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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Assessment of knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among high school girls in Western Ethiopia

    Background: The issue of menstrual hygiene is inadequately acknowledged and has not received proper attention. Use of sanitary pads and washing the genital area are essential practices to keep the menstrual hygiene. Unhygienic menstrual practices can affect the health of the girls and there is an increased vulnerability to reproductive tract infections and pelvic inflammatory diseases and other complications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among high school girls at Nekemte town, Oromia region, Western Ethiopia. …

  2. WASH in schools empowers girls’ education in rural Cochabamba, Bolivia: an assessment of menstrual hygiene management in schools

    The experiences girls face at school in Bolivia during menstruation had never been formally researched before this project. Data collection in Bolivia was part of a multi-country assessment of the challenges girls face in schools that included the Philippines, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. The overarching aim of this collaboration was to understand the range of challenges faced by schoolgirls during menstruation, as well as the determinants of those challenges, and to provide recommendations for stakeholders. …

  3. Aahung – empowering adolescents in Pakistan through life skills-based education

    Aahung, a Karachi-based sexual and reproductive health non-profit organization, has developed a life skills-based education (LSBE) program for school-going adolescent girls and boys. This intervention provides young people with skills and knowledge related to adolescent reproductive health, such as accurate information about puberty and related changes, marital rights, peer pressure, sexual harassment and body protection, gender inequities, early marriage, nutrition, self-confidence, decision-making, and communication skills. …

  4. Menstrual hygiene management among adolescent schoolgirls in low- and middle-income countries: research priorities

    A lack of adequate guidance on menstrual management; water, disposal, and private changing facilities; and sanitary hygiene materials in low- and middle-income countries leaves schoolgirls with limited options for healthy personal hygiene during monthly menses. …

  5. Regional module for teacher training on comprehensive sexuality education for East and Southern Africa

    The module was developed as a resource to support pre–service training of teachers for the delivery of school–based sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.

  6. Buku Suplemen Bimbingan Teknis Kesehatan Reproduksi. Pubertas

    (Supplement Book of the Technical guidance on reproductive health, puberty)

  7. Manual de operaciones: salud escolar y nutrición

    Este manual de operaciones fue elaborado por el equipo de Salud Escolar y Nutrición (SEN) de Save the Children International en Bolivia. Sirve de guía y definición de las acciones de este programa para personal facilitador (asistentes, implementadores) y también para personal de otras instituciones socias de Save the Children que trabajan en esta línea. …

  8. A comparison of the menstruation and education experiences of girls in Tanzania, Ghana, Cambodia and Ethiopia

    The barriers to menstrual hygiene management faced by adolescent schoolgirls in low-income countries are gaining interest at practice and policy levels. The challenges include inadequate water, sanitation and disposal facilities for the management of menses with privacy and dignity, and insufficient guidance to help girls feel confident in attending school during menses. The studies described here aimed to examine how menarche impacts the lives of schoolgirls in three low-income countries (Ghana, Cambodia and Ethiopia). …

  9. The shrinking world of girls at puberty: violence and gender-divergent access to the public sphere among adolescents in South Africa

    Participatory mapping was undertaken with single-sex groups of grade 5 and grade 8–9 children in KwaZulu-Natal. Relative to grade 5 students, wide gender divergence in access to the public sphere was found at grade 8–9. With puberty, girls' worlds shrink, while boys' expand. At grade 5, female-defined community areas were equal or larger in size than those of males. Community area mapped by urban grade 8–9 girls, however, was only one-third that of male classmates and two-fifths that of grade 5 girls. Conversely, community area mapped by grade 8–9 boys was twice that of grade 5 boys. …

  10. Menstrual hygiene matters: training guide for practitioners

    This training guide includes eight session plans, each with a facilitation guide, four handouts, two PowerPoint presentations and two short films. …

  11. Menstruation management

    Special issue of the gender eye on menstruation management: initiatives and innovations in Uganda for the National Conference on Menstrual Hygiene Management.14th-15th August 2014.

  12. Sexuality education information for parents, families, and whānau

    This pamphlet summarises the key points about current sexuality education in New Zealand.

  13. Menstrual hygiene management (Waterlines: Journal issue)

    This issue of the journal Waterlines looks at experiences of menstrual hygiene management in schools in a number of countries.

  14. Guide book for teachers: Comprehensive school health programme

    The Comprehensive School Health Program utilities the services of the School Health Coordinators (SHC) to promote and protect the health of adolescents in schools. School Health Cordinators are expected to respond to the physical, emotional and social health needs of adolescents in schools, inform the students on health related topics, provide first aid, and also distribute emergency medicines. …

  15. WASH in schools empowers girls' education in Freetown, Sierra Leone: An assessment of menstrual hygiene management in schools

    From June through July 2012, Emory University and UNICEF collaborated in research aimed to understand the range of challenges faced by girls during menstruation in urban Freetown, as well as the determinants of those challenges. This report presents the methods, findings and key programmatic recommendations to address menstruation-related challenges among girls. More than 100 participants were engaged in eight schools and two communities, including teachers and girls, both in school and out of school.


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Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.