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The Policy document is in four parts. The first outlines the background information and epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in The Gambia. The second part focuses on the policy framework, including the guiding principles, national response, policy revision rationale, goals and objectives. The third section highlights the overall implementation strategies which include four strategic areas; prevention of new infections; reduction of morbidity and mortality; impact mitigation and efficiency and effectiveness of the national response. …
El Ministerio de Salud, en adelante MINSAL, impulsa la Reforma de Salud con enfoque de la promoción del Derecho Humano a la Salud, por lo anterior es importante re dimensionar la estrategia nacional de información, educación y comunicación para el cambio de comportamiento (IEC/CC), con el objetivo de que el personal de salud disponga de procesos sistemáticos para la promoción de la salud con enfoque de las determinantes sociales de la salud y comportamientos saludables que pudieran ser adaptados y adoptados según el perfil epidemiológico local, las prioridades de salud y los recursos humanos, …
This tool helps develop programs for urban adolescents on sexual and reproductive health and behavior change. It is divided into four parts: Part 1 provides the background and information on how to use the I-Kit. Part 2 includes the seven essential elements of program planning and interactive worksheets. Part 3 provides strategies to address program implementation challenges. Part 4 encourages to share what has been learned. Then, additional resources are provided for further information. The Help section includes acronyms, glossary, icon key, and references.
The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to be a framework for: identifying medium-term, coherent and cohesive, cost-effective plans for shaping the response to HIV/AIDS and STIs; the preparation of annual operational plans for implementation; identification of resource needs, and gaps in available resources, both human and financial; formulating requests for assistance, that match donors' priorities and mandates, but also fit with the needs and priorities of the Government of Cambodia; coordination of activities, plans, strategies and resources of all kinds from all sources. …
The NCHADS’ Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention and Care 2008-2010 is based upon a series of goals and objectives, and the core operational strategies by which these objectives will be met; and is structured around ten programme elements under which activities are planned and budgeted in NCHADS and provinces. For each programme area there are also a set of output and outcome indicators, for which targets for the Plan are set, and by which NCHADS will monitor and assess progress in the implementation of the plan; this is described in the final section of the Plan.
This manual aims to guide trained JIC facilitators on how to conduct JIC activities and can be used as reference material during JIC facilitator trainings. It is also for anyone who wishes to know more about the JIC concept. Thematic areas covered by the JIC are referred to as stations. The manual consists of three main chapters: Chapter 1 provides an overview of the JIC concept, methodology and the main objectives of the JIC stations. Chapter 2 gives information on the roles and responsibilities of JIC facilitators and of the facilitation skills needed for JIC. …
The Join-In Circuit on AIDS, Love, and Sexuality (JIC) is a behaviour change communication (BCC) tool which aims to raise awareness for and provide information about HIV, AIDS and reproductive health. The JIC empowers participants to make healthy choices and promotes uptake of health services. JIC was developed in 1992 for youth by the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) as part of the national “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance” HIV prevention campaign. …
The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS) is a national programme to develop and support the HIV/TB/STI and General Health and Wellness mitigation initiatives at South Africa’s public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. HEAIDS has introduced an innovative youth development project known as ‘Future Beats’, funded by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the DHET. …
The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) through the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) has developed a National HIV and AIDS Health Sector Research and Evaluation Agenda (NHAREA) that outlines HIV and AIDS health research and evaluation priorities for the next 5 years (2011-2015). For the first time, this Agenda includes evaluation priorities aimed at objectively reviewing the different HIV interventions that are currently in place to establish those that are both efficacious and cost effective. …
This study was undertaken to identify the HIV prevention programmes and practices that have been implemented at HEIs and the extent to which they cohere with good practice as described in the literature. The research team began by identifying “international and local good practice with regards to HIV/AIDS prevention”. …
Dans le cadre de l’initiative mondiale sur l’Education et le VIH/SIDA (EDUSIDA), le Bureau de l’UNESCO – Bujumbura a conçu le projet « Renforcement des capacités des jeunes pour répondre à l’épidémie du VIH/SIDA sur financement du gouvernement japonais et le plan d’opérationnalisation de ce projet a été signé par le Ministre de l’Education nationale et de la culture et le Représentant de l’UNESCO au Burundi le 13 Mars 2006. …
The Department of Health (DOH) embarked on a Project entitled Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy as part of its Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program. The Project generally aims to contribute to the reduction of adolescent pregnancy through behavior change communication strategies. It specifically seeks to promote positive and responsible sexual behavior among adolescents to enable them to prevent early and unintended adolescent pregnancy and its concomitant consequences. …
More than ever, adolescents need help, guidance, and empowerment. This is the main purpose for which the Department of Health invested in the project: “Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Adolescent Pregnancy.” This initiative essentially aims to contribute to the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors that enable adolescents to avoid too early and unintended pregnancy. This initiative is an integral part of the Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program of the Department of Health. …
The Safe Schools Program (Safe Schools) was a five-year initiative (2003-2008) funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Office of Women in Development and implemented by DevTech Systems, Inc. (DevTech). This program was at the forefront of defining, understanding and addressing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). In 2003, gender-based violence in schools was considered a significant obstacle both to achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals, and to reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS. …
The overall goal of this policy is to promote an enabling environment for the scaling up of biomedical and non-biomedical HIV prevention interventions to reduce the HIV incidence in Swaziland. The overall objective of this policy is to halt and reduce HIV infection in Swaziland. More specifically, it seeks to guide programmatic, institutional and social responses in priority and other strategic intervention areas for HIV prevention. …