Putrajaya: Ministry of Health, 2015. 114 p.
Malaysia. Ministry of Health
The NSPEA was developed through a comprehensive consultation process, it builds on the successes of the previous strategies and addresses the challenges identified in the surveys and surveillance, in the Mid Term Review of the 2011-2015 NSP and in the consequent consultation process. It places strong emphasis on strengthening the multi-sectoral and civil
society collaboration practiced under the previous strategic plans. The priorities identified in the extensive consultation process include: 1) Intensifying testing and treatment; 2) Harm Reduction to considerably increase coverage of the Opiate Substitution Therapy and Needle and Syringe exchange; 3) Reducing sexual transmission among key populations (Sex Workers, Men having sex with men, Transgender persons, also people who use drugs) and their sexual partners, and striving to early elimination of mother to child transmission; 4) Reducing Stigma and Discrimination, and providing social protection as a cross-cutting issue for all key populations.
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