sub-Saharan African countries

    Introduction: Individuals’ educational attainment has long been considered as a risk factor for HIV. However, little attention has been paid to the association between partner educational attainment and HIV infection. Methods: We conducted cross-sectional analysis of young women (aged 1534) in 14 Demographic and Health Surveys from seven sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries with generalized HIV epidemics. …

  2. Plan Stratégique National de la riposte au VIH/sida et aux IST 2015-2018 en Tunisie

    L’établissement des priorités du PSN de la riposte au VIH/sida et aux IST 2015-2018 est fondé sur une réflexion articulée autour des dimensions suivantes : - L’analyse de la situation épidémiologique et de la réponse qui a mis en exergue les évidences de la dynamique de l’épidémie en Tunisie (analyse des nouvelles infections, hétérogénéité géographique et populationnelle de l’épidémie, etc.). - L’engagement des autorités nationales et des acteurs nationaux, afin de maintenir et d’augmenter les efforts dans le cadre du principe de la « volonté de payer » 35 . …

  3. National strategic plan for ending AIDS 2016-2030: Together we can end AIDS epidemic by 2030

    The NSPEA was developed through a comprehensive consultation process, it builds on the successes of the previous strategies and addresses the challenges identified in the surveys and surveillance, in the Mid Term Review of the 2011-2015 NSP and in the consequent consultation process. It places strong emphasis on strengthening the multi-sectoral and civil society collaboration practiced under the previous strategic plans. …

  4. III Plan estratégico nacional de respuesta al VIH y SIDA en Honduras 2008-2012 (PENSIDA III)

    La visión del presente Plan Estratégico Nacional de Respuesta alVIH y Sida (Pensida III) es incorporar un enfoque renovado en derechos humanos, sexuales y reproductivos, equidad de género, la ausencia de estigma y discrimi nación, con el fin de disminuir la prevalencia de VIH y mitigar su impacto. …

  5. National HIV and AIDS, STI policy

    This document is the revised National HIV and AIDS, STI Policy for Ghana. It has been revised by the Ghana AIDS Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, National AIDS and STI Control Programme (NACP) of the Ghana Health Service and key stakeholders, taking into account recent developments in the national and global response. …

  6. National HIV programme situation and gap analysis

    This draft programme gap analysis is based on a consultative process undertaken by an international consultant "Jamie Uhrig" providing technical support to the National AIDS Programme of the Ministry of Health in Egypt in March 2015. The terms of reference for the international consultant include describing “current policies and programmes, including thematic areas, related to the national HIV response in Egypt and identifying programmatic gaps”. …

  7. Timor-Leste national HIV and STI strategy 2011-2016

    The strategic priorities outlined in this strategy are: - establishing an enabling environment through a coalition for gender equality, sexual and reproductive health; - access to a basic service package including HIV and STI knowledge, clinical services and availability of condoms for the general population; - targeted prevention programs targeted for individuals with multiple partners outside of MARPs; - strengthening intensive prevention programs targeted at MARPs (sex workers, clients of sex workers, MSM, Uniformed Services); - scaling up services in border districts; - ensuring universal  …

  8. Strategic plan for HIV/AIDS and STD prevention and care 2004-2007

    The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to be a framework for: identifying medium-term, coherent and cohesive, cost-effective plans for shaping the response to HIV/AIDS and STIs; the preparation of annual operational plans for implementation; identification of resource needs, and gaps in available resources, both human and financial; formulating requests for assistance, that match donors' priorities and mandates, but also fit with the needs and priorities of the Government of Cambodia; coordination of activities, plans, strategies and resources of all kinds from all sources. …

  9. Strategic plan for HIV/AIDS and STI prevention and care in Cambodia 2001-2005

    The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to be a framework for: - identifying medium-term, coherent and cohesive, cost-effective plans for shaping the response to HIV/AIDS and STIs; - the preparation of annual operational plans for implementation; - identification of resource needs, and gaps in available resources, both human and financial; - formulating requests for assistance, that match donors' priorities and mandates, but also fit with the needs and priorities of the Government of Cambodia; - coordination of activities, plans, strategies and resources of all kinds from all sources.

  10. Strategic plan for HIV/AIDS and STI prevention and care in the health sector in Cambodia 2008-2010

    The NCHADS’ Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention and Care 2008-2010 is based upon a series of goals and objectives, and the core operational strategies by which these objectives will be met; and is structured around ten programme elements under which activities are planned and budgeted in NCHADS and provinces. For each programme area there are also a set of output and outcome indicators, for which targets for the Plan are set, and by which NCHADS will monitor and assess progress in the implementation of the plan; this is described in the final section of the Plan.

  11. State variation in HIV/AIDS health outcomes: the effect of spending on social services and public health

    Objective: Despite considerable advances in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, the burden of new infections of HIV and AIDS varies substantially across the country. Previous studies have demonstrated associations between increased healthcare spending and better HIV/AIDS outcomes; however, less is known about the association between spending on social services and public health spending and HIV/AIDS outcomes. …

  12. Investigation of teaching the integrated topics on drug abuse in secondary school curriculum

    The problem of this study was to investigate the teaching of the integrated topics on drug abuse in the secondary school curriculum as a strategy to wipe out the problem of drug abuse among students in Machakos District, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to: establish the prevalence of drug abuse at the secondary school level according to gender, locality (urban/rural), boarding or day and religious practice, and establish the effect of teaching integrated topics on prevalence rate of drug abuse. …

  13. An inventory of alcohol-related questions in the demographic and health surveys and an analysis of alcohol use and unsafe sex in Sub-Saharan Africa

    This report provides an overview of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) survey questions related to alcohol consumption and an analysis of outcomes from these questions in DHS surveys. It first examines the questions on alcohol use and the response categories in all surveys that included questions about ever, typical, or current alcohol consumption. The inventory found that alcohol questions were included in 65 surveys in 42 developing countries between 1987 and 2014, and 19 different questions related to alcohol consumption were identified. …

  14. Strengthening the evidence base on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Eastern Caribbean

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Sub- Regional Office for the Caribbean/Barbados is working to strengthen the evidence base on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in four countries: Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The research presented in this document aims to generate new knowledge and provide the baseline data to inform the development of programmes to support adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights. …

  15. Revue du plan strategique national de lutte contre le sida 2008 – 2012 Djibouti

    Le résumé de l’analyse de la réponse effectuée par cette revue est organisé selon 4 objectifs du plan : 1) Réduire la transmission des IST/VIH, 2) Améliorer la prise en charge, 3) Réduire les déterminants de la vulnérabilité et la précarité des PVVIH et leur famille, 4) Renforcer le suivi et évaluation de la réponse nationale, de la coordination, la gestion et le suivi.


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.