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The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education compiled the attached examples of policies and emerging practices that some schools are already using to support transgender students. We share some common questions on topics such as school records, privacy, and terminology, and then explain how some state and school district policies have answered these questions. We present this information to illustrate how states and school districts are supporting transgender students. …
This report is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the Asia Pacific Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations and UNICEF. It highlights the HIV crisis for vulnerable adolescents in Asia and the Pacific and what we can do to give them the support they desperately need. If we fail to do this, the world will not get to where it wants to be: ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
MSM and transgender people requires addressing self-issues and the linkages with HIV vulnerability and risk behavior. Yet to date, many HIV-related programs in Asia have failed to address self-stigma. To better understand how self-stigma relates to HIV, YVC undertook an in-person consultation in October 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand, and commissioned in-country research in 10 countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. …
The Women and Equalities Committee report on Transgender Equality makes over 30 recommendations in a wide range of policy areas. It calls on the Government to take action to ensure full equality for trans people, emphasising the need to update existing legislation; provide better services, especially in the NHS; and improve confidence in the criminal justice system.
A recent report from NatCen found that schools lack confidence in dealing with homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying, are unsure how to address it and feel under-resourced. Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) and Education Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) are working closely together with schools in urban and rural areas across the West of England: building their capacity to challenge and prevent homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. …
In 2014, the Open Society Foundations produced License to be Yourself, a report on progressive gender recognition laws and policies for trans people, and the activist strategies behind them. This brief is one of four complementary resources for activists. Each brief summarizes key arguments made by those opposing access to legal gender recognition. This resource focuses on minimum age restrictions that deny trans children and youth the right to legal gender recognition. It provides arguments that can be used by those advocating for rights-based gender recognition laws and policies. …
This resource is intended to provide support to key individuals as they fulfil their responsibilities in ensuring that their school is safe, supportive and affirming of all students, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students, students perceived to be LGBT and students who have close family members (parents, siblings, etc.) who are LGBT.
This issue brief urges educators, advocates, and policymakers to take immediate, concrete steps to provide LGBTQ-inclusive sex education for all youth, by: 1) Becoming advocates for LGBTQ-inclusive sex education, 2) Ensuring that school is a safe and accepting space for LGBTQ students, 3) Implementing LGBTQ-inclusive sex education in schools, community settings and online, 4) Talking to their own children and teens about sex and sexuality, 5) Working to remove state-level legal and policy barriers to LGBTQ-inclusive sex education in schools and require inclusive programs.
À partir de résultats tirés d’une enquête par questionnaire auprès de 2747 élèves de l’école secondaire québécoise et d’entrevues auprès de jeunes s’identifiant comme lesbiennes, gais, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement (LGBQ) ou comme trans, cet article propose une réflexion sur les violences prenant pour cible l’expression de genre à l’école. Plus du tiers des élèves s’identifiant comme hétérosexuels rapportent avoir été victimes de violences parce qu’on pense qu’ils sont, ou parce qu’ils sont gais. C’est également le cas de plus des deux tiers des élèves LGBQ. …
This Policy aims to: 1. Foster a school environment that is inclusive, safe and free from harassment and discrimination for all members of the school community, students and adults, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics; 2. Promote the learning of human diversity that is inclusive of trans, gender variant and intersex students, thus promoting social awareness, acceptance and respect; 3. …
This publication outlines the priority health care needs and human rights issues for transgender people in the Asia Pacific region. Drawing upon inputs from trans individuals and organizations, medical professionals, and policymakers from throughout the region, Blueprint aims to strengthen and enhance the policy-related, clinical, and public health responses for trans people in the region. This document is the third in a series of regional transgender health guidance documents, and builds on similar publications produced in Latin America and the Caribbean. …
This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young transgender people. …
This policy report forms one part of a broader scoping exercise on why and how Plan International could strengthen its programme, advocacy and institutional support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning (LGBTIQ) adolescents. The scoping exercise also included mapping and analysing the legal, social and other challenges and opportunities facing LGBTIQ adolescents in the world. …
Brochure à destination des professionnels et bénévoles associatifs travaillant auprès de tout(e) étudiant(e) s’interrogeant sur son orientation sexuelle et/ou son identité de genre.
Peer education training module: skills building for MSM and transgender population to fight against HIV (in Bengali)