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El Ministerio de Salud, en adelante MINSAL, impulsa la Reforma de Salud con enfoque de la promoción del Derecho Humano a la Salud, por lo anterior es importante re dimensionar la estrategia nacional de información, educación y comunicación para el cambio de comportamiento (IEC/CC), con el objetivo de que el personal de salud disponga de procesos sistemáticos para la promoción de la salud con enfoque de las determinantes sociales de la salud y comportamientos saludables que pudieran ser adaptados y adoptados según el perfil epidemiológico local, las prioridades de salud y los recursos humanos, …
The second National HIV and AIDS Advocacy and Communication Strategy (NHACAS) for Tanzania has been developed to enhance cross-cutting communication support to the priority strategies identified in the National Multisectoral Framework for HIV response in Tanzania. The first chapter of NHACAS provides an overview of situation analysis and HIV response in Tanzania. The Strategic Objective section illustrates a framework and recommends approaches for addressing the context of HIV response highlighting lessons learnt and successful global interventions. …
key priority areas of the HIV Strategic Plan for Tuvalu 2008 – 2012 are as follows: Priority Area 1: Achieving an enabling environment; Priority Area 2: Prevention of HIV and other STIs; Priority Area 3: Treatment Care and Support; Priority Area 4: Program Management.
This paper is a summary report of a two-day technical consultation whose goal was to provide a forum for key stakeholders in HIV research, programming, implementation, and evaluation to take stock of important developments in the field and develop strategies to improve communication technology for enhanced HIV services. During the meeting, which was co-sponsored by the U.S. …
Background: The international community agrees that the Millennium Development Goals will not be achieved without ensuring universal access to both sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support. Recently, there has been increasing awareness and discussion of the possible benefits of linkages between SRH and HIV programmes at the policy, systems and service delivery levels. However, the evidence for the efficacy of these linkages has not been systematically assessed. …
The Third South African National HIV Communication Survey (NCS) was jointly conducted by Johns Hopkins Health and Education in South Africa (JHHESA), loveLife and Soul City, with funding from PEPFAR through USAID. The survey was managed by Health and Development Africa and field work was conducted by Freshly Ground Insights. Data analysis was jointly conducted by Health and Development Africa and Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs. …
NBA players Grant Hill and Jared Dudley shot a PSA for GLSEN and the Ad Council's Think Before You Speak campaign on April 12, 2011. The PSA is the first phase of a partnership between GLSEN, the NBA and the Ad Council to address anti-LGBT language among teens.
Stonewall has launched a new campaign reassuring gay school pupils that they don't have to wait for things to get better in their lives -- they can be great now. In Britain we have partnership rights, the right to serve in the military and the right to have children. Our government is committed to tackling homophobic bullying and many schools, supported by Stonewall's Education for All campaign, are taking bold steps to do just that.
AIDS continues to have a devastating effect on developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The lack of a proven effective vaccine to stop HIV transmission has led to much of public policy putting an emphasis on information campaigns in order to reduce HIV-prevalence. In this paper we examine the impact of HIV/AIDS-knowledge from two sides. First, we examine to what extent the campaigns have been successful at inducing the expected behavioural change with regards to HIV-related attitudes. Second, we examine the impact of HIV/AIDS knowledge on HIV status. …
This Communication Strategy provides a broad framework that will guide communication on youth and HIV and AIDS in Kenya for the next three years. It intends to address needs and gaps in communication programming identified in the areas of knowledge, skills and self-efficacy, capacity, coordination, policy support and utilisation of services. These issues were identified through a situation analysis conducted at the beginning of developing this strategy, and from consultations with stakeholders implementing HIV and AIDS programmes among the youth.
The goal of this strategy is to engage stakeholders at every level to do their part in: (1) raising awareness and serving as advocates for HIV; (2) providing appropriate and accurate information; (3) influencing the social norms in their communities and (4) providing the necessary support for people to adopt behaviours which can prevent HIV transmission as well as help reduce stigma and discrimination associated with it.
Política nacional de información, educación y comunicación en VIH/sida del gobierno de Nicaragua. Se describe la situación a nivel nacional y la estrategia general. Luego se detallan los objetivos para grupos específicos: adolescentes, mujeres en edad féril, embarazadas, hombres sexualmente activos, hombres que tienen sexo con hombres, personal de salud, grupos de influencia, comunicadores sociales, sector religioso, empresarios privados, militares y policías.
Bangladesh is in a precarious position in relation to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Rates are currently low compared to the rest of the South Asian region, and the disease is relatively confined to small, high-risk populations -mainly injection drug users (IDUs) and commercial sex workers. Yet if steps are not taken quickly to keep the epidemic in check, it could easily spread to the general population as it has in other countries nearby. This would both increase the negative impact of HIV/AIDS and make it much harder to target for containment. …
Drawing on the analysis of more than 100 key informant interviews as well as 100 global survey responses, this report is an effort to better understand where and in what ways women, particularly those most affected by the epidemic, are participating in the response; the opportunities for and challenges to their participation; and strategies that can be implemented and steps taken to advance their full and meaningful participation at all levels in order to ensure that the response to HIV and AIDS reflects women's priorities and needs. …
This advocacy plan provides comprehensive guidelines to the concerned advocacy group/s to concentrate their efforts to ensure change. It explains the major issue that need to be addressed by the advocates as the specific target area on which advocacy needs to be continued. This Advocacy Plan has been developed to strongly support the implementation of the National Action Plan on AIDS 2008-2011 and thereby accelerate an expanded response on HIV and AIDS in Nepal. …