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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Costed national action plan for gender based violence for the Republic of Seychelles, January 2010 - December 2011

    Most countries do not know much about the outcomes or impact of activities related to gender based violence. Gender based violence undermines both social and economic development and the individual’s capacity for realising her or his rights and potentials under already strained conditions. Statistical data in the Seychelles points to the growing phenomenon of gender based violence. …

  2. Comprehensive sexuality education in teacher training in Eastern and Southern Africa

    This report is a consolidated summary and analysis of the status of comprehensive sexuality education for teacher training in 21 countries in the East and Southern Africa region.

  3. Assessing school climate towards sustainable learning for all in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives from unstable health to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV)

    The objective of the current study is to explore the use of Rasch scaling technique to construct a Perceived School Disorder Index (PSDI) in order to see if there are ‘stages’ of evolution in a school climate. More specifically, the research questions for the current study are: Which items constitute the PSDI in Sub-Saharan African countries? What profile of behavioural problems are likely to emerge at different stages of the school climate? What were boys’ and girls’ learning outcomes at each stage of the school climate?

  4. Regional accountability framework: ministerial commitment on comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and young people in Eastern and Southern African (ESA)

    The accountability frame work has been developed as a tool to monitor country and regional progress towards the agreed commitments as set out in the ESA Ministerial commitment document. The technical coordinating Group, under the leadership of UNAIDS and with support from SADC and EAC Secretariats will play a key role in the development and implementation of the accountability mechanism. The intended audience for the framework are primarily governments in the 20 countries, civil society partners (including young people and community based organisations) and development partners.

  5. Eastern and Southern Africa commitment: One year in review - 2013-2014

    In December 2013, ministers of education and health from twenty ESA countries affirmed and endorsed their joint commitment to deliver comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for young people. The ESA Commitment document was developed based on a Regional Report, “Young People Today: Time to Act Now” which reviewed the trends and status of sexual and reproductive health and HIV among adolescents and young people in the ESA Region including comprehensive sexuality education and service needs. …

  6. Violence in primary schools in Southern and Eastern Africa: Some evidence from SACMEQ

    Special attention was given to the issues related to school violence in the studies conducted by a consortium known as Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ). These issues were included in the form of research questions which sought information on pupils’ and teachers’ behavioural problems at the primary school level. This paper addresses the following three research questions: (1) What were the changes in the perceived occurrence of school violence in SACMEQ school systems between 2000 and 2007? …

  7. Ministerial Commitment on comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and young people in Eastern and Southern African (ESA)

    On December 7, 2013, ministers and their representatives from 21 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa came together to endorse and adopt the UN commitment for Eastern and Southern Africa with its recommendations for bold action in response to HIV and the education/health challenges experienced by young people. Recognising the urgency of the situation facing young people, education and health ministers have now committed to addressing young people's realities by ramping up sexuality education and health services in their countries.

  8. Silenced and forgotten: HIV and AIDS agenda setting paper for women living with HIV, sex workers and LGBT individuals in southern African and Indian Ocean states

    The impact of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is felt hardest by the individuals who are infected or affected by the disease, and in particular by individuals who are especially vulnerable to HIV infection due to stigma and discrimination, poverty, a lack of access to education, health and other services that promote HIV awareness. However, the impact of HIV and AIDS goes beyond the individual or household level – it affects nations as a whole. …

  9. Getting to zero: HIV in eastern and southern Africa

    This report provides an overview of the HIV epidemics in eastern and southern Africa and of the region’s response and progress towards meeting the 2011 Political Declaration targets, while identifying noteworthy achievements and challenges. The report draws on the most recently available data from the Global AIDS Response Reporting System, national HIV estimation exercises, data gathered and generated by UNAIDS, its co-sponsors and national partners, and the many recent studies and surveys that have been conducted in the region. …

  10. Are there any disparities between girls and boys in the response of the education sector to HIV and AIDS? Assessment of educational HIV/AIDS prevention programmes applied by SACMEQ III countries

    This paper aims to assess whether the goals of the in-school programmes on prevention of HIV and AIDS that are taught in primary schools of 15 national ministries of education in Southern and Eastern Africa have been reached equitably between boys and girls by the end of primary education. One feature of most of these ministries is that they are in countries that are the hardest hit by a general HIV epidemic. More specifically, the paper aims to analyse schoolboys’ and schoolgirls’ general knowledge about HIV and AIDS. …

  11. Status report adolescents and young people in sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and challenges

    Nearly half of the world's population, some 3 billion people, is under the age of 25. As the largest generation ever of young people, investments in their health and well-being are crucial so they can make a positive transition into adulthood and fully contribute to the economic and social development of their families, communities and nations. But in order to develop strategies and mobilize financial resources to support adolescent and youth development, decisionmakers need reliable, up-to-date demographic, health, education and socioeconomic data about young people. …

  12. SADC regional assessment report of policies and programmes on child and adolescent HIV, TB and malaria

    The SADC Protocol on Health stipulates that Member States should cooperate in dealing with health issues in a harmonised manner as an essential ingredient for the effective control of communicable diseases in the region notably, HIV, TB and Malaria. As part of the response, key strategic frameworks to guide action in the control of these three diseases have been developed by SADC but these mostly address the adult population. In this context, the SADC Secretariat is mandated to develop The SADC Minimum Standards for Child and Adolescent HIV, TB and Malaria Continuum of Care. …

  13. Declaration on HIV and AIDS

    The SADC Declaration on HIV and AIDS outlines the priority areas for action within the region.

  14. From talk to action: review of women, girls, and gender equality in NSPs in Southern and Eastern Africa

    From Talk to Action: Review of Women, Girls, and Gender Equality in National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS in Southern and Eastern Africa identifies: Evidence-informed priorities for addressing women, girls, and gender equality through National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS; Existing policy and programmatic gaps within National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS; Sample interventions and strategies for addressing women, girls, and gender equality within National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS. …

  15. Pupil and teacher knowledge about HIV and AIDS in Seychelles

    The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) is a network of 15 Ministries of Education: Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania (Mainland), Tanzania (Zanzibar), Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.