Conclusions and Recommendations as adopted by the participating States Parties

National Coordinators from Russia, Ukraine and representatives of the national coordinators from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus participated in the International Training Workshop for the preparation of the Periodic Reporting exercise. All the participating countries need to fill in Section I of the Report concerning the implementation of the World Heritage Convention on the protection of Cultural and Natural heritage. Besides the World Natural Heritage sites, the Russian Federation is to submit Section II of the Periodic Report for 8 World Cultural Heritage sites; Armenia 1, Georgia 3 and Ukraine 2. The Russian Federation was represented at the Workshop by site managers (representatives of museum-reserves) and officials from local authorities in charge of monument protection. Officials from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the National Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the UNESCO Moscow Office and UNESCO's World Heritage Centre also participated in the Workshop. Altogether, 35 specialists took part in the International Training Workshop.

Participants of the Workshop expressed their gratitude to the Russian National Committee for World Heritage for the organization of the workshop, and to UNESCO World Heritage Centre for their participation. The workshop emphasized the urgency of the theme in the context of the submission of the periodic reporting to the World Heritage Committee.

Representatives of the World Heritage Centre explained the process of the Periodic Reporting exercise as adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 1998, and gave presentations on the work of the World Heritage Centre, the Periodic Reporting format as well as the results of the training workshop organised in Vilm, Germany, in August 2003. The Russian Federation and the CIS participants provided information on the current site management structures and legal  and regulatory documents related to the identification, management and monitoring of conservation of the World Heritage sites in Russia and CIS countries.

The Participants of the Workshop highlighted the following general points:

  1. Financial problems related to management and preservation of the World Heritage sites in the region.
  2. The need to intensify awareness-building efforts and ensure a greater involvement of general public and authorities of all levels in the preservation of the World Heritage.
  3. Insufficient number and coverage of legal and regulatory documents regarding World Heritage and methods of site management.
  4. Insufficient financing of restoration, management and protection of the World Heritage at the federal, regional and local level. The Workshop has stressed the need to use the potential of international, as well as national funds for protection of cultural heritage, to finance the protection and restoration activities at the World Heritage sites.
  5. The need to address the issues of training and refresher courses for the staff involved in management and preservation of World Heritage sites, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and other regulating documents of UNESCO, and also the issues of exchange of information and documentation on the World Heritage between CIS countries in Russian.
  6. The possibility to introduce new types of sites that can be inscribed on the World Heritage List, in particular, XX century sites and industrial architecture sites.
  7. The participants of the Workshop call on UNESCO World Heritage Center and World Heritage Committee to note the difficulties in preservation of historic centers of cities and settlements, and the submission to the World Heritage List, since they are growing urban areas that should meet the current life standards. In this context, the concept of "buffer zone" should be clarified for these sites, as well as for other World Heritage sites.
  8. The need to address the issue of developing express-diagnostics methods of the physical state of monument and formats for periodic national monitoring for the World Heritage sites, including application of photo-grammetric methods for measuring of monuments.

The Participants of  the Workshop have also recommended the following:

  1. To set up a coordination Group, which is to include the national coordinators from the CIS Participant countries of this Workshop, for the coordination of the national and sub-regional Periodic Report Exercise on the World Cultural Heritage.
  2. To establish the Russian National Working Group for the preparation of the Periodic Reports on the World Cultural Heritage Sites situated on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    • Mr. Makovetsky I. - National Coordinator for the Periodic Report Exercise.
    • Mr. Rabotkevich A.
    • Ms. Potapova N.
    • Ms. Snopkova N.
    • Mr. Udovichenko V.
    • Ms. Taratynova O.
    • Ms. Slunkova I.
    • Ms. Averjanova E.
    • Mr. Grinev N.
    • Ms. Aksenova A.
    • Ms. Kolesnikova L.
    • Mr. Lopatkin M.
  3. To organize working groups in the CIS countries for the preparation of Periodic Reports on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.
  4. The participants from the Russian Federation agreed with the timeframe for submitting the Periodic Report, which was proposed by the Russian World Heritage Committee:
    • I. September, 2003. The International Workshop for the Preparation of the UNESCO Periodic Reports on the implementation of the Convention in Russia and the European CIS countries.
    • II. April, 2004. The International Workshop on editing Sections I and II of the Periodic Reports according to the UNESCO Format.
    • III. June, 2004. Submission of Section I of the Periodic Reports on World Cultural Heritage Sites of Russia to the Russian National Committee for the World Heritage.
    • IV. November, 2004. Submission of Section II of the Periodic Report on the World Cultural Heritage of Russia to the Russian National Committee for the World Heritage.
    • V. December, 2004. Submission of Section I of the Periodic Report of the Russian Federation to the UNESCO World Heritage Center.
    • VI. March 2005. Submission of Section II of the Periodic Report on Cultural Heritage of the Russian Federation to the UNESCO World Heritage Center.
    • VII. In the near future the Russian National Committee for World Cultural and Natural Heritage under the National Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO will organise a special session on the conclusions and recommendations of this International workshop inviting specialists involved in the preparation of the UNESCO periodic reports for cultural and natural sites to elaborate the coordination steps. The representatives of Ministry of Natural Resources and other governmental and public organisation working in the field of the World Natural Heritage in Russian will be invited.
  5. The other participating countries of this Workshop are advised to set up their timetable for the submission of their Periodic Reports on World Cultural Heritage.
    The coordination effort between the Russian Federation and the CIS countries will aim at producing a sub-regional analysis. This sub-regional report, which is not an obligation according to the official format for Periodic Reporting but is encouraged by the 1972 Convention, could be coordinated by the Russian National Committee for World Heritage.
  6. The Russian participants of the Workshop entrust the Russian World Heritage Committee, the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to call on the Government of the Russian Federation to allocate funds for the Periodic Report Exercise, which are partly to be financed by the Parts of the Russian Federation in whose territories World Cultural Heritage Sites are situated.
  7. The participants of the Workshop request the World Heritage Committee (World Heritage Fund) and the World Heritage Center to consider the possibility of financing a regional workshop of the CIS Countries on Periodic Reporting. It has been proposed by the participants to schedule this Workshop for April, 2004.
  8. The Participants of the Workshop note that there is an urgent need to establish the East European CIS Countries Center for the Preservation of World Cultural Heritage on the basis of UNESCO Chair (Moscow). They also request the World Heritage Center to expedite the decision on the creation of the East European Center, which was basically approved by the World Heritage Center.
  9. To request the Russian World Heritage Committee to circulate among the Participants of the Workshop the "Questionnaire on Periodic Report Exercise" and to consider the possibility of translating it into Russian.
  10. To pay special attention to the definition and interpretation of the "buffer zone" concept in the Periodic Report Exercise. To entrust the Russian World Heritage Committee in obtaining an explanation from the World Heritage Committee on the definition of a "buffer zone" and informing the participating countries on this matter.
  11. To use the web-site of the UNESCO Chair in Urban and Architectural Conservation (Moscow) for rendering group consultations by experts to the Workshop Participants, as well as for communication on the Periodic Report Exercises between the participating countries. The representatives of the participating countries are aware that information on Periodic Reporting can also be obtained from UNESCO's web page