2007. 18 p.
Goldstein, Tara
Russell, Vanessa
Daley, Andrea
Periodical title: 
Teaching Education, 18, (3)
This article introduces a conceptual framework for thinking about the development of anti‐homophobia education in teacher education and schooling contexts. The authors bring the safe, positive, and queering moments framework to bear on three distinct anti‐homophobia education practices: coming out stories, homophobic name‐calling analysis, and Pride Week activities. The analysis of these education practices through the lens of our conceptual framework illuminates its usefulness for thinking through both the intent and impact of anti homophobia education within classrooms. Importantly, theanalysis also reveals that within a classroom of students who are taking up anti homophobia education in different ways any one moment can be all three—safe, positive, and queering. The authoors advocate an approach to anti‐homophobia education that seeks change through the creation of all three moments, and that locates anti‐homophobia strategies on points in a constellation of “safe moments”, “positive moments”, and “queering moments”.
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