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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Assessment of the socio-economic impact of HIV and AIDS on key sectors in Kenya

    The report shows that HIV and AIDS has varied and far reaching socio-economic impacts to the persons infected and affected and to the economy in general. These effects cannot be ignored in any of the sectors and the economy as a whole, if national and millennium development goals are to be achieved. HIV and AIDS has the greatest effect on people in their prime years of economic productivity, and is uniquely devastating as it increases poverty and reverses human development achievements. …

  2. Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum

    Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum is a curriculum document developed in 2008 by PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), Mercy Corps and the Liangshan Yi For Empowerment (LYFE) Center on Project GLOW (Giving Leadership Opportunities to Young Women) with support from the Nike Foundation. The document is prepared for facilitators so they can equip and empower Yi adolescent girls with the life skills, health, and economic options necessary to cope and move beyond the challenges of urban migration and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. …

  3. A cultural approach to HIV/AIDS and care. HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination: an anthropological approach

    Ce document résulte d'un projet conjoint de l'UNESCO et d'ONUSIDA intitulé "L'approche culturelle de la prévention et du traitement du VIH et sida". Il vise à lutter contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination des personnes vivant avec le VIH. Ce document présente les actes de la table ronde organisée en novembre 2002 dans le cadre du projet sur le thème: " VIH et sida, stigmatisation et discrimination : une approche anthropologique ". …

  4. Atelier régional sur le rôle des médias

    Ce document concerne la préparation de l'atelier régional organisé par le Bureau régional de l'éducation de l'UNESCO dans les États arabes à Beyrouth, en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'information de la République du Liban. Le thème principal de cet atelier était le rôle des médias dans la sensibilisation aux dangers du VIH et sida. Cet atelier a eu lieu entre le 21 et le 23 septembre 2004. Cette action s'inscrit dans le cadre des efforts déployés par l'UNESCO pour la lutte contre le VIH et le sida et le renforcement du rôle des médias en faveur de la prévention dans les pays arabes. …

  5. Educação Sexual em Meio Escolar - Linhas Orientadoras

    O documento " Educação Sexual em Meio Escolar - Linhas Orientadoras " foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação no sentido da integração regular de projectos e actividades de Educação Sexual nos vários níveis de ensino. …

  6. Building blocks in practice. Participatory tools to improve the development of care and support for orphans and vulnerable children

    Esta publicação foi concebida pela International HIV/AIDS Alliance para ajudar as comunidades a avaliar as situações e as necessidades das suas crianças e os recursos disponíveis, e identificar as acções que podem tomar, usando o processo de "acção para aprendizagem participativa". E destinado a organizações de formação e treinadores individuais assim como a programas de apoio às ONGs e ONGs internacionais. As ferramentas foram desenvolvidas e testadas durante uma reunião no Quénia, onde a KANCO foi anfitria, com ONGs/OBCs de Moçambique, Burkina Faso e Quénia e a equipa da Aliança. …

  7. Act, Learn and Teach : Theatre, HIV and AIDS Toolkit for Youth in Africa

    Act, Learn and Teach: Theatre, HIV and AIDS Toolkit for Youth in Africa is a publication resulting from a project collaboration between UNESCO and the CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) edited in 2006. This toolkit and associated material, including the CD-ROM provided, introduce you to Forum Theatre as a tool for HIV and AIDS education. The toolkit has been written with special consideration for youth groups and amateur theatre groups in English-speaking Africa who wish to address HIV- and AIDS-related issues in ways that are creative and engaging. …

  8. Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA

    Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA esta um manual elaborado por Irmã Silke-Andrea Mallman com a colaboração da Ação Católica de Apoio ao AIDS, Maskew Miller Longman e UNESCO em 2004. Não é necessário que as crianças adoeçam ou que sejam infectadas pelo vírus de HIV para que também sejam afectadas pelas suas consequências. O documento é um guia prático destinado a ajudar a crianças afectadas pelos HIV e AIDS a edificar a sua própria resiliência e equipá-las para melhor controlarem o seu próprio destino. …

  9. A report of the evaluation of "Ringing the bell: A Re Tsogeng" project

    This document is an evaluation of the People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs) project designed by Botswana Network of people living with HIV/AIDS, UNICEF and the Ministry of Education to bring change messages to school and in the process making the schools become youth-friendly information centre on adolescent reproductive health, sexuality, and human rights. …

  10. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa. Botswana version. Facilitator's manual

    The document is designed to help youth (age 10-24) in Botswana face the challenges of growing up, to help them make decisions about their sexual health, and to prepare for work in the future. It focuses on three important issues young people face: 1) recognizing the importance of adhering to values, 2) learning more about their body's functions and dealing with sexual and reproductive changes, feelings and behaviors and 3) thinking about and planning for their future. …

  11. Sexuality Education Series for Young Persons, No. 2, What You Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Including HIV/AIDS

    Sexuality Education Series for Young Persons, No. 2: What You Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Including HIV/AIDS is a document produced by B. Madunagu and I. Bernard Ekott in collaboration with GPI (Girls' Power Initiative) in 2005. The publication is the second in the planned Sexuality Education Series for young persons. It is prepared mainly for girls (especially those between the ages of 10-18 years) and for an empowered womanhood in accordance to the Sexuality, Family Life & HIV/AIDS Education curriculum in Nigeria. …

  12. Activity book: beacon schools

    This activity book contains a series of 10 activities for primary school students aged 10 to 12. Designed primarily as an HIV and AIDS curriculum, the Beacon School activity book use activities, exercises, and stories to deliver behaviour change message related to HIV and AIDS. Participating students learn basic life skills and personal and environmental hygiene. They also gain knowledge about, and develop, healthy attitudes towards HIV and AIDS. Goals, key messages, overview, time allocated, necessary materials and preparation are specified for each activity. …

  13. Guidelines for comprehensive sexuality education in Nigeria

    These guidelines present a comprehensive approach to sexuality education, encompassing the key components of a broad definition of sexuality including: sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image and gender roles. The guidelines answer basic questions that educators, policymakers and others need to address when they design or evaluate a comprehensive approach to sexuality education. They provide a framework for developing sexuality education curricula, textbooks and programmes, as well as for evaluating existing programmes. …

  14. Health and family life education: refined scope and sequence, grades 7-9

    The document is prepared for teachers in the Caribbean, specifically in Jamaica. It includes a series of activities to make learning fun and to provide a positive environment in which students can develop the skills required to make healthy life choices, maintain behaviour that promotes good health and support a better society through the training of teachers and the development of a Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum. …

  15. Naomi's Experience, Chela 4

    This document is part of a series of short storybooks for children which are about the story of a 10-year-old girl named Chela. Through her own experiences and the stories of her grandmother, she learns useful lessons of life. The documents introduce issues such as menstruation, sanitary pads, private parts and wet dreams. The four booklets also discuss alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, healthy eating, sexual harassment and abstinence before marriage. They aim to provide basic information on puberty in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.