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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Learners perceptions and experience of the content and teaching of sexuality education: Implications for teacher education

    This article aims to explore Grade 11 learners perceptions and experience of the teaching of sexuality education. A total of 270 adolescent boys (n 121) and girls (n 149) from the Heidedal suburb of the greater Mangaung Municipality, South Africa, completed an anonymously written Teaching of Sexuality Education Attitude Scale (TSEAS). The questionnaire was constructed on a six-point Likert scale with response options ranging from 1 (highly disagree) to 6 (highly agree). …

  2. Affective engagement with research evidence about young people’s sex education in Kenya

    Sex and relationships have a big impact on young people’s lives. For most young people in the world getting information about sexual pleasure, apart from pornography, can be difficult. And it’s even harder if you live in parts of the world where you often aren’t able to decide who to date or marry, or how many children you want to have. For this reason online information on sexuality is hugely popular. Research suggests that young people are arriving at sex education sites mostly through campaigns on social media. …

  3. ‘… a huge monster that should be feared and not done’: Lessons learned in sexuality education classes in South Africa

    Research has foregrounded the way in which heterosexual practices for many young people are not infrequently bound up with violence and unequal transactional power relations. The Life Orientation sexuality education curriculum in South African schools has been viewed as a potentially valuable space to work with young people on issues of reproductive health, gender and sexual norms and relations. …

  4. Adolescent boys and young men: engaging them as supporters of gender equality and health and understanding their vulnerabilities

    This study of Adolescent Boys and Young Men highlights the importance of engaging adolescent boys and young men in sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) and gender equality. Not only is this engagement essential to achieve the full equality of women and girls, it also positively impacts the lives of men and boys themselves. This paper establishes a conceptual framework for engaging adolescent boys and young men. …

  5. Respect my rights, respect my dignity: module three – sexual and reproductive rights are human rights

    This module on sexual and reproductive rights is the third in a series of human rights education resources for young people. It is designed to be used by and with young people and youth activists as they support their peers through individual and collective journeys of reflection, critical analysis and action. This includes having the knowledge and skills to engage in difficult conversations on a taboo subject and to stand up for sexual and reproductive rights.

  6. A view from England and Wales

    This commentary outlines developments regarding Sex and Relationships Education (SRE, akin to Comprehensive Sex Education) in England and Wales over the past 15 years or so.

  7. Rapport relatif à l’éducation à la sexualité : répondre aux attentes des jeunes, construire une société d’égalité femmes-hommes

    La sexualité et les relations intimes et affectives forment une découverte et un apprentissage qui, à tous les âges de la vie, mais plus particulièrement chez les jeunes, soulèvent de nombreuses questions et besoins. Compte-tenu des enjeux posés en matière de citoyenneté, d’égalité femmes-hommes et de santé, il est de la responsabilité des pouvoirs publics de répondre à tou.te.s les jeunes par des informations objectives, sans jugement ni stéréotype, et, lorsqu’elles ou ils en expriment le besoin, de leur apporter l’accompagnement nécessaire.

  8. Educación sexual para el desarrollo integral: ¿Qué opinamos los y las estudiantes?

    Refiere que la Educación Sexual Integral es un deber de la escuela y un derecho al que todos los y las estudiantes deben tener acceso. Los estudiantes tienen derecho a una Educación Sexual Integral pertinente,

  9. Empowering young people to strengthen sexuality education in Ethiopia

    This case study explores how the Talent Youth Association, supported by Link Up, promotes the integration of comprehensive sexuality education in school curricula in Ethiopia in order to enable young people to understand and claim their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

  10. The role of schools in supporting HIV-affected children in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review

    Aim: To establish an overview of school-based interventions carried out to support the health and well-being of vulnerable children in Zimbabwe and similar socio-economic contexts in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: A literature search was carried out in Web of Knowledge using combinations of the following search terms: support, intervention, school, child, Zimbabwe, sub-Saharan Africa, health, well-being, inclusion and enrolment. A total of 12 articles were identified as relevant to the research question and included in this review. …

  11. UNESCO strategy on education for health and well-being: contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

    This strategy builds on UNESCO’s longstanding commitment to strengthen the links between education and health, reflecting international recognition that a more comprehensive approach to school health and coordinated action across sectors is needed. As stated in the 2015 Incheon Declaration, education develops the skills, values and attitudes that enable citizens to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, make informed decisions, and respond to local and global challenges. …

  12. A parent's guide to comprehensive sexuality education. 2016 calendar

    Eastern and Southern Africa have some of the highest rates of HIV prevalence among young people in the world. Now more than ever, they need accurate information and supports regarding their sexual and reproductive health. From television and radio programmes, the internet, movies and friends, young people, including your child, are being exposed to untrusted information everywhere - and it’s often inaccurate. Your child needs the right information about their sexuality so they can make informed and safe decisions about their life and future. …

  13. Regional module for teacher training on comprehensive sexuality education for East and Southern Africa

    The module was developed as a resource to support pre–service training of teachers for the delivery of school–based sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.

  14. A rigorous review of global research evidence on policy and practice on school-related gender-based violence

    This rigorous literature review was commissioned by UNICEF, with the aim of examining research evidence on approaches to addressing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). While the scope of the review was global, an emphasis was placed on research in low- and middle-income countries. The review addressed the following questions: 1. What does research evidence tell us about the kinds of policies and practices being used to address SRGBV, and in what contexts, around the world? What concepts and ideas underpin these interventions, and what are the implications for addressing SRGBV? 2. …

  15. Life orientation sexuality education in South Africa: Gendered norms, justice and transformation

    Research on sexual practices among young South Africans has proliferated in light of the national imperatives to challenge the spread of HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence and unwanted early pregnancies. It has been widely acknowledged that, in order to respond to these social problems, we need to understand the enmeshment of gender, class, age and other forms of social inequality, and how these are played out in ‘normal’ heterosexual relationships.


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.