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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. National school health policy and implementation guidelines

    This document contains:- A description of the policy development process; - The rationale and context for the policy; - An outline of the main health needs of school-aged children; - The vision, mission, principles and main objectives; - A package of school health service activities; - A framework for monitoring and evaluation; - Implementation guidelines.

  2. The school health and nutrition health education manual

    The School Health and Nutrition Health Education Manual is a collection of lesson plans on 23 topics that make up a comprehensive School Health and Nutrition curriculum. The lessons have been grouped into six topics: - Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene; - Infectious Diseases, Including Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs); - Taking Care of Our Bodies; - Preventing Disease and Injuries; - Nutrition; - Sexual and Reproductive Health, Including HIV and AIDS Prevention.

  3. Declaration of the consultation of the Americas 2012 Ministers of Education: "A new culture of health in the school context"

    This meeting brought together the Ministers of Education and other health and education experts from fifteen Latin American and Caribbean countries to exchange experiences and successful practices that address four priority areas: obesity, lack of physical activity, substance abuse, and sexual and reproductive health.

  4. National school health strategy implementation plan 2011-2015

    This national school health strategic implementation plan aims to identify and mainstream key health interventions for improved school health and education. The strategy comprises eight thematic areas; these are: Values and life skills, Gender issues, Child rights, child protection and responsibilities, Special needs, disability and rehabilitation, Water, sanitation and hygiene, Nutrition, Disease prevention and control and School infrastructure and environmental safety. …

  5. Towards a model for research on the effects of school organizational health factors on primary school performance in Trinidad and Tobago

    This article presents a model for research on the effects of school organizational heath factors on primary school academic achievement in Trinidad and Tobago. The model can be applicable for evaluating schools in other developing countries. As proposed, the model hypothesizes relationships between external factors (exogenous variables), school-level factors (endogenous variables), and school outcomes (student achievement and positive school climate). The endogenous variables are sub-scales of school organizational health. …

  6. School health programme: A strategic approach for improving health and education in Pakistan

    This strategic document, which was produced by Pakistan’s Ministry of Education in co-operation with UNESCO, provides information pertaining to the establishment and development of school health programmes (SHP) in Pakistan as a strategic approach towards improving overall health and education. The document covers a range of issues, including: the rational and significance of a SHP; basic pillars of a SHP; health and education indicators; implications of not acting; UN support; proposed strategic actions; and desired actions at provincial and district level.

  7. Monitoring and evaluation guidance for school health part one: Eight core indicators to support FRESH

    At the World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000, international agencies agreed on a common framework for school health – FRESH (Focusing Resources on Effective School Health). Despite the huge growth in the implementation of FRESH at country- and project-level, no internationally agreed guidance on how to monitor and evaluate school health programs exist. …

  8. Positive Action for HIV in Schools in Kenya

    Although many sub-Saharan African countries that are affected by HIV and AIDS have developed education sector policies in response to the epidemic, there are still challenges in effectively addressing the issue in schools. These challenges include lack of appropriate leadership and coordination at the school level, limited training and skills update on HIV and AIDS among school-based caregivers (teachers, school nurses and matrons), absence of appropriate guidelines in some settings, and lack of coordination between the education, health and other sectors. …

  9. Schools for health, education and development: a call for action

    In 2007, the World Health Organization, together with United Nations and international organization as well as experts, met to draw upon existing evidence and practical experience from regions, countries and individual schools in promoting health through schools. The goal of the meeting was to identify current and emerging global factors affecting schools, and to help them respond more effectively to health, education and development opportunities. …

  10. A Strategy for the development of school health and nutrition in Ethiopia

    This document proposes a national strategy for school health and nutrition in Ethiopia. It is based on an extensive evidence collected during a nationwide situation analysis of school children’s health, nutrition and education conducted from July-September, 2008 through a process of visits to all of Ethiopia’s regions, literature review and conversations with a wide range of different stakeholders. Good health and nutrition are essential for learning and cognitive ability. Ensuring good health and nutrition when children are of school age can boost attendance and educational achievement. …

  11. School health, nutrition and education for all: levelling the playing field

    Providing good quality education to all children in the poorest countries of the world is not a simple task. However, improving children’s health and nutrition is one simple step that can be taken towards achieving this goal. Health and nutrition programmes offer substantial benefits to children’s education, helping them to attend school and learn while there. …

  12. An integrative review of comprehensive sex education for adolescent girls in Kenya

    Purpose: The purposes of this article are to identify and review comprehensive sex education programs (CSEPs) available to adolescent females in Kenya, East Africa, to discuss barriers to implementing CSEPs in Kenya, and to highlight the role of nurses in improving and institutionalizing available CSEPs in Kenya. Design: Integrative review. Methods: A systematic search of six databases and other Internet sources was conducted to identify CSEPs currently available to adolescent girls in Kenya. Five CSEPs were identified. The CSEPs were evaluated using established criteria. …

  13. Can we be more effective? Strengthening linkages between HIV and AIDS and education and school health and nutrition

    On November 30, 2011, the American Institutes for Research, FHI360, the Global Partnership for Education, Save the Children, and the World Bank co-hosted the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education Symposium on HIV & AIDS and education and school health and nutrition (SHN) in Washington, D.C. The symposium, "Can We Be More Effective? …

  14. In-school HIV and AIDS counselling services in Botswana: an exploratory study

    This exploratory study describes the provision of HIV & AIDS counselling services in Botswana junior secondary schools as perceived by teachers. A total of 45 teachers (age range = 20-55; teaching experience range = 0-21 years) from three schools participated. The participants completed a questionnaire on the types of HIV & AIDS-related counselling services provided in the junior secondary schools services, their self-rated HIV & AIDS counselling training needs and their perceived importance of the HIV & AIDS-related counselling services. …

  15. Health Promoting Schools Course Student Teacher Course Book

    This course book has three modules: health promoting schools, health issues in schools, HPS planning. Schools have an important role in improving the health of children and the community. Teaching about health is one way to improve health but schools can do more. Many schools are becoming Health Promoting Schools (HPS) and the Department of Education is urging all schools to become healthy and child friendly. This course is designed to help the student teacher learn how to plan, manage and implement HPS strategies in their own school. …


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