Union of International Associations (UIA)
Union des associations internationales (UAI)
Unión de Asociaciones Internacionales
Union der Internationalen Verbände
Unie van de Internationale Verenigingen
Contact Details
Main address: SG: Jacques de Mévius
UIA Secretariat, Rue Washington 40 B-1050, Brussels, Belgium
Tel: (32 2) 640 18 08
Email: uia (at) uia.org
Pres: Ms Anne-Marie Boutin
Agence pour la promotion de la création industrielle - APCI, 24 rue du Charolais F-75012, Paris, France
Tel: (33 1) 43 45 04 50
Fax: (33 1) 43 45 10 76
Email: amboutin (at) apci.asso.fr
UN Representative: Cyril Ritchie
CIC Case 20 CH-1211 20, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (41 22) 733 67 17
Fax: (41 22) 734 70 82
Email: c.ritchie (at) fiig.org
URL: http://www.uia.org/
Founded 1 June 1907, Brussels (Belgium), as Central Office of International Associations -- Office central des institutions internationales, by Henri La Fontaine (Nobel Peace Prize 1913) and Paul Otlet, Secretary-General of the then 'International Institute of Bibliography -- Institut international de bibliographie', set up 2 Sep 1895, Brussels, currently International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID), with which activities were closely associated. Officially founded under patronage of the Belgian government on 29 Jan 1908. Became a federation under present name in 1910, at 1st World Congress of International Organizations. Statutes adopted 1908; modified 1910, 1951, 1955, 1965, 1986, 2007. Worked closely with International Institute for Peace, Monaco, which had been set up in 1903 and produced the 1905, 1906 and 1907 editions of the Annuaire de la Vie internationale; collaborated with the Institute on the 1908-1909 edition of this publication, which subsequently evolved into the Yearbook of International Organizations. The work of the UIA contributed to the creation, 10 Jan 1920, of League of Nations (SDN), and, 9 Aug 1925, of International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation (IICI). During the 1920s, the UIA created International University. Registered by Belgian Royal Decree, 2 July 1920.
Facilitate the evolution of the world-wide network of non-profit organizations; collect and disseminate information on these bodies and their inter-relationships; present this information in both established and experimental ways to promote understanding of the role of non-profit organizations in global society; promote research on the legal and administrative problems common to these bodies.
2018 Lyon, France – Associations Round Table - Europe
2017 Brussels, Belgium – Associations Round Table - Europe
2017 Chiang Mai, Thailand – Associations Round Table - Asia Pacific
2017 Brussels, Belgium – European Association Summit
2016 Monaco, Monaco – Associations Round Table - Europe
2016 Busan, Korea Rep – Associations Round Table - Asia Pacific
2016 Brussels, Belgium – European Association Summit
2015 Brussels, Belgium – Associations Round Table - Europe
2015 Bangkok, Thailand – Associations Round Table - Asia Pacific
2015 Brussels, Belgium – Annual General assembly
2015 Brussels, Belgium – European Association Summit
2014 Brussels, Belgium – Extraordinary General assembly
2014 Dublin, Ireland – Associations Round Table - Europe
2014 Seoul, Korea Rep – Associations Round Table - Asia
2014 Brussels, Belgium – European Association Summit
Knowledge management/information dissemination; research/documentation; events/meetings; networking/liaising; advocacy/lobbying/activism. Promoted an international convention on the legal status of international associations which resulted in the signature at the Council of Europe, 1986, of European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organisations.
General Assembly (every 2 years). Executive Council, consisting of 15 to 21 members including President, 3 Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General, Treasurer.
English, French.
9 FTE, paid; 2 voluntary.
Members' dues. Other sources: sale of publications; research and service contracts. Budget (2015): about euro 550,000.
Consultative Status
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) (Special); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (Associate Status); International Labour Organization (ILO) (Special List). Special Resolution of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, 20 July 1950, established cooperation between the United Nations and the Union of International Associations for publication of 'Yearbook of International Organizations'.
Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Cooperates in specific fields with: Council of Europe (CE); UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). Contact with: European Commission (EC), especially Information Society DG (1997-2000). Associated with DPI of the United Nations.
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Contact maintained with all international nongovernmental organizations eligible for inclusion in the 'Yearbook of International Organizations'. Proposed, 1949, the setting up of a International Service Centre for and about Nongovernmental Organizations, which never materialized as such but whose functions are in part fulfilled by International Association Centre (MAI), which UIA was instrumental in setting up, 20 Aug 1982, Brussels (Belgium). Special links with: Federation of European and International Associations Established in Belgium (FAIB); Federation of Semi-Official and Private International Institutions established in Geneva (FIIG); International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO); conferences of consultative status nongovernmental organizations; bodies using the Union's secretariat facilities; those with which it has co-editing or co-publishing arrangements and with Associate Members. Associate Member of: Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC). Member of: Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO); International Conference of NGOs. Collaborates with: Institute of Cultural Affairs International (ICAI). Links with: Mundaneum.
World of Associations News - electronic newsletter (12 a year); International Congress Calendar (4 a year). Yearbook of International Organizations 52nd ed (2015) - in 6 vols; Organization Descriptions and Cross References; International Organization Participation; Global Action Networks; International Organization Publications; Statistics, Visualizations and Patterns; Who's Who in International Organizations. Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential - in 3 vols (4th ed 1994). Specialized directories: World Guide to Logotypes, Emblems and Trademarks of International Organizations (1997); World Guide to Religious and Spiritual Organizations (1996); International Biographical Dictionary of Religion (1994); International Association Statutes Series (1986); African International Organization Directory and African Participation in Other International Organizations (1984); Arab, Islamic International Organization Directory and Arab and Islamic Participation in Other International Organizations (1984); International Organization Abbreviations and Addresses (1984); Intergovernmental Organization Directory (1984). Annuaire des organisations internationales (4th ed 1980); Yearbook of International Congress Proceedings (2nd ed 1962-69); Documents for the Study of International Non-Governmental Relations (20 vols issued); International Congress Science Series in 12 vols, in English, French; World Forum Proceedings: from international to transnational (1983); The Identity of African Associations and the Participation of NGOs in Development in the Context of a New World Order (1985).
Information Services
International Congress Calendar Online; Yearbook of International Organizations Online; Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential Online. All online databases are interlinked.
• Africa: Kenya, Mauritania, Tunisia.
• Americas: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Peru, USA.
• Asia: India, Japan, Korea Rep, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.
• Australia: Australia.
• Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine.
Associate (71): corporate bodies or individuals interested in the aims and activities of the UIA and wishing to associate themselves with its work by payment of an annual membership fee. Subject to approval by the Executive Council. Includes 2 organizations listed in this Yearbook: European Cities Marketing (ECM); International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).
Members in 28 countries
Type I Classification
F: Organizations having a special form, including foundations and funds
Type II Classification
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