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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Stonewall education equality index 2015: celebrating difference and preventing and tackling homophobic and biphobic bullying in Britain’s schools

    Stonewall released its fifth annual Education Equality Index at the Education for All Conference on Friday 10 July 2015. The Index is a comprehensive benchmarking exercise for local authorities from across the country, showcasing how well they are celebrating difference, tackling homophobia and biphobia in schools and supporting LGBT young people in their local communities.

  2. Etude sur l’enseignement des compétences de vie courante (CVC) à l’école et dans les centres d’éducation non formelle au Burundi

    Le but de cette étude est d’analyser les initiatives « CVC » au Burundi avec un focus particulier sur la pertinence, la couverture, l’efficience, l’effectivité ainsi que la pérennité en vue d’apprécier le rôle de l’UNICEF et sa valeur ajoutée dans l’appui aux efforts des institutions du Gouvernement et des ONGs afin de les intégrer effectivement dans les politiques, les stratégies, les plans et le curricula. …

  3. UNAIDS IATT on Education symposium report 2015: Good quality education for adolescent girls for an AIDS-free future

    In June 2015, the UNAIDS IATT on Education, convened by UNESCO, presented evidence and explored promising approaches to support girls’ participation in quality education at a symposium entitled Good Quality Education For Adolescent Girls For An Aids-Free Future. …

  4. Atelier régional sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l'Ouest

    Cet atelier sur la lutte contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l’Ouest a été organisé conjointement par le Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères, l’UNGEI et l’UNICEF à Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso, du 19 au 21 novembre 2013. Le but de cet atelier était de servir d’outil de plaidoyer et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs et actrices étatiques et non-étatiques qui travaillent sur les violences de genre en milieu scolaire, afin de permettre une meilleure prise en compte de cette problématique dans la planification et la programmation sectorielle. …

  5. Institutions of higher education pre-service school health education practices

    Background: The quality of health education teachers is, in large part, dependent on the education they receive from their teacher preparation program. Purpose: This study assessed institutions of higher education (IHE) teaching practices in school health teacher preparation programs regarding the amount of time spent and content taught related to various health education tools and products (e.g. National Health Education Standards, the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool and the School Health Index). …

  6. Educación integral de la sexualidad: conceptos, enfoques y competencias

    Educación Integral de la Sexualidad: Conceptos, Enfoques y Competencias es un documento estratégico que subraya la importancia de la educación sobre sexualidad como parte integral de la educación básica o “educación fundamental”, bajo el entendido de que va más allá de la adquisición de conocimientos ya que proporciona competencias y habilidades para la vida. …

  7. The need for quality sexual and reproductive health education to address barriers to girls’ educational outcomes in South Africa

    South Africa has made significant strides in enrolling girls in school, particularly at the basic education level, with high gender parity indexes (GPI) at the primary school level. However, the high attrition rate at the secondary level and the poor quality of educational experiences and learning opportunities, for girls in particular, remain areas of concern. …

  8. School-related gender-based violence is preventing the achievement of quality education for all

    This policy paper argues that school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is a global concern preventing children, especially girls, exercising their right to a safe, inclusive and quality education. The paper calls for a systematic and harmonized approach to identify, monitor and understand SRGBV, as well as strong policy interventions to develop targeted solutions to address the problem effectively.

  9. Sexuality education: Emerging trends in evidence and practice

    The International Conference on Population and Development and related resolutions have repeatedly called on governments to provide adolescents and young people with comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). Drawing from these documents, reviews and meta-analyses of program evaluations, and situation analyses, this article summarizes the elements, effectiveness, quality, and country-level coverage of CSE. Throughout, it highlights the matter of a gender and rights perspective in CSE. …

  10. Ending school related gender violence in Nsanje district, Malawi: baseline study

    Concern Worldwide has initiated a project called Ending School Related Gender-Based Violence in Malawi to run from 2012 to 2015. The goal of the new program is that the right of girls to access quality primary education, free from all forms of violence and discrimination, be actively promoted by schools, communities and the State in Nsanje District. The expected outcomes of the program are: 1. A safe learning environment for girls is ensured in 17 primary schools in Nsanje; 2. …

  11. Poverty alleviation and integrated service delivery: Literacy, early child development and health

    This paper argues that many internationally financed literacy programs do not sufficiently take into consideration important daily life issues of the learners, including nutritional deficiencies that may hinder learning, or of children–parent–society interactions that may improve learning. As a result, many programs have become synonymous with increased supply of a low-quality education. …

  12. Report of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Life Skills in EFA

    Divided into six panels, the Inter-Agency Working Group on Life Skills in EFA considered some of the central issues within a life skills approach to education and proposed a synthesis of underlying principles and guidelines for planning life skills-based education, as well as, implementation and assessment. The first panel outlined the theoretical and practical foundations for the concept of life skills education within the larger context of EFA and sustainable human development. …

  13. Education Strategic Plan 2009 -2013

    The Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2009- 2009-2013 review aims to ensure linkages between education policies and strategies with development programs and actions as well as between planning and budgeting. …

  14. Child-Friendly School Policy

    This Policy was developed to ensure that implementation of child rights which are universally recognised and strengthening the quality and effectiveness of basic education. The policy also refeclts two important considerations in educational development in Cambodia including assuring equity of education and attracting participation from all institututions, agencies and individuals jointly to support the program. …

  15. Confronting the impact of HIV and AIDS: the consequences of the pandemics for education supply, demand and quality. A global review from a Southern African perspective

    This article focuses on the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education in countries with different levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence. It concentrates on the sector’s response to school issues, with some attention to teacher training colleges. The survey of experience has concentrated on sub-Saharan Africa, and on Asia and the Pacific, and the lessons that have been learned from high prevalence and low prevalence countries in those regions. The current and anticipated impact of HIV/AIDS on education is analysed in order to clarify probable changes in demand for and supply of education services. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.