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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Regional strategy for HIV prevention, treatment and care and sexual and reproductive health and rights among key populations

    Given the vulnerability of key populations, this strategy seeks to operationalise current global, continental and regional commitments and address these gaps by providing Member States with a framework to develop specific programming aimed at key populations. The strategy is to be used in conjunction with existing SADC initiatives, including SADC’s new strategic framework on the integration of HIV, tuberculosis, sexual and reproductive health and malaria, as well as existing international and continental initiatives, such as the SDGs and the Catalytic Framework. …

  2. Coming of age in the classroom: religious and cultural barriers to comprehensive sexuality education

    This paper elucidates evidence which underscores anxieties and panic about sexuality and sexual behaviour of young people influenced by movements advancing a distinct religious identity, and the implications for advocacy on advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Synthesised in this document is evidence from two countries - Bangladesh and India - on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), an area of controversy (to varying degree) in both countries. Evidence from each country stem from national studies on the influence of religion on CSE, and are qualitative in nature. …

  3. Plan d’action national « santé affective et sexuelle » 2013-2016

    Selon les principes énoncés dans le programme national sur la santé sexuelle, le Plan d’action « Santé affective et sexuelle » élaboré par les Ministères de la Santé, de la Famille et de l’Intégration, de l’Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle et de l’Egalité des chances, en collaboration avec les majeurs partenaires du terrain, entre autres le Planning familial, l’Aidsberodung et le CPOS, s’agence selon 5 axes qui représentent les différents champs d’action pour lesquels des initiatives sont prévues. …

  4. Avis suivi de recommandations sur la prévention et la prise en charge des IST chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes

    La ministre en charge de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche et la ministre en charge des Affaires sociales et de la Santé ont saisi le Conseil National du Sida et des hépatites virales le 2 mai 2016, sur la définition de nouvelles orientations dans le cadre de la prévention et de la lutte contre les infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes. …

  5. LGBTI+ national youth strategy 2018-2020. LGBTI+ young people: visible, valued and included

    The development of the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy (the Strategy) is a key commitment for the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) as part of the 2016 Programme for Partnership Government. The Strategy seeks to ensure a cross-governmental approach to put additional measures in place to further enhance the lives of LGBTI+ young people, and address some of the key challenges they may face as part of their day-to-day lives. …

  6. A cash plus model for safe transitions to a healthy and productive adulthood: baseline report

    This report provides the baseline results from the impact evaluation of ‘A Cash Plus model for safe transitions to a healthy and productive adulthood’ being implemented within the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN), with technical assistance from UNICEF and TACAIDS. …

  7. Caribbean regional youth advocacy framework on sexual and reproductive health and rights

    Recognizing the continued vulnerability of young persons within the Caribbean region to the threat posed by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) sought to mobilize resources to aid in mitigating this risk. …

  8. The HIV and sexual reproductive health status of young people in Swaziland: the rationale for focused youth investment

    Methods: The HIV and Sexual Reproductive Health Status of Young People in Swaziland analysis were prepared in stages: desk review and analysis, consultations/interview meetings with key stakeholders, data analysis and compilation of the report.Results and discussion: Early sexual debut, high adolescent fertility rate, unmet need for family planning, and on-going problems with sexual and gender based violence (GBV) are some of the key issues faced by young people in terms of reproductive health in Swaziland.

  9. Young people doing something about it: a report on the youth-led CSE assessments 2016

    This report is the result of youth-led assessments and observations that were run in 21 schools around the country from June to September 2016 to note and subsequently share the beneficiaries’ perspectives at implementation level of the challenges and successes around East and South Africa comprehensive sexuality education (ESA-CSE) including their suggested solutions and recommendations for improvement. The schools assessed were government run schools (Public Schools), private, grant aided and community schools. …

  10. How effective is comprehensive sexuality education in preventing HIV?

    This brief discusses the effectiveness of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in preventing HIV, and lists key findings and recommendations. It concludes that CSE is effective in decreasing HIV risk factors in adolescents and young people, and improving sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in general, including creating demand for SRH services. …

  11. A sexual and reproductive health peer education programme for girls in grades 7 to 9. Mentor’s manual

    This sexual and reproductive health (SRH) peer education programme was developed as part of the Department of Basic Education’s (DBE) Leveraging Partnerships to Achieve the Goals of South Africa’s HIV & AIDS and STI National Strategic Plan 2012–16, otherwise known as Keeping Girls in School. The aim of this component of the programme is to shift social norms and change sexual behaviour by reinforcing and supporting the SRH messages received via the curriculum in order to increase retention and reduce the risk of HIV infection and teenage pregnancy.

  12. Life skills based education programme in Pakistan: an evaluation 2006-2010

    Life Skills Based Education in schools; World Population Foundation’s (WPF) flagship programme in Pakistan, is a channel to provide information and skills on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights to the young people and empower them to adopt safe health‐seeking behaviors and protect themselves from abuse, exploitation, drugs and disease. Purpose of the Evaluation: The main objective of the evaluation was to assess the programme performance against its functional objectives i.e. …

  13. Programa Geração Biz - Investing in youth: the story of a national SRH programme for adolescents and youths in Mozambique

    Story of a national program that has been a school for social, academic and professional development for thousands of peer educators and government employees and throughout the years, the program has freed local communities from the stranglehold of taboos on sex, education and the role of young people in society. …

  14. What do young people think about their school-based sex and relationship education? A qualitative synthesis of young people’s views and experiences

    Objectives: Although sex and relationship education (SRE) represents a key strand in policies to safeguard young people and improve their sexual health, it currently lacks statutory status, government guidance is outdated and a third of UK schools has poor-quality SRE. We aimed to investigate whether current provision meets young people's needs. Design: Synthesis of qualitative studies of young people's views of their school-based SRE. Setting: Eligible studies originated from the UK, Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Iran, Brazil and Sweden. …

  15. Improving life skills based education: Pakistan

    As everywhere in the world, adolescence is quite a challenging phase in the lives of young people in Pakistan. Girls and boys need support to not only understand all the emotional, social and physical changes they experience but also to help them transition into adulthood – safely and happily. Due to very strict and deeply felt societal and religious norms they are currently not getting this support, at home or at school. Sexuality is a taboo subject in most parts of Pakistani society. Even talking about bodily changes is con¬sidered ‘not done’. …


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