Phnom Penh: NCHADS, 2004. 12 p.
Cambodia. National Centre for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD
Cambodia. Ministry of Health
Second edition
The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to be a framework for: identifying medium-term, coherent and cohesive, cost-effective plans for shaping the response to HIV/AIDS and STIs; the preparation of annual operational plans for implementation; identification of resource needs, and gaps in available resources, both human and financial; formulating requests for assistance, that match donors' priorities and mandates, but also fit with the needs and priorities of the Government of Cambodia; coordination of activities, plans, strategies and resources of all kinds from all sources. This Strategic Plan is also intended, on the one hand to clearly spell out the role of the Ministry of Health within the overall National Strategy for the HIV/AIDS Epidemic being coordinated by the National AIDS Authority, and on the other hand, clearly identify where responding to HIV/AIDS and STIs fits into the Ministry of Health's overall Health Sector Strategy Plan for Cambodia.
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