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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. I washed and fed my mother before going to school: Understanding the psychosocial well-being of children providing chronic care for adults affected by HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya

    With improved accessibility to life-prolonging antiretroviral therapy, the treatment and care requirements of people living with HIV and AIDS resembles that of more established chronic diseases. As an increasing number of people living with HIV and AIDS in Kenya have access to ART, the primary caregivers of poor resource settings, often children, face the challenge of meeting the requirements of rigid ART adherence schedules and frequent relapses. …

  2. Young People Living with HIV Around the World: Challenges to health and well-being persist

    Around the world, 5 million young people are living with HIV. Most live in the Global South in countries that lack the resources to meet their needs. They face widespread stigma in a world that still often misunderstands HIV and fears or blames those who have it – and the majority of HIV-positive youth are women, placing them at an even greater societal disadvantage in many countries. This brief provides an overview of HIV-positive youth: who is infected, treatment options and challenges, needs of positive youth, stigma and programs.

  3. Cadre Stratégique National de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST 2007-2011

    Le présent Cadre Stratégique devant orienter la lutte contre le SIDA au Tchad des cinq prochaines années (2007-2011), est le produit d'un long processus et le fruit des travaux de l'ensemble des acteurs, bénéficiaires et partenaires de la lutte. …

  4. Prevalências e freqüências relativas de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DST) em populações selecionadas de seis capitais brasileiras, 2005

    Este estudo é o resultado de quatro anos de trabalho em populações selecionadas, realizado em seis capitais, nas cinco macrorregiões do país, envolvendo várias instituições das áreas de saúde no Brasil, incluindo o Programa Nacional de Doençasá Sexualmente Transmissíveis e Aids da Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde (PN-DST/AIDS), Coordenações Estaduais e Municipais de DST e Aids, SESI, Universidades, LACEN e a Agência de Cooperação Técnica Alemã - GTZ. …

  5. Guia para o Cuidador Domiciliar de Pessoas que Vivem com HIV/Aids

    Tendo-se em vista a importância da assistência integral às pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids, o respeito aos seus direitos e a sua dignidade, bem como das ações de prevenção e do amplo acesso ao tratamento para o prolongamento da expectativa e da qualidade de vida das pessoas vivendo com o HIV/Aids, o presente Guia pretende esclarecer, de modo simples e ilustrativo, as situações mais comuns com as quais se deparam os cuidadores domiciliares de pessoas que necessitam de atenção especial. …

  6. Trabalhando com Mulheres e Aids: cartilha de orientação para multiplicadores

    Produzida no âmbito do projeto Reprodução de Vídeos Educativos/Informativos (Projeto 914/BRA/59 - Unesco), com o apoio do departamento de DST, Aids e hepatites Virais do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, a cartilha, destinada especialmente aos profissionais da saúde e da assistêncai social, tem como objetivo apoiar as atividades de prevenção de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e Aids junto a mulheres, jovens e adolescentes atendidas pelos serviços de saúde e de assistência social, bem como a difusão das informações sovre sua saúde e seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, pilares da cidadania das …

  7. Rapport mission RDRs. Prévention et réduction des risques dans les groupes à haut risque vis-à-vis du VIH et des IST

    Rapport mission RDRs. Prévention et réduction des risques dans les groupes à haut risque vis-à-vis du VIH et des IST est la version longue de ce rapport. Il reprend in extenso les 96 recommandations déjà présentes dans la version courte post-Comité de Pilotage du 20 novembre 2009, rendues publiques le 27 novembre 2009 par Madame Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin. Cette version comprend l'argumentaire et l'analyse bibliographique ayant permis la construction de ces recommandations. En annexe figurent différentes contributions écrites et l'expression de certains dissensus. …

  8. The Global Criminalisation Scan Report 2010. Documenting trends, presenting evidence

    The Global Criminalisation Scan Report 2010. Documenting trends, presenting evidence is a document written on behalf of the Global Network of people living with HIV (GNP+) in 2010. This report gives a global overview of the extent to which criminal and other laws have been used to prosecute people living with HIV for HIV transmission and exposure. The full impact of these laws on the human rights of people living with HIV and on access to treatment, care and support has yet to be fully understood. …

  9. Restructuration du Réseau National des Positifs du Congo

    Le bulletin trimestriel d'information, Info-SIDA, développé par le Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA & les IST, est une document qui se présente sous la forme d'un petit journal, dans lequel l'actualité relative au VIH et sida en République du Congo est présentée. Il permet ainsi de se tenir à jours concernant la réponse nationale congolaise au VIH/SIDA dans le cadre du processus de planification stratégique mis en oeuvre dès 2002.

  10. Atelier de plaidoyer des ULS. Les Ministres plaident en faveur de la lutte contre le sida dans leur département

    Atelier de plaidoyer des ULS. Les Ministres plaident en faveur de la lutte contre le sida dans leur département est un bulletin trimestriel d'information, Info-SIDA, développé par le Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA & les IST. Ce document se présente sous la forme d'un petit jounral, dans lequel l'actualité relative au VIH et sida en République du Congo est présentée. Il permet ainsi de se tenir à jours concernant la réponse nationale congolaise au VIH/SIDA dans le cadre du processus de planification stratégique mis en oeuvre dès 2002.

  11. Therapeutic Education: Recommendations Regarding Disclosure of HIV Status to Children under ARV in MSF Projects

    Therapeutic Education: Recommendations Regarding Disclosure of HIV Status to Children under ARV in MSF Projects is a document developed by Médecins sans frontières, in 2005. It focuses particularly upon the objectives and means of disclosure of pediatric HIV. The general objective in the care of HIV in the child could be defined as the following: To help the child to grow and develop despite his illness, and to live as well as possible, through a structured and structuring care environment. …

  12. Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women and Adolescent Girls Living with HIV guidance for health managers, health workers, and activists

    Saúde Sexual e Saúde Reprodutiva das Mulheres Adultas, Adolescentes e Jovens Vivendo com HIV e Aids subsídios para gestores, profissionais de saúde e ativistas é um documento elaborada pela organização internacional EngenderHealth eoO Fundo de População das Nações Unidas (UNFPA) em 2008. …

  13. HIV and AIDS in South Asia: an economic development risk

    The report, HIV and AIDS in South Asia, presents a unique perspective on HIV and AIDS as regional development issues. Although HIV prevalence in South Asia is comparatively low, the region faces a number of challenges including the risk of escalation of concentrated epidemics, the economic welfare costs, and the fiscal costs of scaling up treatment for AIDS. The report can be grouped in three broad themes: First, the epidemiology of HIV and prevention strategies; Second, the economic and development impacts of HIV and AIDS and Third, the implications of HIV/AIDS for the health sector.

  14. An assessment: the situation of children made vulnerable or orphaned in Guyana

    The social and economic factors contributing to children of Guyana becoming orphaned or made vulnerable have been cause for major concern. Increasingly, children suffer in various ways; some from abuse, others are exposed to various forms of violence, neglected or abandoned, and also have to face the challenge of them or their parents dealing with life threatening diseases such as cancer and HIV. …

  15. Budget prévisionnel du cadre stratégique national de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST 2009-2013. Volume 2

    Ce document est le budget prévisionnel du cadre stratégique national de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST pour la période 2009-2013. Les dépenses sont définies par axe stratégique.


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.