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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. The case for addressing gender and power in sexuality and HIV education: a comprehensive review of evaluation studies

    CONTEXT: Curriculum-based sexuality and HIV education is a mainstay of interventions to prevent STIs, HIV and unintended pregnancy among young people. Evidence links traditional gender norms, unequal power in sexual relationships and intimate partner violence with negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. However, little attention has been paid to analyzing whether addressing gender and power in sexuality education curricula is associated with better outcomes. …

  2. Gender equality assessment of provincial HIV, STIs and TB strategic and operational plans in South Africa

    This Gender Equality Assessment of Provincial Strategic Plans and Provincial Operational Plans on HIV, STIs and TB within South Africa assesses provincial HIV, STI and TB responses against the HEARD and ATHENA Framework for Women, Girls and Gender Equality and the UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool for National HIV Responses. The Assessment identifies the extent to which provincial responses prioritise women, girls and gender equality by including a number of specific, evidence-informed interventions; it furthermore highlights policy and programmatic gaps and challenges within these plans. …

  3. Women living with HIV speak out against violence: A collection of essays and reflections of women living with and affected by HIV

    Violence against women and girls is an unacceptable violation of basic human rights. It also is so widespread that ending it must be a global public health priority. An estimated one in three women is beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused by an intimate partner during her lifetime. Intimate partner violence has been shown to increase the risk of HIV infection by around 50%, and violence (and the fear of violence) deters women and girls from seeking services for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

  4. Violences de genre en milieu scolaire (VGMS). Vadémécum sur la recherche au sujet des violences de genre en milieu scolaire en Afrique : mesurer, comprendre, rendre visible

    Ce document est basé sur les résultats d’une discussion en ligne au sujet des recherches sur les violences de genre en milieu scolaire qui a eu lieu en février 2013, animée par Genre en Action. Les éléments échangés sont complétés par des éléments de littérature (voir bibliographie) et par les travaux du groupe de travail « violences de genre en milieu scolaire ».

  5. Addressing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in education programming. DFID guidance note

    This two-part guidance note is part of a series of DFID guidance notes on VAWG. It focuses specifically on how to address VAWG in education programming, where DFID aims to make progress towards two key impacts: 1. Girls and boys gain valuable knowledge, skills and self-confidence through education in gender-responsive environments free from all forms of violence or threat of violence; 2. Education systems, through formal and informal settings, actively contribute to the development of more gender-equitable societies, where VAWG is not tolerated. …

  6. On Course: Mainstreaming gender into national HIV strategies and plans. A Roadmap

    On Course will assist governments, civil society and other HIV actors to make clear, concerted and sustainable efforts to address multi-dimensional gender and human rights issues in their national HIV efforts and support increased capacity to achieve gender equality results. On Course is designed to be used in a multiplicity of HIV strategy and planning contexts, whether standalone, integrated into the health sector plans, or developed as elements of other national plans and process (development plans, poverty reduction plans, gender action plans, etc.).

  7. Projet de prévention du VIH/SIDA chez les femmes et les filles dans les zones urbaines et rurales en République du Congo : Rapport d'évaluation finale

    En dépit des efforts du Gouvernement et des organisations de la société civile, notamment des associations féminines, le risque d’infection au VIH en République du Congo reste élevé. L’enquête de séroprévalence nationale réalisée en 2003 a révélé un taux de prévalence de 4,2% au niveau national, avec une tendance à la féminisation de la pandémie (4,7% chez les femmes contre 3,6% chez les hommes). De ce constat est né le « Projet de Prévention du VIH/SIDA chez les femmes et les filles dans les zones urbaines et rurales en République du Congo ». …

  8. The gender and human rights analysis of the national multisectoral strategic HIV and AIDS framework 2009-2014

    This document presents the blueprint of renewed and revitalised commitment to gender and human rights mainstreaming within the National Multisectoral Strategic HIV and AIDS framework of 2009 to 2014. It is about moving from the rhetoric on gender, human rights and HIV and AIDS to operationalising gender mainstreaming in all the sectors. As such this handbook should be read together with the National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS. It addresses the interconnectedness of HIV and AIDS response and addresses gender inequalities. …

  9. Safe Schools Program: Final report

    The Safe Schools Program (Safe Schools) was a five-year initiative (2003-2008) funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Office of Women in Development and implemented by DevTech Systems, Inc. (DevTech). This program was at the forefront of defining, understanding and addressing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). In 2003, gender-based violence in schools was considered a significant obstacle both to achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals, and to reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS. …

  10. Being LGBT in Asia: Nepal country report. A participatory review and analysis of the legal and social environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons and civil society

    This report reviews the legal and social environment for LGBT people and organizations in Nepal alongside the discussions and findings from the Nepal National LGBTI Community Dialogue held in Kathmandu in April 2014. It provides an overview of LGBT rights as related broadly to human rights conventions and laws, the legal environment and socio-cultural environment, and religion; and more specifically to education, employment, family affairs, health, media, political affairs and the capacity of LGBT organizations. …

  11. Addressing school-related gender-based violence

    International campaigns aimed at increasing access to schooling worldwide have led to unprecedented numbers of children attending school in recent years. As more students attend school, what happens in and around schools becomes more of a concern. Students experiencing harm on the basis of their sex is emerging as a systemic form of violence and this violence is having an adverse effect on students’ learning experiences and their health and well-being. …

  12. Educating girls: Creating a foundation for positive sexual and reproductive health behaviors

    Investments that promote keeping girls in school, particularly in secondary school, have far-reaching and long-term health and development benefits for individuals, families, and communities. The purpose of this brief is to describe the relationship of girls’ education on family planning and reproductive health and behaviors; highlight evidence-based practices that increase girls’ enrollment, retention, and participation in school; and provide recommendations for how the health sector can support keeping girls in school.

  13. Hear our voices

    Thousands of girls claim they are embarrassed and ashamed to express the everyday injustices and threats of sexual violence they face, in ‘Hear Our Voices’ - one of the largest studies of adolescent girls’ rights of its kind. Plan International spoke directly with more than 7,000 girls and boys aged 12 to 16 in 11 countries across the world, as part of its Because I am a Girl campaign for girls’ rights. The study’s results bring the daily realities of girls into vivid colour. …

  14. Gender-responsive HIV programming for women and girls

    This guidance note is intended to guide countries on how to include a gender perspective and promote equality and human rights for women and girls in their national HIV responses, drawing upon the latest technical developments, guidelines and investment approaches. The inclusion of a gender perspective for women and girls into national HIV responses is important because they continue to be profoundly affected by HIV. As such, addressing their needs is a prerequisite to effectively responding to the epidemic. …

  15. Diversity in school

    Diversity in School offers training on gender, sexuality, and ethnic (race) relations for teaching professionals. The resource, originally delivered in Brazil, was the result of a partnership between the Brazilian Government’s Special Secretariat for Policies on Women, the Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Policies on Racial Equality (SEPPIR/PR), the Brazilian Ministry of Education, the British Council and the Latin American Centre on Sexuality and Human Rights. Diversity in School was successfully piloted in six cities in Brazil in 2006, involving 1,200 teachers. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.