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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Policy analysis tool: Addressing gender-based violence and integrating attention to engaging men and boys for gender equality in national strategic plans on HIV and AIDS

    Policy analysis tool: Addressing gender-based violence and integrating attention to engaging men and boys for gender equality in national strategic plans on HIV and AIDS

  2. Innovative uses of communication technology for HIV programming for MSM and TG populations

    This paper is a summary report of a two-day technical consultation whose goal was to provide a forum for key stakeholders in HIV research, programming, implementation, and evaluation to take stock of important developments in the field and develop strategies to improve communication technology for enhanced HIV services. During the meeting, which was co-sponsored by the U.S. …

  3. Mainstreaming Gender in HIV Responses in Kenya: National Action Plan 2009/10 – 2012/13

    The objective of this National Action Plan is to facilitate stakeholders to mainstream gender dimensions in the designs, plans, structures and processes of policies, financing mechanisms, programmes, monitoring, evaluation and research frameworks as they respond to the epidemic. The plan provides a framework for improved and accelerated response, coordination and monitoring of the intersecting gender issues within the national response to HIV during the period 2009/10 – 212/13.

  4. Gender Audit of the National Response to HIV and AIDS, Kenya

    The overall objective of the assignment was to audit the national HIV and AIDS response from a gender-sensitive standpoint. The audit was to be done with special attention inclined to the structures and processes through which programmes and interventions are prioritized, planned, monitored, evaluated and resourced. The audit findings were expected to provide national guidance for effective gender integration in the processes for delivery of results as espoused in the KNASP III. Key outcomes of this report include: 1. …

  5. Gender operational plan for the HIV response in Tanzania Mainland

    The vision of this Operational Plan is ‘Tanzania is united in its efforts to reduce the spread of HIV and provide the best available care for women, men, girls and boys infected with or affected by the virus.’ Its mission is 'Guiding and safeguarding the intensification and scaling up of gender sensitive quality HIV & AIDS prevention, care, treatment, support and impact mitigation programs and interventions within a framework of a well-coordinated national multisectoral response programme led by Central Governments, anchored at the Local Government Authorities, rooted in communities and active …

  6. Education and risky sex in Africa: Unraveling the link between women’s education and reproductive health behaviors in Kenya

    Much research attention has been devoted to understanding the relationship between education and riskier sex-related behaviors and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. While in the early 1990s researchers found that increases in education were associated with a higher incidence of HIV/AIDS, this relationship appears to have reversed and better educated people, especially women, appear less likely to engage in riskier sex-related behaviors and have a lower incidence rate of HIV/AIDS. …

  7. Strengthening gender based violence and HIV response in sub-Saharan Africa. Report of workshop organised by Liverpool VCT, Care and treatment (LVCT), World Health Organization (WHO) and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI)

    The Regional Workshop on Strengthening Gender Based Violence and HIV Response and Services in Sub-Saharan Africa was organized jointly by Liverpool VCT, Care and Treatment (LVCT), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI). It was supported by Comic Relief through Trocaire, the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, the Elton John AIDS Foundation, and Population Council. …

  8. Is There a Gender Gap in the HIV Response? Evaluating National HIV Responses From the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Country Reports

    Background: The Declaration of Commitment of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS), in 2001, sets out several policy and programmatic commitments that pertain to women and the gender aspects of the HIV epidemic. Some of them are general, whereas others are more specific and include time-bounded targets. This article summarizes data on policies and strategies affecting women and men equity in access to antiretroviral treatment and other HIV services, as reported by countries but do not address other issues of gender, such as men having sex with men. …

  9. Regional consultation on sexuality education and gender with a focus on reaching adolescent girls. Meeting report

    In July 2011, UNFPA, UNESCO and UNICEF jointly organised the Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Sexuality Education and Gender, with a Special Focus on Adolescent Girls. The meeting offered a platform for countries to share their evidence and experience and gain information and tools on how to effectively invest resources in sexuality education programs and policies. There was a special focus on how to reach adolescent girls – both in terms of sexuality education but also in wider development priorities. …

  10. Women hold up half the sky - and half the burden of the HIV epidemic

    The HIV burden on women is dramatically higher in some regions, certain age groups and among marginalized groups, such as female sex workers. Women’s vulnerability to HIV is exacerbated by gender inequality and domestic violence. The global effort towards elimination of paediatric HIV and keeping mothers alive deserves applause. However, the needs of women go beyond their child-bearing age or potentials and/or reproductive desires and must be recognized in the global HIV agenda. In particular, more female-controlled prevention tools are urgently required to allow women to protect themselves.

  11. Are there any disparities between girls and boys in the response of the education sector to HIV and AIDS? Assessment of educational HIV/AIDS prevention programmes applied by SACMEQ III countries

    This paper aims to assess whether the goals of the in-school programmes on prevention of HIV and AIDS that are taught in primary schools of 15 national ministries of education in Southern and Eastern Africa have been reached equitably between boys and girls by the end of primary education. One feature of most of these ministries is that they are in countries that are the hardest hit by a general HIV epidemic. More specifically, the paper aims to analyse schoolboys’ and schoolgirls’ general knowledge about HIV and AIDS. …

  12. The Youth to Youth Initiative – an assessment of results in Ethiopia and Kenya

    This report, commissioned by the Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), brings out findings of an external assessment of the Youth-to-Youth (Y2Y) Initiative in Ethiopia and Kenya. The aim was to assess the results of the Y2Y-Initiative for young people with an emphasis on gender equality in the project regions both at individual level for participating young women and men as well as at the level of potentially changed perceptions of, and attitudes towards young people, in particular women, in their social environment.

  13. Economic status, education and risky sexual behavior for urban Botswana women

    This study investigated the relationship between economic status, education and risky sexual behavior for urban Botswana women. The data used are a nationally representative sample from the Botswana AIDS Impact Survey conducted in 2004. An un-weighted sample of 2215 women aged 15-49, who have had sexual intercourse was considered for analysis. Both bivariate and multivariate analyses are used to gain insights into the potential linkages between economic status, education and risky sexual behavior. …

  14. Zanzibar gender mainstreaming operational plan

    This Zanzibar gender operational plan is a follow up to implement the recommended strategies which were contained in the gender and HIV&AIDS; publication. …

  15. Because I am a girl. Progress and obstacles to girls' education in Africa. Africa report 2012

    This report presents the difficulties faced by girls, their families, communities and teachers across Africa, and how their experience of education is impacted and influenced by policies, cultural practices and traditional values.


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.