On 14 December, 2016, on the occasion of the Annual Review Meeting between UNESCO and Norway on extrabudgetary cooperation, Norway underlined the importance of UNESCO’s normative role and its relevance today, as factors to enable development work.
In particular, Norway expressed its appreciation for the good work led by UNESCO relating to the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education, recognizing UNESCO’s leadership in this area.
Norway also expressed its appreciation for UNESCO’s work relating to freedom of expression and safety of journalists, protecting cultural heritage and oceans.
In its feedback to UNESCO on reporting during the previous year, Norway stressed that UNESCO as an Organization was highly relevant to Norway, and note was taken of the high standing UNESCO enjoys with developing countries. Norway recalled that when Norway’s global education initiative was launched in 2013, UNESCO was one of the natural partners, especially in light of its convening power and normative leadership.
Norway saw progress in the financial and narrative reporting by UNESCO while also noting that reporting towards results must improve. Recalling Norway’s financial support for a number strategically significant corporate evaluations of UNESCO’s education work, Norway emphasized the importance of ensuring implementation of the recommendations.