Convention |
Date of deposit
Type of deposit
Convention against Discrimination in Education. Paris, 14 December 1960. |
Notification of succession |
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of any Disputes which may Arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education. Paris, 10 December 1962. |
Notification of succession |
Convention concerning the Exchange of Official Publications and Government Documents between States. Paris, 3 December 1958. |
Notification of succession |
Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials, with Annexes A to E and Protocol annexed. Florence, 17 June 1950. |
Notification of succession |
Convention concerning the International Exchange of Publications. Paris, 3 December 1958. |
Acceptance |
Agreement for Facilitating the International Circulation of Visual and Auditory Materials of an Educational, Scientific and Cultural character with Protocol of Signature and model form of certificate provided for in Article IV of the above-mentioned Agreement. Beirut, 10 December 1948. |
Accession |
Universal Copyright Convention, with Appendix Declaration relating to Article XVII and Resolution concerning Article XI. Geneva, 6 September 1952. |
Accession |
Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Paris, 16 November 1972. |
Acceptance |
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region. Paris, 21 December 1979. |
Ratification |
International Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States bordering on the Mediterranean. Nice, 17 December 1976. |
Ratification |
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat. Ramsar, 2 February 1971. |
Accession |
Protocol to amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat. Paris, 3 December 1982. |
Accession |
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Lisbon, 11 April 1997. |
Ratification |
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Paris, 20 October 2005 |
Accession |
International Convention against Doping in Sport. Paris, 19 October 2005 |
Ratification |