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I. El consumo de alcohol y tabaco en el Perú. II. Mitos y realidades sobre el consumo de alcohol y tabaco. III. Eefectos, consecuencias y factores asociados al consumo de alcohol y tabaco. IV. ¿Qué puedes hacer para prevenir el consumo de alcohol y tabaco?
El objetivo de la segunda Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar es: Proporcionar datos precisos sobre comportamientos relativos a la salud, factores de riesgo y de protección entre los alumnos, para: - Establecer prioridades, elaborar programas, diseñar los recursos en los mismos y formular políticas de salud escolar y de los jóvenes. - Brindar la posibilidad a los gobiernos, las agencias internacionales y otros organismos de hacer comparaciones entre los países y dentro de los mismos sobre la prevalencia de los comportamientos relativos a la salud y los factores de protección. …
This Caribbean adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) situational analysis is informed and structured by two conceptual frameworks: the Mapping Adolescent Programming and Measurement (MAPM) framework and the Ecological Framework for Health. The MAPM framework complements the logical framework and other tools for designing, monitoring and evaluating programs. It begins by defining the outcomes that are subject to change. For the purposes of this analysis the ASRH outcomes analyzed are HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), adolescent pregnancies and abortions. …
El Ministerio de Educación, rector de la política educativa, consciente de la importancia que se debe ofrecer a la Educación Preventiva Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Alcohol, Tabaco y otras Drogas, propone material pedagógico para abordar el fenómeno social de las drogas en el Sistema Nacional de Educación. …
El Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC) entrega a ustedes estudiantes de 1ero y 2do de bachillerato este material, el cual tiene como objetivo invitarles a conocer, analizar y reflexionar sobre el el fenómeno social de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. Con este material se propende llegar al desarrollo de sus habilidades sociales y capacidades para llegar a la toma de decisiones conscientes e informadas. En el mundo se analizan nuevas formas de enfrentar fenómenos sociales como el de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. …
El Acuerdo Ministerial N° 0444-12 describe los lineamientos y pautas para la implementación del Programa de Participación Estudiantil en las instituciones educativas del país. En el artículo 3, se plantean las opciones del programa y una de estas es Prevención Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Drogas. Esta opción considera la prevención como un proceso integral que se centra en el ser humano. …
The Global Initiative on Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse (Global Initiative) is jointly executed by the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Implementation began in June 1997. The Global Initiative aims to prevent the use and abuse of all licit and illicit psychoactive substances by young people. The project is implemented in selected communities in eight countries in three regions of the world where rapid/dramatic social change is in progress. …
This Report sets out the current context for Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) in Chapter Two. It notes the approval of an integrated SPHE curriculum for Junior Cycle in 2000 along with the establishment of the SPHE Post-Primary Support Service which was a collaborative initiative with the Department of Health. The SPHE Curriculum was introduced to primary schools from 1999 and the SPHE curriculum for post-primary schools was introduced in 2003. …
This two-sided briefing paper lists the most important questions that governors should be asking head teachers. 1) How does our PSHE provision match up to Ofsted’s standards? 2) How does our curriculum prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life? Are pupils learning how to make good decisions when faced with risky situations? 3) Are drug-related incidents managed with confidence and consistency, and in the best interests of those involved? …
Adopté le 19 septembre 2013 lors d’un comité interministériel présidé par le Premier ministre en présence de l’ensemble des ministres concernés, le plan gouvernemental de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives définit la stratégie de la France pour les années 2013-2017. Elaboré sur le modèle du plan de l’Union Européenne en la matière, ce plan stratégique sera décliné en deux plans d’actions successifs, programmés sur une durée de deux ans chacun. Ce document présente le premier plan d’actions, préparé pour la période 2013-2015. …
Le plan 2013-2017 repose sur trois grandes priorités : 1) Fonder l’action publique sur l’observation, la recherche et l’évaluation : en progressant dans la compréhension des conduites addictives ; en soutenant la recherche sur les nouveaux traitements médicamenteux et les stratégies thérapeutiques innovantes ainsi que les recherches en sciences sociales ; en faisant de la recherche un outil d’aide à la décision. …
When delivering alcohol and drug education in multicultural settings including classrooms, teachers will need to tackle sensitive issues. Not all pupils are comfortable discussing certain topics, and some parents are reluctant to allow their children to explore certain themes. How to ensure pupils receive relevant education, in the context of cultural difference, equality and diversity, which prepares them for the challenges and opportunities they will face throughout their lives? …
The growing popularity of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) is causing wide confusion among the public. This briefing paper is intended to provide basic information for teachers and practitioners willing to include these substances in their alcohol and drug education programme.
This publication documents the experience of more than 100 community-based organisations in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe-in planning a prevention response to substance abuse among the youth of their communities.
This research report focuses on the extent and impact of substance use and abuse among high school learners in Gauteng. The research results presented in this report were collected from randomly selected secondary schools in Gauteng, where 4,346 learners completed self-administered paper-based questionnaires during school time, in the presence of teachers and trained Youth Research Unit staff members. The research findings show that drug and alcohol abuse among young people is a reality with concerning consequences. …