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Background: The issue of menstrual hygiene is inadequately acknowledged and has not received proper attention. Use of sanitary pads and washing the genital area are essential practices to keep the menstrual hygiene. Unhygienic menstrual practices can affect the health of the girls and there is an increased vulnerability to reproductive tract infections and pelvic inflammatory diseases and other complications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among high school girls at Nekemte town, Oromia region, Western Ethiopia. …
The experiences girls face at school in Bolivia during menstruation had never been formally researched before this project. Data collection in Bolivia was part of a multi-country assessment of the challenges girls face in schools that included the Philippines, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. The overarching aim of this collaboration was to understand the range of challenges faced by schoolgirls during menstruation, as well as the determinants of those challenges, and to provide recommendations for stakeholders. …
A lack of adequate guidance on menstrual management; water, disposal, and private changing facilities; and sanitary hygiene materials in low- and middle-income countries leaves schoolgirls with limited options for healthy personal hygiene during monthly menses. …
El objetivo de la segunda Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar es: Proporcionar datos precisos sobre comportamientos relativos a la salud, factores de riesgo y de protección entre los alumnos, para: - Establecer prioridades, elaborar programas, diseñar los recursos en los mismos y formular políticas de salud escolar y de los jóvenes. - Brindar la posibilidad a los gobiernos, las agencias internacionales y otros organismos de hacer comparaciones entre los países y dentro de los mismos sobre la prevalencia de los comportamientos relativos a la salud y los factores de protección. …
This manual is made up of 7 modules: Module 1 Comprehensive School Health Programme; Module 2 Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle; Module 3 Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-being; Module 4 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; Module 5 WASH - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Module 6 Learners with Diverse Needs; Module 7 Violence Against Children. Every module is further divided into units dealing with s specific topic. The purpose of this structure is to help organise the content in a logical manner and make it easier to access information on a particular topic
L’Alimentation, la Nutrition et la Santé Scolaire sont parmi les facteurs déterminants pour un enseignement de qualité. La mise en œuvre de Programme National d’Alimentation, de Nutrition et de Santé Scolaire consiste à délivrer les moyens efficaces aux apprenants ou à leur famille, pour atteindre à l’«amélioration de la performance scolaire », un des objectifs du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale. Ce document contient des dispositions à prendre pour créer et gérer un établissement PNANSS. …
Este manual de operaciones fue elaborado por el equipo de Salud Escolar y Nutrición (SEN) de Save the Children International en Bolivia. Sirve de guía y definición de las acciones de este programa para personal facilitador (asistentes, implementadores) y también para personal de otras instituciones socias de Save the Children que trabajan en esta línea. …
The barriers to menstrual hygiene management faced by adolescent schoolgirls in low-income countries are gaining interest at practice and policy levels. The challenges include inadequate water, sanitation and disposal facilities for the management of menses with privacy and dignity, and insufficient guidance to help girls feel confident in attending school during menses. The studies described here aimed to examine how menarche impacts the lives of schoolgirls in three low-income countries (Ghana, Cambodia and Ethiopia). …
This training guide includes eight session plans, each with a facilitation guide, four handouts, two PowerPoint presentations and two short films. …
Special issue of the gender eye on menstruation management: initiatives and innovations in Uganda for the National Conference on Menstrual Hygiene Management.14th-15th August 2014.
Le présent document est un outil de travail destiné aux responsables régionaux des services complémentaires du Ministère pour le soutien à apporter aux organismes scolaires au cours de l'établissement de lignes de conduite concernant le VIH/sida pouvant être ou non présentées sous la forme particulière d'une politique locale. Le plan de ce document s'inspire fortement du travail effectué par certains organismes scolaires qui ont déjà établi des directives à cet égard dans une politique. …
The purposes of this Strategic Plan are to: Ensure that all schools are provided with Water, Sanitation and Hygiene facilities along with hygiene education; Have adequate WASH facilities for school children and staff including children with special needs and adolescent girls; Build the capacities of all stakeholders especially teachers, NGO`s and other partners; Support and monitor the implementation of MDGs and MKUKUTA goals and ensure maintenance of and sustain SWASH facilities; Create conducive learning environment in schools.
This issue of the journal Waterlines looks at experiences of menstrual hygiene management in schools in a number of countries.
Background: The World Health Organization's (WHO’s) Health Promoting Schools (HPS) framework is an holistic, settings-based approach to promoting health and educational attainment in school. The effectiveness of this approach has not been previously rigorously reviewed. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of the Health Promoting Schools (HPS) framework in improving the health and well-being of students and their academic achievement.
The purpose of the manual is to guide teachers to have a better understanding of the presentation of Life Skills as a subject. The main target users of this manual are School Counsellors, Life Skills Teachers and Subject Heads. This manual mainly deals with the presentation of topics in Life Skills in the Junior Secondary Phase.