International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)
Association internationale pour l'échange d'étudiants en vue de l'acquisition d'une expérience technique
Asociación Internacional de Intercambio de Estudiantes para favorecer su Experiencia Técnica
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
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Founded Jan 1948, London (UK), on the initiative of James Newby and the Imperial College Vacation Work Committee, as an ad hoc association under its current name. Registered in accordance with Luxembourg law, 2005.
Operate a high quality practical training exchange programme between members and cooperating institutions so as to enhance technical and professional development and promote international understanding and goodwill amongst students, academic institutions, employers and the wider community; provide students in higher education with technical experience relevant to their studies; offer employers well-qualified and motivated trainees; be a source of cultural enrichment for trainees and their host communities.
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Members and cooperating institutions collect offers from industrial and other organizations willing to receive students from abroad for a temporary training and work experience period relevant to the student's areas of study. Students pay their own travelling expenses but receive sufficient payment from employers to meet their cost of living expenses in the country visited, in most cases for periods of 8-12 weeks each summer, but increasingly also for other periods and for up to 18 months. In 2012, exchanges took place among 84 members and cooperating institutions and 7 non-members, involving 958 educational institutions and 3,726 employers; since 1948 343,112 students have been exchanged - 4,000 in 2012. Exchange of training offers takes place at Annual Conference (January).
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Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Relations with 6 inter-governmental organizations.
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Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Relations with 12 non-governmental organizations.
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Available with paid subscription only.Members
Members in 86 countries
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