iSimangaliso has partnered with race organisers Zululand Multisports Club (ZMSC) and the St Lucia Rate Payers for the iSimangaliso St Lucia Half Marathon. The 21.1km and 10km races are registered with KZN Athletics and entrants for these races must be 15 years old or older, and there is also a race for younger children.

The St Lucia Half is one of three challenges iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority is hosting with collaborating partners to raise money for rhino and endangered species conservation in the Park and to create unique visitor experiences. "The events enable environmentally responsible interactive exploration and fun within this incredibly versatile Park," says CEO Andrew Zaloumis. "The other events are mountain bike (MTB) and surf-ski challenges. We are partnering with different specialist partners in each field to create professional and unique products. It is our aim to grow the eco-friendly ways in which locals and visitors alike experience and enjoy iSimangaliso."

Chairman of St Lucia Ratepayers Julius Snyman said that the Association is excited to be partnering with iSimangaliso Authority in developing tourism opportunities for the mutual benefit of the town and World Heritage site. "Working together and pooling our efforts, we can create huge opportunities with this and future sporting events. We aim to make St Lucia a must-see destination for many different reasons."

"The end is in sight for iSimangaliso's conservation vision to create one contiguous ecological area from the Lebombo Mountains in uMkhuze to the 120km-long Sodwana Bay to St Lucia coastal sections of the Park, in order to re-establish historically occurring game populations and restore the ancient migratory routes of eland, buffalo and rhino from the mountains to the sea. Reintroduction of these species as well as oribi, cheetah and wild dog, some absent for over 100 years, is well underway. It is also vital to continue with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife's excellent monitoring and anti-poaching efforts within the Park to ensure preservation for future generations."

Contact Zelmarie Mans at for more information.