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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. HIV and young transgender people. Technical brief

    This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young transgender people. …

  2. Including lesbian, gay and bisexual students in school policies: guidelines for principals

    In 2009 the Department of Education and Skills and GLEN – Gay and Lesbian Equality Network issued guidance to schools on sexual orientation issues - Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Students: Guidance for Principals and School Leader. The guidelines suggest that school policies should expressly include reference to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students. To complement the Guidance and to support the recommended inclusion of LGBT students NAPD and GLEN have developed this resource with the cooperation of the Department of Education and Skills.

  3. From statehouse to schoolhouse: Anti-bullying policy efforts in U.S. states and school districts

    From Statehouse to Schoolhouse: Anti-Bullying Policy Efforts in U.S. States and School Districts fills an important gap in our understanding by examining: The prevalence of anti-bullying policies in all U.S. …

  4. Asia-Pacific consultation on school bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression, 15-17 June 2015, Bangkok, Thailand: meeting report

    In December 2011 UNESCO convened an international consultation to address school bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression with ministries and departments of education and academia from more than 25 countries, UN agencies, and non-government organizations (NGOs). The findings of the consultation were combined into a publication entitled Education Sector Responses to Homophobic Bullying. …

  5. Ending violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people

    Joint statement from twelve United Nations entities calling for an end to violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. The joint statement highlights the UN’s inter-agency commitment on working with Member States to protect, respect and fulfil the right of LGBTI people to live free from violence, persecution, discrimination and stigma. It also calls on countries to repeal discriminatory laws.

  6. Montenegrin educational policy and sexual orientation: representation of LGBT topics in school curricula and textbooks

    The analysis focuses on treatment of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) phenomenon in Montenegrin course curricula and textbooks for primary and secondary schools. Objectives of the analysis: 1. Quantitatively and qualitatively, through the method of content analysis, determine treatment of LGBT phenomena in established and approved course curricula and textbooks. 2. Examine democratic features of the educational system through an overview of strategic regulations and documents governing education and textbook policy. 3. …

  7. LGBTI rights: an activity pack for teachers of children and young people

    This resource enables teachers to explore the human rights of sexual minority groups with children and young people. LGBTI stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people. These activities are designed to enable young people to use language positively, to celebrate diversity and tolerance. Teachers of primary, secondary and FE students can look at the suggested age-range of each activity and select appropriately for their students. Activities meet statutory curricular requirements across the UK.

  8. Development of a nationally coordinated evaluation plan for the Ghana National Strategy for Key Populations

    Objective: Just as HIV prevention programs need to be tailored to the local epidemic, so should evaluations be country-owned and country-led to ensure use of those results in decision making and policy. The objective of this paper is to describe the process undertaken in Ghana to develop a national evaluation plan for the Ghana national strategy for key populations. Methods: This was a participatory process that involved meetings between the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC), other partners in Ghana working to prevent HIV among key populations, and MEASURE Evaluation. …

  9. Strengthening support to LGBTIQ adolescents: policy report on the rationale and scope for strengthening support to adolescents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or questioning

    This policy report forms one part of a broader scoping exercise on why and how Plan International could strengthen its programme, advocacy and institutional support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning (LGBTIQ) adolescents. The scoping exercise also included mapping and analysing the legal, social and other challenges and opportunities facing LGBTIQ adolescents in the world. …

  10. (Re)connaître pour mieux agir : homophobie - lesbophobie - biphobie - transphobie

    Brochure à destination des professionnels et bénévoles associatifs travaillant auprès de tout(e) étudiant(e) s’interrogeant sur son orientation sexuelle et/ou son identité de genre.

  11. Peer education training module: skills building for MSM and transgender population to fight against HIV (in Bengali)

    Peer education training module: skills building for MSM and transgender population to fight against HIV (in Bengali)

  12. National student sexual health HIV knowledge, attitude and behaviour survey: focussing on student men who have sex with men at fourteen higher education institutions in South Africa

    The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS), in partnership with Networking HIV/AIDS Community of South Africa (NACOSA) and funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, undertook research among students at higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa to explore their knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in relation to sexual health and HIV. The sample comprised both male and female students, and specifically included male students who have sex with men. …

  13. Homophobic bullying in Lithuanian schools: survey results and recommendations

    The purpose of this study is to assess teachers’ attitudes regarding homophobia and homophobic bullying. This study also aims to learn about teachers’ needs and their experience with the issue of homophobia in their daily work.

  14. Scan of law and policies affecting human rights, discrimination and access to HIV and health services by key populations in Pakistan

    The Scan of Laws and Policies Affecting Human Rights, Discrimination and Access to HIV and Health Services by Key Populations in Pakistan identifies the current status of legislation, policies, institutional frameworks in Pakistan that safeguard the universal human rights of the key affected populations with regard to the HIV prevention, care and treatment. …

  15. Being LGBT in Asia: Nepal country report. A participatory review and analysis of the legal and social environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons and civil society

    This report reviews the legal and social environment for LGBT people and organizations in Nepal alongside the discussions and findings from the Nepal National LGBTI Community Dialogue held in Kathmandu in April 2014. It provides an overview of LGBT rights as related broadly to human rights conventions and laws, the legal environment and socio-cultural environment, and religion; and more specifically to education, employment, family affairs, health, media, political affairs and the capacity of LGBT organizations. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.