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Перед вами второе издание рекомендаций для журналистов «ВИЧ и СПИД: корректное освещение в масс-медиа», переработанное, расширенное и дополненное.
Профилактика ВИЧ в школьных условиях. Пособие для преподавателей
This kit includes the information on issues surrounding the relationship between HIV/AIDS and Education as well as human rights, stigma and discrimination.
The Advocacy Toolkit provides the basic information on HIV and AIDS, identifies the role of Education in HIV prevention and gives recommendations on preventive education including monitoring and evaluation of education programmes.
This Toolkit has been developed for staff of Ministries of education and education departments to increase their awareness on HIV and AIDS and reinforce their commitments in preventive education. The Advocacy Toolkit provides the basic information on HIV and AIDS, identifies the role of Education in HIV prevention and gives recommendations on preventive education including monitoring and evaluation of education programmes.
HIV preventive education information kit for schools teachers Kazakhstan (in Russian)
HIV preventive education information kit for schools teachers: Kyrgyzstan (in Russian)
Сборник лучших практик профилактической работы по проблеме ВИЧ и СПИДа среди учащейся и студенческой молодежи
На III Международном конгрессе «Образование личности: стандарты и ценности», который прошел в Москве 24-25 сентября 2015, было представлено пособие для руководителей и сотрудников общеобразовательных и профессиональных образовательных организаций "Школа без насилия". …
Improving communication skills module draws teachers' attention to the impact of communication on school climate, teacher-student relations and dynamic of interactions among students. The Module explores different communication styles and how information is transmitted, received and interpreted using body language and non-verbal communciation. Exercises and role plays help teachers improve their communication, stress and anger-management through practice and develop conflict resolution skills.
Violence occurs in many schools in Central Asia. It is often gender-based, targets the most vulnerable and remains unattended. To develop educators' skills in preventing and responding to violence UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan has produced three training modules. …
Violence occurs in many schools in Central Asia. It is often gender-based, targets the most vulnerable and remains unattended. To develop educators' skills in preventing and responding to violence UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan has produced three training modules. Decreasing school-related violence against children in Kyrgyzstan module facilitates better understanding of the nature and manifestation of violence in school, its causes and risk factors. …
This publication documents the experience of more than 100 community-based organisations in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe-in planning a prevention response to substance abuse among the youth of their communities.
Разработанное при поддержке ЮНЕСКО методическое пособие для педагогических работников "Предотвращение насилия в образовательных учреждениях" рассматривает разные виды насилия, его причины и факторы, анализирует его последствия для вовлеченных сторон и образовательного учреждения в целом. Особое внимание уделяется гендерному насилию. …