UNESCO adopts every six years a medium-term strategy, which sets out the strategic objectives and expected outcomes for the Organization’s work.
UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013 (document 34 C/4 (PDF)480 KB) sets out the strategic vision and programmatic framework for UNESCO’s action in all its domains at the global, regional and country levels over the next six years.
The Medium-Term Strategy is built around one mission statement, guiding UNESCO’s action across all its areas of competence:
"As a specialized agency of the UN system, UNESCO contributes to the building of peace, the alleviation of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information."
In fulfilling its mission, UNESCO will carry out for the international community five established functions:
i) laboratory of ideas, including foresight;
ii) standard-setter;
iii) clearing house;
iv) capacity-builder in Member States in UNESCO’s fields of competence;
v) catalyst for international cooperation.
Throughout the strategy, UNESCO is determined to accord priority to Africa and to gender equality. Moreover, specific targeted action is envisaged for youth, the least developed countries (LDCs), and small island developing states (SIDS). UNESCO will further respond to the needs of the disadvantaged and excluded groups, as well as the most vulnerable segments of society, including indigenous populations.
The Medium-Term Strategy is structured around five programme-driven overarching objectives for the entire Organization, defining areas where UNESCO has a unique profile and comparative advantage in the multilateral field: