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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Engaging school personnel in making schools safe for girls in Botswana, Malawi, and Mozambique

    Girls are vulnerable to HIV in part because the social systems in which they live have failed to protect them. This study evaluates a program aimed at making schools safe for girl learners in order to reduce girls’ vulnerability to HIV in Botswana, Malawi, and Mozambique. In addition to an extensive process evaluation with school personnel program participants, program facilitators, and community members, a cross-sectional post-intervention survey was conducted among adolescent girls in the three countries. The total sample size was 1249 adolescent girls (ages 11–18). …


    Improving communication skills module draws teachers' attention to the impact of communication on school climate, teacher-student relations and dynamic of interactions among students. The Module explores different communication styles and how information is transmitted, received and interpreted using body language and non-verbal communciation. Exercises and role plays help teachers improve their communication, stress and anger-management through practice and develop conflict resolution skills.

  3. Addressing school related gender based violence: learning from practice

    This learning brief is based on research shared at a learning day on School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV), organised by the Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence, at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, on December 18th 2012. The principal inputs were provided by Máiréad Dunne, Director of the Centre for International Education at the University of Sussex, and Tanja Suvilaakso, Child Rights and Protection Advisor for Plan International. It builds on discussions within Learning Brief 2: Effective Responses for Gender Based Violence: Gender Based Violence in Schools.

  4. Évaluation du dispositif expérimental « ABCD de l’égalité »

    L’inspection générale de l’éducation nationale a été chargée de l’évaluation du dispositif expérimental "ABCD de l’égalité". Copilotée par les ministères de l’éducation nationale et des droits des femmes, cette opération visait à "susciter une évolution positive des attitudes des enseignants et des élèves des deux sexes" conformément aux engagements arrêtés par la "convention interministérielle pour l’égalité entre les filles et les garçons, les femmes et les hommes dans le système éducatif" valant pour la période 2013-2018. …

  5. School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV): UNGEI-UNESCO discussion paper

    Violence that occurs in and around schools (also known as school-related genderbased violence or SRGBV) continues to be a serious barrier in realizing the right to education. Girls are most at risk of GBV in and around schools, but boys may also be targeted. The experience, or even the threat, of SRGBV often results in poor performance, irregular attendance, dropout, truancy and low self-esteem. …

  6. Books and babies. Pregnancy and young parents in schools

    Being pregnant and a young parent in South African schools is not easy. Books and Babies examines why this is the case. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative research conducted in secondary schools in Durban and Cape Town, the book explores how teachers and principals respond to the presence of pregnant learners and young parents in school, and surveys the attitudes of fellow learners towards them. …

  7. Passing the test: The real cost of being a student

    Gender Based Violence (GBV) in and around schools is now widely recognized as a serious global phenomenon that is a fundamental violation of human rights and a major barrier to the realization of all children’s rights to education. Violence can be perpetrated by students or teachers in or around the school, or by out of school youths and adults who approach students on their way to and from school or demand sex in exchange for money or gifts. Acts of Gender Based Violence are disproportionately directed at girls, but boys and teachers can also be targets. …

  8. Using Drama for School-Based Adolescent Sexuality Education in Zaria, Nigeria

    This paper describes the use of drama and participatory methods in a girls-only secondary school in Zaria, Nigeria, as a means of sexuality education, carried out by the Nigerian Popular Theatre Alliance and the Second Chance Organization of Nigeria. The issues addressed had to come from the students, to allow them to develop critical thinking and learn useful lessons. The topics that concerned the group of 15 girls who participated from the school included abortion, premarital sex and pregnancy, teacher–student relationships and lesbianism. …

  9. Teachers' confidence in teaching HIV/AIDS and sexuality in South African and Tanzanian schools

    Aims: This study aimed to investigate how confident and comfortable teachers at Tanzanian and South African urban and rural schools are in teaching HIV/AIDS and sexuality. It also aimed at identifying factors associated with teacher confidence and investigated how reported confidence was associated with the implementation of educational programmes on HIV/AIDS and sexuality. Methods: A survey was conducted among South African grade 8 and 9 Life Orientation teachers, and among science teachers for grade 5 to 7 in public primary schools in Tanzania. …

  10. Breaking the culture of silence in checkmating HIV/AIDS as a teacher-researcher

    In my investigation I set out to break the HIV/AIDS culture of silence and emphasize the role of the teacher as a researcher and critical change agent in an HIV/AIDS challenged society. My work demonstrates how teachers could play such a role by encouraging learners' participation in sport. The sport, I focussed on in my action research project was chess. One of the main recommendations is that the role of sport in education be prioritized in the context of HIV/AIDS. …

  11. Third degree. AIDS Review

    This Review is a collaboration between HAICU, based at the University of Cape Town, and the CSA, based at the University of Pretoria. These two organisations are committed to finding ways to understand and explain the HIV and AIDS epidemics, and to determining how tertiary institutions and the wider society may come to address and act on the many complex and fascinating social, moral, political, economic and educational issues that the epidemics raise.

  12. Doorways III: Teacher reference materials on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The overall goal of the training program is to increase teachers' knowledge and shift attitudes and behaviors so that they may prevent school-related gender-based violence (SR GBV) and respond to students who have experienced SR GBV. …

  13. University of Cape Town policy on HIV infection and AIDS: a co-ordinated response to HIV/AIDS

    This document describes the University of Cape Town Policy on HIV infection and AIDS. It includes issues of confidentiality, employment contracts, AIDS education, staff and student interactions, benefits, leadership, and resources.

  14. Doorways II: Community counselor training manual on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The Doorways program is a series of manuals targeting three key audiences: teachers, students and community members. These three groups can create a critical mass in schools that will bring about transformative, lasting change. …

  15. Workplace counselling policy for Teachers Service Commission (TSC) employees

    The Kenyan Teachers Service Commission (TSC) was established in 1967. It was mandated to register, recruit, remunerate, deploy, promote, discipline teachers and maintain teaching standards in public educational institutions. The Commission employees have been faced with many challenges including multicultural dynamics, age differences, family issues which spill into the work place, work related separation of families and couples, inter personal conflicts, substance abuse, HIV and AIDS, increased stress and burnout, poor morale, poor financial and time management among others. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.