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Organizations maintaining official relations with UNESCO

# Name Acronym City Country Relation Type
21 International Association of Academies of Sciences IAAS Kiev Ukraine CNS
22 International Association of University Presidents IAUP New York NY United States of America CNS
23 International Association of University Professors and Lecturers IAUPL Paris France CNS
24 International Baccalaureate IB Geneva Switzerland CNS
25 International Catholic Child Bureau Geneva Switzerland CNS
26 International Catholic Society for Girls Geneva Switzerland CNS
27 International Coordination Council of Educational Institutions Alumni INCORVUZ-XXI Moscow Russian Federation CNS
28 International Council of Organizations for Folklore Festivals and Folk Art Confolens France CNS
29 International Cultural Youth Exchange ICYE Federation Berlin Germany CNS
30 International Federation of Catholic Universities IFCU Paris France CNS
31 International Federation of Human Rights Leagues IFHR Paris France CNS
32 International Federation of Medical Students' Associations IFMSA Ferney-Voltaire France CNS
33 International Federation of University Women IFUW Geneva Switzerland CNS
34 International Juvenile Justice Observatory IJJO Brussels Belgium CNS
35 International Montessori Association Amsterdam Netherlands CNS
36 International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth Brussels Belgium CNS
37 International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation IPSF The Hague Netherlands CNS
38 International Planned Parenthood Federation IPPF London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland CNS
39 International Radio and Television Union Paris France ASC
40 International Social Science Council ISSC Paris France ASC
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