Ministry of Education, 2014. 48 p.
Translated title:
Decreasing school-related violence against children in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan. Ministry of Education
UNESCO Office Almaty
Violence occurs in many schools in Central Asia. It is often gender-based, targets the most vulnerable and remains unattended. To develop educators' skills in preventing and responding to violence UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan has produced three training modules. Decreasing school-related violence against children in Kyrgyzstan module facilitates better understanding of the nature and manifestation of violence in school, its causes and risk factors. It helps teachers challenge stereotypes, attitudes and practices which reinforce violence and gender-based violence in particular. The module promotes a comprehensive approach to violence prevention and response. Numerous group exercises and role plays help teachers develop skills for violence detection, prevention and response.
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